>tfw 15 year old girls mire you more than women your own own age
I thought lifting would help tone out my face too I'm stuck with this baby face and it is hell anons how do you cure this other than lessen sodium intake
>tfw 15 year old girls mire you more than women your own own age
I thought lifting would help tone out my face too I'm stuck with this baby face and it is hell anons how do you cure this other than lessen sodium intake
I got the same thing until I started maintaining some constant stubble on my face. Now I look my age.
whats wrong with 15 year old girls?
fucking ageist
good thing age of consent is 15 where I live lmao
I feel sorry for you americanbrahs
>Tfw turning 25 next week
>17-18 yo olds mire me daily
>Everyday a few people guess I'm 19-21 years old
I'm not even mad. But while typing this I start to wonder. Is it normal that people ask my age this much? It happens atleast 3x a day and most of the people that ask me are women.
The only shit thing about is that I really notice their immaturity when dating and talking, but my dick doesn't feel that. And I ficking hate that most of the girls that age use snapchat and they all try to get me into it.
>tfw slamming teen goth puss on the reg
this is the life
Higher T and you won't care about faggot things like girls' personalities
Snapchat is the best thing right now to get pussy mang
Yeah apparantly but I dont like wasting time on social media and I just approach and talk up girls in real life. Works great for me and they like the non-online approach.
I just like to get to know people and talk, dont worry about my T it's good. After having had more than enough girls looks isn't everything. I'd rather have a fun, balanced 7/10 to enjoy the evening with than a 9/10 vapid girl who spends 80% of her time taking photos
give how to pls