Healthy Veeky Forums Meals

Hey guys, coming in from Veeky Forums to share a classic Cali treat; an Onion Sandwich. Feel free to post your own recipes for Veeky Forums-approved meals.

The first step is to cut the onions thin, but I like red so we'll cut those thicker.

After that, you can add your condiments. I like lowfat mayo and SRIRACHA.

>mfw somebody actually tries this

Prove post you ate that nasty shit nigga


you mad man

Who on Veeky Forums hasn't eaten an onion sandwich by now?

Only way to eat an onion sandwich is caramelized and with a good cheese.




I don't have one ready now (it's morning where I am), but after my special workouts I make what I call the fart dinner.

1 large saucepan of Russian Shchi (cabbage soup with various other root vegetables in chicken stock base) and a fucking big dutch oven of Russian Braised Cabbage (Tooshenaya Kapoosta). Basically the head of cabbage left over from the soup cut up with a mandoline and braised at 200 C with sweet potato and slav sausages I get from the Russian grocer down the street where I get the rest of the produce for the recipe (parsnips, potatoes, cabbage (obvs) and etc). The whole thing tastes like bubble n squeak with sweet carbs and protein abounding like nothing else I've tried, not to mention the sweet fat from the butter and the sausages. It also rapes my asshole, but I view that as a plus.

>Peanut butter sandwich
>No jelly

>228g carbs on a bulk
>fucking 310g protein on a bulk

Best meal ever, onions, salt and butter.

Mettbrotchen is probably the Veeky Forumstest meal ever. Raw minced meat and raw onions

>That shirt
>That frame
>That hand
>That jaw
>Those dick sucking lips



What’s the matter, goy? Don’t you want to gain lean muscle? The only way to reach that absolutely vital 1.5g per lb threshold is through vitalwhey tm!


GO TO Veeky Forums

this is why we hate California

>that """bread""

Well, those are the kinds of guys who fall for these memes. If you're actually big, you won't care about increasing your test levels. If you want to become manlier and you're actually ready to go all the way, you'll start roiding. If you're a SOYBOY who's too afraid to go all the way, you'll fall for the natural test increase memes.

This. Enjoy your onion breath, Tarence.

My asshole is death right now. I had some cartons of egg whites that were about to expire and have been eating a carton a day. That's one pound of egg white a day that I eat raw with my protein shakes. The gas coming out of me is noxious. I have to walk out of the room after each fart because it smells so bad. I may have killed any small animals trying to hide in my house. This is miserable.

just made my own, bretty good. I used horseraddish mustard though

use full eggs, yolk is good for gains

>bread and milk
Never gonna make it

Somebody teach me how to eat, i can't handle more than 2k calories a day

Onions, pickles, and peanut butter on toasted bread. Seriously one of the best sandwiches I've ever had.

my fucking sides

fat, the secret is fat and oils.

Also chew your food.


But I dont want to get fat.

fat doesn't make you fat

I dont understand

I fucking love onions and would unironically enjoy this

>tfw have been eating at least half a onion per day since I can remember.
who here master race /deutschebrotzeit/

Do it with bananas instead, it's god-tier

Gibts überhaupt Gerichte die nicht mit Zwiebeln anbraten anfangen?

Me. I just add onion to my oatmeal mix.

Bread? Isn't that shit bad for you?