>"Hey user come go to the beach with us"
>wyd ?
>using tiny version
>fuck 3 and enslave the rest
Go to the beach with them because I’m not a sperg
I want #3 to culturally enrich me if you know what I mean
lavish all my attention on #2 so as to confuse dem light skin bitches, eventually fuck them all
I say get one more negress and maybe you match up to an average woman
This, nigga.
I'm pretty Chad around black girls.
White girls are fucking awkward
white girls fuck dogs
What is the point of this thread?
I know the thread you are talking about?
How are you chad around them?
close, but you forgot to flex a cep and say 'how's this for a start'.
white males has a higher chance to take the role of a father
no thanks.
All are peng apart from 4 who looks like a tranny.
How is that chad
Are you saying you have a mixed kid?
Sure, if you want to swim
5 or 6 get
Rolling for 1 or 2.
Rolleroni for 56