I just wanna be muscular ;-;
Inspire me not to be a fatty
I just wanna be muscular ;-;
Inspire me not to be a fatty
>inspire me
Fuck you, go die of your fatass disease. We aren't your mom or your life coach.
Wtf you gotta discipline yourself niggah wtf
do it for zyzz
Keep going, this is what want.
I wanna join a gym but like.... Self esteem and shit
And I wanna do it for zyzz
I would actually prefer if you died.
Sadness, even random a just want me to die
How does one joint a gym... Really new at this and to autistic
literally just walk in and talk to whoever is on staff. make sure to have a credit/debit card with you as some gyms don't take cash.
what are you worried about? Your status? Nigga that can always change, and even then it's pointless and arbitrary. You're there to accomplish a goal for yourself. Do that goal. Go up in weights. That's your fucking goal. We're all gonna make it breh
I dont want you to die user!
Lets make it together!
You're FTM, right?
Saved to my "retards of Veeky Forums" folder, btw.
Hmm look up a combination diet between your ancestors.
Are you Filipino or Mexican? Ever have your ancestry checked?
Try to figure out what your ancestors ate for most of their existence in their natural habitat. That's probably what's best. Whatever pre-agriculture diet they had if you can figure it out. Anthropologists may know.
If not just try different things and see whats best.
Look on the bright side. You're so fat that you can lose weight by just not eating the same amount of food that you've been eating so far. You can lose a lot of weight just by changing your diet up. That's a lot easier than going athlete mode.
320 (380 peak)
Acid reflux a dozen times a day
230 (200 goal)
"Perfectly Average" blood results at 20%bf
Honestly, you're ugly as fuck, you should just kill yourself. even working out can't help you
6'5 wtf im mirin
Went from 34x32 jeans to 52x32 jeans and I'm back to 34x32. 2xl shirts were too small and I'm in LT shirts now. Likely had the beetus with my 6l coke a day, but idk. Cardio+kitchen is how you lose weight, gym is only for building muscle. You either want change or don't, and what food you buy says it more than you ever could.
6'5" with a goal of 200?
enjoy being a skeleton
That's cut goal, I'll clean bulk after and see where I feel near 220lbs. One goal at a time.
>cutting at 20% bf
just recomp, you're already light for your height now. If anything you need to be like 240 to even look decent
t, 6'5" fag
Focus on the diabetes first. Granted, I don’t know if it’s type 1 or 2 but I will assume that it’s type 2 because you are my height, 12 years younger, and outweigh me by 95 pounds.
You have no idea how much better you will feel once you get your diabetes under wrap. No more shakes or anxiety, no feeling tired and confused, just normal and even. You will have control of yourself again. And that combined with more confidence of your looks is life changing.
Just imagine how you want to look and how you want to feel, and realize that the only thing stopping you from getting it is you. If you blame others for the way you eat or your lack of exercise then you need to understand how weak and easily influenced you are, stop letting others guide your life.
However, you are only 5’6” and should add in some hanging neck stretches with a rope, do one set to failure every lifetime.