Opposite of veganism

What the fuck happens, if you do nothing but eat meat? What happens if you eat literally just meat and train your ass off?

Do you turn into a fucking predator, or what?

Other urls found in this thread:


after a while you would actually become unhealthy because of all the saturated fats. would probably be hard to shit as well.
although idk bc i dont think anyone has done it the same way vegans have

Even if you busted out hardcore HIIT?

as a counter measure you mean?
well, if you ate only read meat im sure it would be bad. but if you included all other meats(pork, poultry, fish, etc) it might be alright

I'm thinking like every animal in my motherfucking eco system my nigga. I want to eat them all.

To get more carbohydrates from red meat, eat it raw or partly fermented.

You're gonna get heart disease and a load of other diseases easier, and will lack in nutrients if all you'll eat is meat.

Of which the chance for that is lower as a vegan.

There are plenty of blogs by people who eat exclusively meat, some only eat it raw.

That sounds metal as fuck.

The meat-only dieters actually have the opposite problem, eating large quantities of organs (extremely high in vitamins) can lead to toxicity

Ultimately colon cancer or severe, irreversible constipation. Even natural meat eaters, like lions, also eat the contents of their prey's intestines and get fiber that way. Just add nondescript greens.

Take a look at Inuit Cuisine


>lifting with no glycogen
enjoy some of the worst gym days of your life

I couldn't imagine that you'd actually need that much to get by.

Will you still build tho, senpai?

Unless the person pisses normally

I heard carnivores have issues with frailty. Because the diets I've heard of is like 4 lbs of meat a day, and allot of people just can't get through all of it. They stop and get too full. They end up not eating enough because they are completely satiated with smaller amounts of food.

You'll make glycogen from the excess protein, though.

i love how every idiot here speaks totally out of his ass

Traditional diet Inuit don't seem to have much problem with that, and they're lucky if they get vegetable matter 4 months of the year.

They suffer much lower rates of heart disease and cancer than modern diet Inuit as well.

The key is eating a lot of their food raw.

It's such a random mixture of answers because plenty of people have tried meat, but how many have actually done JUST meat besides like Sami, Inuit, and that one tribe in africa thats like 6ft on average.

Raw meat has loads of carbohydrates, expecially marine mammal skin.
Your liver also processes more from protein.

I never knew that, we should research some other human populations known to almost exclusively eat meat.


No it doesn't

Where do you think your body stores glycogen?

What do you think glycogen is?

Post carb content of raw meat

Other meats have more, particularly non-skeletal muscle tissue from marine mammals

Raw meat doesnt have any more than cooked meat. Do you think heating it up just makes the glucose evaporate?

>1g carb per 149g of meat
>"loads of carbohydrates"
Fuck outta here

I'm not a vegan, but I agree when those plant based doctors say we most likely ate a diet very high in starches from root vegetables. If you want a real primal diet eat heaps of red meat and every kind of carrot, beetroot and potato you can get your hands on

I never said loads, That was some other guy.

But there is some, and your body does process fat into glycogen as well.

Besides, he's claiming seal skin, not beef filet. This is just the first thing I could find. Raw beef liver is comparatively rich in carbohydrates, apparently. Obviously not like Corn is, but for meat, I mean.

>not knowing that the body changes to using fat for glycogenesis instead of carbohydrates

Anabolic diet is a thing, although it does have a short period of carb loading every week to get the easy glycogen.

root vegetables were not nearly as altered as they are today, you should look up old apples compared to modern ones.
You got the root part right, enjoy eat lots of dirty roots for carbs.


Best non-flesh thing to eat, period.

Steam them and mash them, with salt and pepper, you don't really even need butter.

If you just ate meat and assorted offals from various animals you could get by with enough vitamins and minerals. Your shits would smell like actual death and would be pretty hard to pass though.

Your body is almost never going to process fat into glycogen actually. The only part that can be used for gluconeogenisis is the glycerol, the rest will be converted to atp via beta oxidation. If you are turning glycerol into glucose it probably means you have burned through all the accessable glycogen and you body it trying to maintain blood sugar levels, so unless something is funky you arent going to re-store that glucose as glycogen.


Literally today's Joe Rogan podcast.

I'm no longer an onion boy, I'm a meat man.

>I never said loads, That was some other guy.
You responded in defense of his post.
How much does fucking seal skin have then?

You'd likely get sick as hell after a while.

Did Alex Jones also talk about this? I only trust him.

Alex knows about the apex predator diet

Consider me convinced. Time to throw those shit veggies, fruits and grains out!

Humans are carnivores.
It's no coincidence that the UN and the media promotes a vegan diet.
The religion of veganism is to keep everyone
docile and weak.
Vegans are also the biggest supporters
of pharmaceutical corporations.

Vegans wont admit:
Life comes from death


I like how you think.
I'm a meat man from now on

There's vegan strongman and bodybuilders who is bigger and stronger than everyone in Veeky Forums.

>everybody thinks I'm an idiot because I'm actually right

There are meat-eating strongmen and bodybuilders who are bigger and stronger than everyone on Veeky Forums as well.
The thing is, for every vegan bodybuilder, there's 20 that eat meat or strictly eat meat.

This is a poor argument on your part anyway, because vegans HAVE to take synthetics or supplements in order to stay healthy and see progress. This is especially true for weight lifters.
Don't forget steroids.

Vegans are not only weak, but mentally retarded as well.


Don't do it, OP. I tried it and after two weeks it felt like my throat was rotting, I was coughing up white greyish looking stuff. I binged on oranges and felt like a million bucks a few days later.

A heavy meat diet can work but you really need to make sure you have vegetables or fruits to accompany it. There are too many phytonutrients that you'll be missing out on otherwise.

Inuit gained a small adaptation to eating large quantities of meat for so long. Comparing them to average people is junk science.

it's possible if you went keto and got your vitamins from wild game offal

>What the fuck happens, if you do nothing but eat meat?

You get colon cancer and die by age 25.

vitamin A poisoning will kill you if you eat too much liver. it is fat soluble so you don't piss it out

The difference between them and the Veeky Forums casuals is roids

Probably nothing for a year or two but you would start to see a few problems such as vit D and other vitamin and mineral deficiencies, also lack of vit C would probably turn your teeth to shit

Likely to get constipated die to lack of fibre, you probably wouldn’t be hitting your calorie intake as meat has fairly little calories unless ofcourse you’re having rather fatty cuts

Also are you including fish in meat? If you ate meat and fish you would delay most deficiencies by years but still you might feel sluggish due to low carbs and low calorie intake, if you eat often enough the fat you just ingested would be your only fuel but even this would take a while to affect you like 6 month min

There’s probably nothing wrong with eating only meat and fish as long as you have some fatty cuts

As far as i know the Inuits are the only or among the few people that actually got healthier after being introduced to a western(amerifat) diet.

Their are dietary issues with both Keto and Veganism (No the answer isn't bread)

Keto will struggle getting with micro nutrients due to lost will to eat veggies because fat fills you up so much

Vego will supper on protein (and energy in general)

Gotta make sure you supplement properly. You have to eat veggies with your meat. Also I'd like to point out that we don't actually know everything about micro nutrients and what our bodies do with them. So it's important to get a wide variety of vegetables. youtube.com/watch?v=0UqxC2RDF64


The ultimate blue pill diet. You're so cowardly to give up muh meat that instead of limiting it to once a week or month you make it all you eat. Muh butter muh beef.

not good. They don't have enough vitamins, you'll get really constipated, and you'll stress your kidneys b/c they're responsible for disposing of the nitrogenous wastes generated by amino acid breakdown

The problem is all the vitamins are in the organ/offal cuts of meat. If you just eat steak you're missing out on the most nutrious parts.

Heart attack lole


you'll get scurvy


>would probably be hard to shit as well.
Wouldn't you even need to shit? Or would everything you consume be absorbed in the intestines?

Ah yes, some dumbass "doctor" that is too much of a pussy to get bloodwork done

this dudes been doing it for a year and seems ok

why did you put doctor in quotation marks?

Because he's a fucking dipshit bullshit artist. You can easily tell by his body language and the tone of his voice. Joe knew it too and ended it before the 2 hour mark.

"I'm a doctor but I feel like I don't need to get bloodwork done to make sure I'm actually healthy on this weird diet because reasons lul"

it's caused by a lack of vitamin C. sailors used to get it and the believed it was due to lack of fresh fruits like oranges and limes that were high in vit c.

most meats will contain vitamin c but if you only eat certain types, then yes, you will get scurvy.

Straight from Wikipedia:
>Some animal products, including liver, Muktuk (whale skin), oysters, and parts of the central nervous system, including the adrenal medulla, brain, and spinal cord, contain large amounts of vitamin C, and can even be used to treat scurvy. Fresh meat from animals which make their own vitamin C (which most animals do) contains enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, and even partly treat it. In some cases (notably French soldiers eating fresh horse meat), it was discovered that meat alone, even partly cooked meat, could alleviate scurvy. Conversely, in other cases, a meat-only diet could cause scurvy.[18]

You'd completely fuck your entire digestive system over the course of years or decades. We're evolved to be omnivores, not strict carnivores or strict herbivores. You need to eat ALL DIFFERENT kinds of foods, not only for the macro- and micro-nutrient content, but for soluble and insoluble fiber content, which is what helps keep your digestive system healthy. Remember that your digestive tract is a huge part of your overall immune system, too, so if it's not healthy, then the rest of your body's health is compromised, too. You'd get sick more often, and sick worse, and have higher risk for things like heart disease and cancer.

Knock it off with the 'vegan' trolling. We all know by now it's got nothing to do with humans being healthy, it's a political statement about so-called 'animal cruelty' that ultimately HARMS human health due to malnutrition. Sure, you feel better for a few months eating a strict vegetarian diet (unless your diet is already well balanced like mine and others are) but after that you start to DECLINE physically and mentally. Only a fool or a fanatic goes vegan.

unfortunately the only studies I can find looking at this are from the 1930s and although they report positive results the fact that they're from the 1930s makes me wonder how much they missed that we would pick up with modern medicine

>You need to eat ALL DIFFERENT kinds of foods
But you don't need to eat animal shit. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19562864

Other way around. My shits looked really scary when i was a vegan while i days i mostly eat meat they look literally perfect. Really makes you think

Well the Mongolians ate basically only meat products as the climate and nomadic life style made it impossible to actually grow crops. they seemed to life just fine however

>vitamin D deficiency on an all meat diet
>what is salmon
>vitamin C deficiency
>what is liver

>vitamin D comes from plants

As an earlier poster mentioned, they were probably eating offal portions of the animals they slaughtered, they also drank things like horse milk which of course has a ton of vitamins. Average person won't be able to get their hands on either on this "all-meat diet" and if they could, they'd probably still not want to...

i don't think you understand where you are user, we have people here eating onions because ONE research article talked about it and another user who is raising COCKROACHES to eat. If this user is prepared to go all out, he will

hey man, there were like 3 papers with the onion thing

Raising your own bugs to eat seems fucking brilliant compared to doing a retarded Shawn Baker diet. I'd eat mealworms though. Cockroaches gross me out.

>people are unable to get liver and sweetbread


They subsisted on a diet of basically nothing but meat for centuries.

And This This thread is fulled with mom science vegan bullshit.

eggs and eggs are not meat mate

>eggs are a good source of vitamin D

everyone here knew it was gonna come to this
suggesting 1.5g protein/pound of bodyweight for 300 lb fatties

People in the attic regularly eat diets of all meat and high fat. With maybe ketchup.

Your body is not designed for that diet. Many studies have shown when people do not follow their ancestors adapted diet, they suffer from birth defects and literally have uglier kids with fucked up teeth. If you follow it, you will most likely develop many heart problems. Or rabbit starvation. Look up the fun of eating a low fat food that causes you to burn more digesting than what you take in.

>No one eats meat all that often, except in the Arctic, where Inuit and other groups traditionally got as much as 99 percent of their calories from seals, narwhals, and fish.

>Hadza have found that these peoples [inuite] traditionally didn’t develop high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, or cardiovascular disease.

>For those of us whose ancestors were adapted to plant-based diets—and who have desk jobs—it might be best not to eat as much meat as the Yakut. Recent studies confirm older findings that although humans have eaten red meat for two million years, heavy consumption increases atherosclerosis and cancer in most populations—and the culprit isn’t just saturated fat or cholesterol. Our gut bacteria digest a nutrient in meat called L-carnitine. In one mouse study, digestion of L-carnitine boosted artery-clogging plaque. Research also has shown that the human immune system attacks a sugar in red meat that’s called Neu5Gc, causing inflammation that’s low level in the young but that eventually could cause cancer. “Red meat is great, if you want to live to 45,”

You need to get your vitamin C from somewhere

The eskimos do it. They eat nothing but fish and seals but they get their vitamin c from whale blubber.

Part 2

Many paleoanthropologists say that although advocates of the modern Paleolithic diet urge us to stay away from unhealthy processed foods, the diet’s heavy focus on meat doesn’t replicate the diversity of foods that our ancestors ate—or take into account the active lifestyles that protected them from heart disease and diabetes. “What bothers a lot of paleoanthropologists is that we actually didn’t have just one caveman diet, The human diet goes back at least two million years. We had a lot of cavemen out there.”

Year-round observations confirm that hunter-gatherers often have dismal success as hunters. The Hadza and Kung bushmen of Africa, for example, fail to get meat more than half the time when they venture forth with bows and arrows. “Everybody thinks you wander out into the savanna and there are antelopes everywhere, just waiting for you to bonk them on the head,” No one eats meat all that often, except in the Arctic.

So how do hunter-gatherers get energy when there’s no meat? When meat, fruit, or honey is scarce, foragers depend on “fallback foods,” says Brooks. The Hadza get almost 70 percent of their calories from plants.

>Studies suggest that indigenous groups get into trouble when they abandon their traditional diets and active lifestyles for Western living. Diabetes was virtually unknown, for instance, among the Maya of Central America until the 1950s. As they’ve switched to a Western diet high in sugars, the rate of diabetes has skyrocketed.


technically eggs are a single cell of animal flesh



>tfw always get the shits after eating alot of beef

Don't knock the onion bros.... It does seem to help. Not sure how much, as I am also taking Clomid at a low dose to boost test, but it does seem to be improving my recovery times.

wow you are saying that because they lived in a different environment for a long time they developed characteristics that makes them different from the rest of humans, that sound racist

>What the fuck happens, if you do nothing but eat meat?

Ok why aren't you eating nothing but meat for your diet?

>lost his ability to practice

What is keto