sup guys!
Sup guys!
shoulders pumpppp
>walk into locker room
>some dude learning down and flexing into his phone
Gay brainlet roider
>still no chest
kek. do you just curl and seated db press and nothing else? i bet you half rep your benches, you brainlet.
What's your cycle?
only test E 250/mg per week
btw yes, chest is sad. i know it
2/10 chest ruins everything
nice attention doodle my dude
nice gyno
gyno? what r u talking about? xD
assuming from 250 test you are b&cing right? whats your blast dose?
Dude ur a dumb fag. Quit taking selfies u look like a homo
>roiding for this
Show us your legs user!
You look like utter shit and you're even on steroids bragging about it. I was bigger than you natty after 4 years
i rate you 2/10, should have said you were natty
II remember when /fit used to be kind, enthusiastic and supportive. Guess the days of Scooby are over.
>Veeky Forums being kind, enthusiastic and supportive
you might have alzheimers grandpa
hahah natty.
oh lol
>no legs or booty pic
Come on lad
yeah no legs too
you look big but you seem to have a little too much bodyfat, if your bulking though than you look very good
yes its bulking (or some thing like that lol). 82kg now
No dick either
brands are such a turn off. nice body still
fuaaark mirin those natty gains.
some people just have what it takes I suppose..
Dude you're goals wtf
Sup guys