Came across this on tinder

The level of delusion among the female gender is astronomical. Even though the only dude who would ever give this thing any attention whatsoever would be some sick deformity fetishist, it STILL has the audacity to make demands..
Who here sick of womens’ bullshit?

Also, Tinder thread.


Ok but why did u make this thread sage

I think her knees have already gone weak

>that i know nothing about
>not anything


>another way to make my knees go weak
i mean she's setting herself up in plain sight

Long neck is long


tfw will never have an Auschwitz mode gf

I'm italian and i'm offended

>getting angry at a literal retard

>be lonely retarded girl
>decide to try internet dating
>don't know what guys are into
>googles "how to look attractive on tinder"
>read a bunch of articles written by retarded, but not clinically retarded females
>write a description inspired by said articles
>add a picture that shows men that she isn't depressed despite her handicap

>fit mocks her and turns this into another WOOOOOOW DELUSIONAL WOMEN thread

Does she not deserve to feel attractive? Fuck man you've let the world turn you into a hateful twerp

If your life revolves around belittling others and getting angry at people who are trying to be happy then you are a deeply troubled person. You suck man.

How is she retarded? She has psychical disabilities not mental ones.

What's wrong with you mate? Imagine trying to explain to your family that you spend your time online mocking those less fortunate than you for trying to be happy. Wtf? Seriously mate. Take a long hard look at yourself.

Bunch of goddam cowards. Hell's eternal fires await.

She's a woman.

its not their fault that they are shitty human beings they were raised in a world feeding their ego and telling them that no mater what they are beautifull and they deserve prince charming .

Jokes on you, I'm a masochist

>this thing

Srsly consider killing yourself. She’s just trying to find companionship. That’s nothing to belittle her or make fun of her for dude. I really hope you’re like 14 otherwise you should know better and pls follow the instructions in the first sentence.

How are these even demands, OP?

>You gotta love food
>I like X and Y
These aren't even made out to be requirements

Should her profile be "PLEASE TAKE ME I WILL TAKE ANYTHING I AM SO DESPERATE". Would that make you happy, OP?

>mfw when I go to this shitty ass thread and OP is just getting blown the fuck out by literally every other poster