
>don't die

what a fucking rip

>skull intact

>can't pull myself up out of my spiraling depression

>decline bench
>it’s never a good morning

>good mornings
>still adequate at any time of day

>address the barbell
>forget postage stamp

>sit ups
>still on the ground

>The bois aint there

>jumping jacks
>my name isn't even jack

>leg extensions
>still short

what the fug

>power clean
>gym still dusty

>nothing is resolved

A classic

>lateral raises
>shoulder exercise

>barbell fly
>fuark my ribs

>I can't fly

>still have benis


>deadlift Sumo style
>still fully clothed

>abductor machine
>still on Earth

>Tip the receptionist
>She stays upright

>suck dick
>doesn't blow


this is good on multiple levels

>Flat dumbbell flys
>Dislocates both shoulders

>ab wheel
>rolled away with another man

>yes you may burp.

>tricep "kick backs"
>using my arms

>incline bench
>still a wageslave

>incline bench
>it isn't convinced

>working on "tri"ceps
>still only have two of them

>the press
>I can't even read

>landmine press
>I'm not in afghanistan

good one my man

>decline bench
>coach puts me in

>still on the same side

>trap bar deadlifts
>still not gay

>never felt more alive


>decline bench
>do it anyway

>preacher curls
>do I look like a fucking rabbi to you

>hyper extensions 3x10
>I stay calm throughout my sets

>pullover to press
>id like to speak with my lawyer

>no pirates in sight

>power clean
>my PR is dirty

>>chin ups
>>Still sad

>SI joint is indeed dead

worked as advertised A++

>french press
>i take tea my dear

>overhead press
>employees go on strike

>push up
>you're actually pushing down

>Power Cleans
>Leave the gym sweatier and dirtier than I came in

>chin up
>still dead inside

>leg extensions
>still short


>still pay rent

>Russian twist
>Not surprised by a slav

>military press
>but I'm trans

Finally some fresh ones

> clean and jerk
> gyms spotless but I'm not welcome back

>what a fucking r.i.p
>but you said you didnt die
fucking liar

>Box jumps
>Box remains in position

>decline bench
>I've already hit rock bottom

>still possesed

>clean and jerk
>usually do it the other way

Goodbye gud sides of mine

>calf raise
>no cattle to take care of

>romanian deadlift
>no dead romanians to lift

>always pay my rent

Of course not, if you really left it spotless, you must necessarily have done the clean and jerk and clean. That's why they banned you, pal.

It's deadlift not dielift; COME ON!

wrong order m8

>Smith machine
>Actually Hammer Strength

>shoulder press
>leaves a handprint on my shoulder


>peck deck flyes
>doesn't have to be done on a sundeck

>this girl
>made for bbc

Honestly, what do you guys gain out of this thread? It's literally the same posts and jokes every single day. Don't you get bored?

>Be rich
>Rich is still dead

>it's the same routine but gets heavier with the time


>snatch grip deadlift
>still the president of the US

>calf raise

Got a healthy cow now.

>Hex Bar Deadlift
>Only 8 INT


>working out
>doing it at home

>romanian deadlift
>leave everything at the gym


> use the gym showers
> no locker room parties




5-5 7, master-r race, repprting!

>read about mark rippedtoe
>he's not a ripped toe

>befor bregfas :-DDDD

>I guess I'll take the stairs

>do curls
>hate my straight hair

>lying row
>turns out he was right

>hack squats
>don't know a first thing about computers

>bent-over rows
>I'm not in a boat

>no friends

>clean from blocks
>blocks stay dirty

>push ups
>reference frame where you push the entire universe down is equally valid