>tfw 15 year old girls mire you more than women your own own age
I thought lifting would help tone out my face too I'm stuck with this baby face and it is hell anons how do you cure this other than lessen sodium intake
>tfw 15 year old girls mire you more than women your own own age
I thought lifting would help tone out my face too I'm stuck with this baby face and it is hell anons how do you cure this other than lessen sodium intake
I got the same thing until I started maintaining some constant stubble on my face. Now I look my age.
whats wrong with 15 year old girls?
fucking ageist
good thing age of consent is 15 where I live lmao
I feel sorry for you americanbrahs
>Tfw turning 25 next week
>17-18 yo olds mire me daily
>Everyday a few people guess I'm 19-21 years old
I'm not even mad. But while typing this I start to wonder. Is it normal that people ask my age this much? It happens atleast 3x a day and most of the people that ask me are women.
The only shit thing about is that I really notice their immaturity when dating and talking, but my dick doesn't feel that. And I ficking hate that most of the girls that age use snapchat and they all try to get me into it.
>tfw slamming teen goth puss on the reg
this is the life
Higher T and you won't care about faggot things like girls' personalities
Snapchat is the best thing right now to get pussy mang
Yeah apparantly but I dont like wasting time on social media and I just approach and talk up girls in real life. Works great for me and they like the non-online approach.
I just like to get to know people and talk, dont worry about my T it's good. After having had more than enough girls looks isn't everything. I'd rather have a fun, balanced 7/10 to enjoy the evening with than a 9/10 vapid girl who spends 80% of her time taking photos
give how to pls
you are good user , i get mired by faggots , trannies and cougars
You have to become bigger and slightly less lean to appeal to actual women.
overdose on vitamin b7 so you can get a stubble
>implying that young thots today are not attracted to stubble
I caught 16 and 17 years old girls mirin my stubbled jaw all the time.
i love it
I was fucking a 17 year old from my gym for months. Nothing is better than fresh young pussy and ruining their sexual expectations for kids her age. She literally begged me to fuck her. I told her I wouldn't have sex with her again unless she made it interesting and brought her friend. Still working on that.
Good lord I feel bad for americans. this is a good thing everywhere but america.
just go for 18 year olds?
meme advice op
only way to actually potentially help you is roiding
you should be good if you just get a stubble, dont go full beard because that shit is not flattering on pretty boys, stubble is perfect
>be 24
>ppl think I'm 15
getting children's discount on everything is nice tbqh
If girls ask you your age, they're trying to find out if it's legal to fuck you.
How? I have a snapchat but how do you find people on it? what do you talk about?
>"actual" women
fuck off old hag
Why wasn't reviewbrah in youtube rewind 2017?
>mfw 18
>mfw look 25-30 with thick stubble and deep voice
>mfw dont get carded
>mfw get called Sir everywhere
>mfw out with friend with babyface and people ask if im his dad (i'm 6'2 he's 5'8)
>mfw girls my age tell me they like older guys while flirting
>mfw they dont know and I play along
>mfw people calling me a pedo when out with a girl my age
Based 1200 natty test
>inb4 old man at 25
i'm 6'4" so you call me daddy little bitch
t. 135 benchlet
I'm 24, get mired by underaged girls, but can't grow stubble. What do?
Good luck papi