Do any of you Veeky Forumsizens read books on public transportation?

Do any of you Veeky Forumsizens read books on public transportation?

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No, I get dizzy. I just stare at nowhere, or at the nearest qt

I prefer cycling but when i have to use it, yes.
Just read book of five rings.

Yeah. Either that or audiobook/podcast.

inb4 someone says that reading in public is attention seeking/autistic and gets 20 replies

sometimes, mostly i listen to music though. i should probably read more on public transport, seems like a generally good habit

How to achieve "hot guy reading a book on the bus mode"

> be muscular or a fashionable hipster twink
> have really nice wavy hair such as long top short sides or medium length chad mane style
> have a good facial structure by irl standards
> tall in height when sitting or standing up
> read a book or your phone and dont acknowledge the creepy girl taking a pic of you with her iphone

there you go

I'm too autistic to read an actual book, because I don't want the people around me to know what I'm reading. I have a bit of a weak spot for pop-science. I don't buy into it, but I find it interesting and it encourages me to make up my own theories. I read e-books on my phone.

>public transport

yes but reading it on my phone so that it looks like I'm just browsing facebook.
would recommend it to this guy

Reading in public is attention seeking/autistic.

Grow the fuck up

That's a pamphlet

I used to read when I worked in callcentre doing customer service.

I read on my way to work and back, even when on foot. Mostly I read on the train when on long commute.

>public transportation

Soyboy detected

Well to be fair, I am also too cheap to buy the books, so I pirate them most of the time. I do think reading actual books is better (in terms of experience) and I think a good book is also worth its money, but you only find out if it's any good after you read it. So I download the books, read them when I commute and if they are any good I will buy them and read them again some months later in the comfort of my home.

Tokyofag here. All the time, it makes the 50 mins commute so much easier. Plus brain gains. Only downside is how many people are stuffed on the train makes it hard sometimes. If you're in a similar situation I'd highly recommend a Kindle or something similar. It's so much easier to hold and turn pages.

I do not. Generally speaking I should read more books and doing so on public transportation would be a good way to pass time but just like listening to music reading a book closes you off from others which I don't wanna do anymore.

stop caring about that shit

I don't care about it when I read a respectable book, but the pop sci is just a bit of a guilty pleasure

Yes, this is a good one

Yes some health and fitness related books are long as fuck, so it is best to read whenever I can.



Fucking Chad as fuck even other Chads mire him

i read on my phone, trying to finish american psycho but would also like other PDF books

I don't. I don't read fiction books anymore. I rarely find some good books so I often re-read them.

(You) #2

I don't know how to read.

(You) #3


i read on phone too buddeh. phone readers pls post the app you use

i catch so many mires reading books on the subway. esp because it gives me an excuse to position my arm right and show off my biceps. bitches love a jacked guy that shows he also has an intellectual/sensitive side.

I used to read Japanese nonfiction sometimes and this used to be an issue because I’m not asian and that makes people go huhhhhh

I still do but it’s not as apparent when on a tablet


(You) #4

Wild Yannick spotted

If I didn't get immediately nauseous sure, I'd love to read on my commute

>I used to read Japanese nonfiction sometimes and this used to be an issue because I’m not asian and that makes people go huhhhhh
As they should


How to achieve "hot guy reading a book on the bus mode"

>be hot guy
>read on the bus

there you go

No because I'm not a poorfag and I don't take public transportation.

[spoiler] When I was a student I would though [/spoiler]

On my kindle, but a real book is so much classier looking

>public transportation

I'm American so I drive myself

Read this on the bus in the ghetto

Chads take the train because they live in major cities and want others to see them, have fun in your lonely moving cage

(You) #5

y-(you) too...

(You) #7

yea or music or both if im feeling fuckn NOIDED

Weirdly enough when I listen to Death Grips on public transport the travel time gets shorter.

>being this much of a weeb

I had a qt approach me once while I was reading

No cause I assume public transport would be quite a boring subject to read about

I read manga on my phone.

(You) #8

That guy looks almost exactly like me, what the fuck.

Why has nobody posted bugs yet?

Moon Reader

Yeah I'm in DC and it's usually Kevin MacDonald while I'm sitting next to some K St kike

What is pop-science?
like normie facts such as why the sky is blue?

Poetry. I buy it in dead tree form at the local used book store.

There you go

(You) #9

Asians are cringing at you hard.
Read books from your own culture, weeb.

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

On the train. Hell yeah.

>Asians are cringing at you hard.
No, they’re not.

Pretty sure they dgaf

damn i cant even get past the first instruction

looks like he's straight from a gay bar, tbqh

>Shoving bits of plastic in my ears and blasting air directly into them doesn't cut me off from anyone.

(You) #20

is this (You) enough for (You)?

Ye, I'm a brainlet so it's mostly philosophy

somewhat true, if youre good looking ya



>the travel time gets shorter
actually, believe it or not, it doesn't.

how do I read in public without coming across as attention seeking or autistic, bc I rly just want to read my fucking book u know


It's neither. Don't let Veeky Forums meme you.

Read shit on a tablet if you don't want people to see the cover.

>public transportation

(You) #21

But I do it to look smart and mysterious

Amerishart detected

No, because I'm worried about women and queers taking creep pictures of me "manspreading" then posting them online.


keep your girl away from me cuz i wont hesitate to stroke her

>>>> public transportation
>>> my last time on one
> kebabsandniggers
> niggers screaming
> white drug abuser screamer
> white fat smelly grannies
and i was the only one with a ticket

>Amerimut Snownigger LARPing
Isn't a Veeky Forums thread without it.

>using public transportation

>Clogging the streets with inefficient transportation

Kill yourself cancer

Reading on moving vehicles makes me nauseous so no. I either read articles on my phone or sleep (which is dangerous but sometimes just have to do it)

Yea but on my phone. So I look like every other faggot rather than some fit literati to fall in love with.


>not walking 4 miles to work each way, every morning and night

> Haruki Murakami
My man.

Murakami is overrated

No, cause I own a vehicle.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's a bad writer. I've enjoyed every one of his books except for 1Q84, which felt like a thousand pages of circle jerking. Kafka on the Shore is probably his best work.

What do you call that hairstyle?