Do you guys enjoy your job, i'm applying to uni to do audio engineering and i'm not even that passionate about it i just cant think of anything else to do
Do you guys enjoy your job...
I fucking hate my job in catering, standing up all day is fucking with my leg and cardio ganiz.
I've never worked in a more professional industry like audio engineering but just do it simply to escape the shithole that is retard work.
I feel you it's more the fact i would prefer having money at this stage of my life and it's hard to bullshit so much on your statement and to peers about why you want to do it
I'm a chef, and I fucking hate it. Felt like I wasted 5 years of my life spinning my wheels.
I still don't have a clue what I really want to do, I thought about the university meme, but nothing really interests me in it...
I feel you it's more the fact i would prefer having money at this stage of my life and it's hard to bullshit so much on your statement and to peers about why you want to do it
Been working middle management IT for 5 years now. Am 25 and have gotten really tired of it. Quitting to start a career that can be better combined with lifting and such this summer. Pay is good, I sit inside all day, but I don't have anything in common with these normies. Also I don't have much time for socializing etc. when I'm working 9-10 hours then lifting for 2 hours and then cooking food at home.
Have you considered a trade? I've been fliiping pancakes for 3 years, but last month I dabbled in carpentry on a whim and now I see it as a possible future. Find a space or even a club and you may find something you never knew you had a passion for.
I've had no professional education or training but managed to get a job as labourer which will eventually evolve into something more.
How much money could an audio engineer make?
Started out working as a surveyors' assistant between summers at uni. Now working full time, company keeps getting state contracted gigs and I'm making $40-$60/hr to walk around with bro tier surveyors in the woods/fields/construction sites. $15/hr for driving around in company truck. They want to teach me to do design as well after the holidays. So they can keep me on when there isn't as much field work to be done.
Don't love it but don't hate it. Sticking around to start building some savings now that I paid off undergrad in 6 months (thanks to prior savings/grandma helping all her grandkids with college debt/dad's military benefits) and going to start grad school with hopefully 20-40k in savings.
not as much as this girl enjoys the bbc she's made for
No but I have a degree in Criminal Justice and Trump is going to go on a huge hiring spree and I am going to join ICE.
I cant wait. I'm going to be the first Jewish Nazi.
Strong tall and fit, cleaning the trash.
Newfag here, who's this girl?
wasted 8 years as a chef, working up to 112 hours a week has permanently damaged my legs but now I'm studying criminology and getting really good grades
and what are you going to do with that degree
Take a year off, work and go travel the world. Then decide.
I work as a store clerk so that's an automatic no
Why did you need to announce your newfagness? Just say 'sauce', or 'who dis?' or 'who is this girl?'.
>audio engineering
>not passionate about it
Damn it user don't do it. Try something that's broader if you're not sure what you want to be, like electrical engineering or something. You'll thank me later
Dude anything but audio "engineer". I was in a shitty no name band which later got a no name label and even the fucking janitors at the studio won't respect that faggot. Audio engineering is fucking retarded and it is basically autistically turning knobs until the sound is right lmao. Well at least tgat degree will get you a job. Probably. Hopefully. I guess
What are you passionate about user?
>Do you guys enjoy your job
I'm a cybersecurity engineer and have some things that cause me problems and why I don't like my job too much
Basically back in the day introverts and geeks used to work for tech companies but now that is all gone. The tech industry is full of normie extroverts and these guys are not even as smart as some of the introvert.geeks but they get to work in the same field because their social sills are amazing.
Another thing that I personally don't like is working with project managers and other people in that type of role who don't know shit about computers and everything they know about the tech world is buzz words and they throw things at you to try and fix or d=re-design when they sold them something that wouldn't work and now I have to figure out how all of this should work together.
There is also not a lot of accountability on the sales teams, basically everyone blames each other. Think about this, you are setting up a data center and when you are there a tech calls you and tells you that some specific equipment is not there at all, you ask the sales team if this equipment was even ordered and they said no they didn't
So they say yes, we will build this data center, but they never ordered all of the equipment needed. So than they say it is such and such persons fault but really, you're in sales. You signed the contract and what the fuck did you charge the client for if all of the equipment is not ordered but you're making us figure out a solution at a data center if you didn't fucking order everything
Oh how about this about the field. They hire anyone with a brain who can function as a help desk technician and when you have to work with these people it fucking sucks. Their bosses always have their back since they might not know a lot about the field and they are still new. They don't get in trouble. they do the bare minimum and get away with it, than once something happens and fucks up you are in a higher role and questions start coming to you why is this being done wrong etc...
I dont work in help desk, what else can i do but make sure everyone can follow instructions and reads the information I post online. They don't read shit, and they dont know what to do when it comes to troubleshooting
How about when you want to ask someone a critical qquestion and its almost time for them to go home ? You see they dont care about the job, if they fucked up nd you are trying to gather information to fix said issue or follow up where to go from there they are concerned with going home and that is it
They dont care about he backlash they dont care that you are above them and the shit they fuck up on comes back to you sine their boss says they just dont understand since they cant follow X Y or Z
Anyway, I love the field but sometimes the work can be stressful since you're a janitor cleaning up after other people
Not to mention, on most projects you can't ask other depts for resources to get something done. You have to either do it yourself or find something else since you are the only one who can do it in the first place.....
Unless you go to your boss and ask them to help out, but your own manager is going through the same shit
Uhmm.. sweetie, because I'm new and want to make friends here? Duh?
M8 what you're describing is just a shitty corporate environment. It's not inherent in to the field of (modern) engineering.
I'm an engineer as well and I've found that if you can find a group of people who you actually really enjoy being around and working with, it's such a huge difference. Stress just becomes a non issue because you know you got eachother's backs, and yeah obviously sometimes there are deadlines and fuckups but it happens, noone is hung out to dry.
Then again, I only experienced a good environment in small firms, bigger corporations tend to become what you've described. Maybe consider switching to a small company?
Anyone here with a degree in chemical engineering?
I'm not sure whether to pick chemistry over biology
Like pharmacy sounds great but prosthetics are cool too
Studying in Germany if that matters
Yeah, moving is great. Not really hard, just "active rest." After tips I make $25+/hr, a lot of days $30+
A single /nocar/ bro can support himself on it part-time and live for the iron
Ok. Who is this girl?
>Then again, I only experienced a good environment in small firms, bigger corporations tend to become what you've described. Maybe consider switching to a small company?
Yea, this is actually one of the biggest companies in the US and they pay really well. Not sure if I can make this type of salary in a smaller company and take on this type of work.
Basically, maybe one day I'll step down to a smaller company but finding it is the tough part. The main problem I have with this company and multiple teams we have here is its all based on fakeness.
They hate our dept because 1. we are actually smarter than the others 2. most of us have done this for years now and there are people here who take hours to work on something when a qualified engineer (my dept) can fix and document the issue within a few minutes. It really sucks, especially when they say in corporate meetings we are a team with all depts but than when a dept fucks up they can't take responsibility.
I pointed out an issue recently with that dept and mentioned on a large company email (internal) what issue I found and nobody responded for a day. Than someone from that dept responded and said all of it was fixed, well I decided to check on it and really they fixed about 15 things and left 60 others to fix "at another time" but in the email they say yes it has all beeen taken care of
For shits and giggles, I'm going to go and check if they completed this yet, anyway I have to get back to work and take some meetings soon. Time to get raped by the corporate system...
No wonder people drink in this field/company
Either one sounds dope. Did you want to go into research (private or academic)? Get a Pharm D?
Or did you want to work for a private company and design prosthetics? Build your own startup? There's a bunch of shit you can do.
I think prosthetics would be more mechanical, maybe with a biomedical focus/specialization. Not sure how school works there but I'm almost done with a mechanical degree if you have any questions.
I'm a NEET and enjoy it very much.
She has 2 snakes, is a vegan, and will bitch at you for hours if you don't like tana mongeau
been neet for 7 years now. not sure how im going to get out of the rut and dont really want to get a job but ran out of savings a few months ago.
it's pretty perfect except for the future financial stress when my parents die
>hate job
>hate self
>hate school
Some days l don’t even get out of bed
Aw bro, I remember you, you were that guy that posted that stuff about that thing....good times.
Why rely on your parents when you could rely on the tax payer instead?
>just find something you're passionate about dude!
>literally pray every night that I die in my sleep
yes tell me more about your passion for electronics
moral issues and you can't legally save more than $3000 on SSI so there's no point in applying for it for me. i'd lose all my inheritances including the house and i'd never be able to pay for a car in cash, go overseas, etc
Now that's a braphog
I'm a mechanic and pizza driver. I love both jobs surprisingly but hate the corporations. Saving to start my own business. These hours are murdering my gains in the cradle though.
Don't go to university unless you know for certain what you want to do. It is a waste of time and money otherwise. Learn a trade or join the military otherwise.