What do you guys think of my weight loss?

What do you guys think of my weight loss?

You're not done yet.

Really impressive. But r9k not the place where you should ask these kind of questions.

Trashy looking tattoos

still a long way to go

Nice mulatto kid and skank tattoos.


originally fuckers

you are a ugly piece of shit, now go eat some icecream

Nice bulge dude

Get out you dirty roastie

Giving birth to another future convict can hardly be described as weightloss

this with more tit is my ideal on a girl

Id like to make you brap bbgrill


You now have reached the right weight for this time.
If trends go towards skinny again lose some more weight, but for now you're right where you should be.

fit to be pounded, creampied and bred by bbc

On the binary scale of attractiveness, I'd give you a 2 for "would bang"

Looks like it already happened.

Why did you feel like you had to make your own thread even though you already posted in the progress thread

It's a good change, you're headed in the right direction. Keep at it.

>that kid
umm excuse me it doesn't look like your toll has been paid yet ma'am

there is no 2 digit in binary you absolute retard

>makes a good life choice by losing weight
>has already destroyed her chance of becoming a successful woman by having a black child
How unfortunate



Fucking faggots. Go post this trash on /pol/. Bunch of losers with grandeur delusions .

something hit close to home, are you a 56% amerimut?

A bullet would be to merciful of a death for (((you)))

Good job. Don't slack off too much.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Gonna need some armpit pics