/FAST/ #50 Fasting Cures Cancer Edition


What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode


>HGH , Test, and muscle growth?


>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?

>any more info?

>Fung talks and lectures:

>Doesn't salt make you explode?

Other urls found in this thread:

nutrition.sa.ucsc.edu/label.asp?locationNum=22&locationName=Perk Coffee Carts&dtdate=12/08/2017&RecNumAndPort=450108*1

Reminder that prolonged fasting an dry fasting are better. How the fuck will OMAD fags recover?

Reminder that if you are losing weight on OMAD you are just eating under maintenance and doing it wrong. OMAD is not for weight loss.

-started las week with OMAD, this one I went with snek juice, I've already need smaller pants.

Cant weight myself tho as I'm a poorfag and can't buy a weight yet, also need to find a substitute for Starting Strength with body weight.

Second fast is being a bitch tho, will complete the 72 hours in 12. Maybe I'll extend it.

I broke my fast with 6 slices of pizza last night.

Back in keto by morning. This feels like cheating.

Reminder to ignore all pudgy fat tripfagging niggers. Innawoods is a literal dyel twink promoting junk food consunption. Avocado is literally pudgy and can cut fat because he's a ketonigger and can't stop stuffinstuffing fat into is fucking mouth.


Reminder: How to calculate maintenance calories.


What is it for then? Just insulin sensitivity?

It's not long enough for autophagy.

>Starting Strength with body weight.
This doesn't exist, the whole point is low reps high weight and measurable linear progression in the main compound barbell lifts.

yes my child, spread my gospel

Reminder that eating under maintenance is not doing it wrong and in fact works just fine for weight loss no matter how many meals a day you have. Literally the only reason to do an extended fast is to lose weight faster than you already were.
>inb4 read the op
the op is bullshit, cico works

See: (checked)
You can lose weight from increasing insulin sensitivity and eating the same amount HOWEVER you are then still by definition eating under maintenance and your BMR will decrease over time as a result. Interesting experiment would be to use OMAD to bottom out insulin with the 23 hour fast and INCREASE metabolism by increasing calories as insulin sensitivity increases by eating at maintenance. But if you are fat this is NOT FOR YOU.

fuck, then I guess I'll never be ripped.

CICO brainlets ignore BMR drops in obese people. If you're relatively fit doing cut/bulk cycles your deficits aren't low enough long enough to matter because your hormones are in balance already. Fat people develope metabolic syndromes that CICO doesn't fix.
>nb4 read the OP
Literally read the OP stupid faggot.

Gym memberships are really cheap, suck one dick a month and you'll make it. Bonus: protein in semen for natty cumslut gains.

"CICO" is only correct if you account for "calories actually absorbed", "calories burned by food absorption", and you make all estimates extremely conservatively.

Since this is not what mainstream CICO is defined as, CICO is complete and utter fucking bullshit.

Someone eating 6MAD CICO is going to have completely different results than someone eating 1MAD CICO.

Therefore it's fucking bullsiht

ive lost 80 pounds this year with low carb and then omad . my weight loss slowed then stoped . I then went back to three meals a day and gained five pounds back . is taking a month off of omad going to reset my motabalism?
what do when weight loss slows on omad ?

shorten your eating window to 23/1 or perhaps even 47/1 if you can bear it

increase exercise

change macros to highly undigestable food (fibrous vegetables and pure protein)

snort coke

Fuck of back to tumblr.

>is taking a month off of omad going to reset my motabalism?
No, eating three meals a day will make you gain weight because you fell for the "OMAD IS LE EASY WEIGHT LOSS MAYMAY" and your BMR dropped to match your lower food absorption rate (innawoods btfo again btw)

>what do when weight loss slows on omad ?
Reevaluate what you're ACTUALLY doing and go back through the OP.
> fast harder to cut the weight
> THEN get on OMAD and slowly increase calories as you hit the gym
The only way to boost your BMR (basal or "resting" metabolic rate) is to eat more.

Hows that loose skin btw?

>fasting is a tumblr meme
Fuck off out of /fast/ you're too stupid to participate here.


day 2 of fasting, I would like to fast tomorrow too but I have a social to attend and am gonna be forced to drink, so I'll probable eat 2 small meals IF style and then ruin all my progress by indulging on alcohol

can't wait

>CICO is only correct if you interpret it correctly
Thanks, captain user.

the skin is fubar , I started at 350.
I feel and look better and have made dick gains , but the gut is floppy.

do you not realize that I am the most anti CICO person in this thread

fuck you guys are really unbelievably stupid

And apparently you don't realize that my post acknowledges that.

i felt as if you were calling me "captain obvious"

>8 days
>4.9 lbs / 8 = 0.61 lbs per day
Grats on slow ass Calorie Reduction CICO.
See this guy for a window into your inevitable stall and weight gain.

Yea, read through the OP, learn about Dry Fasting and Autophagy before you're stuck with skin surgery as your only option.

The fat Scottish guy lost 0.72 LBS per day, starting at 456 lbs and ending at 180. He allegedly wasn't eating anything the entire time.

I am eating whatever I want, at 14% body fat, and I am losing nearly as much weight as him.


Prolactinoma is not cancer. Goddamn idiots.

lmao wait did snakeman seriously confuse benign tumors with malignant tumors???

Dropped 6.5 kgs over 11 days with one three dat fast, one two day fast and one one day fast. A total of six days fasting. Going for a four or five day fast next week.

Same principle really, cancer can also be considered a metabolic disorder.

>CICO brainlets ignore BMR drops in obese people
>in obese people
>obese people
holy shit literally who fucking cares

Cancer is not a metabolic disorder by any stretch of the imagination. It's a disorder with metabolic consequences, but if you have cancer, the metabolic consequences are far from the main concern and are not the cause of the more serious effects.

Where do you start counting a fast? The hour you stop eating or midnight of the first day?

You're not truly fasting until you've been without food for long enough that you've stopped shitting, which is normally about three days in. Any time before that and you're still getting macros.

lmao wait did you actually know what a prolactinoma was and waited this long to comment on it?

You're a joke. Please take a long walk off a short stool with a rope around your neck.

what do you think about the 5:2 fast?

it's a good start but you best make an effort to slowly transition to a 2:5 fast if you want to see real gainz

thanks user

Have you noticed any increase in concentration during fasting?

gains goblin qts made me go to lunch with them /fast/, will report results tomorrow... I like the mires but reeeeeeeee

artificial sweeteners will causa insulin release or not?

please tell me

i'm begging

i'm tired of beeing fooled

>mfw normalfags complain about having friends that want to do things with them

It depends on the sweetener. Also you need to distinguish between insulin release and other aspects of fasted state.

I recommend looking up keto diet resources for that sweetener if all you care about is insulin.

i'm doing water fast

goin to drink black coffee, but this specific coffee tastes like shit without sweetener


>Avocado is literally pudgy
Being a (((Californian avocado farmer))) pays well with all those hippies rather eating avocado toasts than buying houses.

I recommend not putting anything artificial in your body at all. Fuck sips yeah I said it

Not complaining, thats why I'm willing to break the fast. Priorities.

54 hours in in my 72 hour fast. Man I'm so fucking hungry, holy shit.

I fasted for four days.
Today, what would have been day five, I broke it off.
That's not so bad in and of itself, I was planning on it after all.
The real problem is I broke it off with one of these.
nutrition.sa.ucsc.edu/label.asp?locationNum=22&locationName=Perk Coffee Carts&dtdate=12/08/2017&RecNumAndPort=450108*1
I don't really know what to expect now.
Should I just call an ambulance preemptively or...?

what is the difference?

5:2 -- fast or restrict heavily two days a week, eat normally the other five
2:5 -- fast or restrict heavily five days a week, eat normally the other two

Thomas DeLauer says it's safe to take stevia during a fast, Snake man disagrees though. I'm curious whether miracle berry extract is safe too.

oh okay, cause I know IF does 20:4 which is eat 4 hours out of 20, so I figured 5:2 meant fast 5 days, eat 2

You're fine brah.

I broke a 21 day fast with a hearty mushroom, jalapeno, serrano, onion, and pork stew.

Of course I ate it slowly, but I was fine man.

you're literally gonna be fine lol

Ok, well as a follow up here are my stats from this morning famalam. I got a new damn near $200 Bluetooth BMI scale from Yunmai so there may be some inconsistency in the data between day 7 and 8 because I swapped scales.

12/1 - 195.6
12/2 - 191.2
12/3 - 187.8
12/4 - 186.6
12/5 - 187.0
12/6 - 184.2
12/7 - 182.6
12/8 - 181.9

Bitches be crazy, but they're cute af so I had to go. I've got a plan for recovery tho. I'll hit the weights tonight a little harder and get the activity level up (5x10+ of weighted lunges with minimal rest probably) to negate the food and exhaust the glucose/glycogen. I'll probably get kicked out of ketosis because it was fucking Q'doba... literally just pure carbs. Objective is to slam back into ketosis as fast as possible.. so I'm going to drink an extra snake potion tonight and probably some coconut water for hydration (maybe a glass of wine because fuck it) and then DRY FAST for 48 hours over the weekend to break through 180. I wouldn't recommend dry fasting in the middle of a long term water fast UNLESS YOU PLAN AND HAVE PREPARED FOR IT as I've done. My salts are good and I feel fine, I'm not dehydrated at all, so this will be fine FOR ME. Evaluate your own shit and think about it.

How much should one limit themselves from physical activities when water fasting?

It's capped by the following
>electrolyte depletion from sweat (replenish with snake potions)
>no glucose for muscle performance (you'll struggle to lift same weight)
>no nutrition for rebuilding muscle (so why bother)
>you'll feel like ass

Best method is to exercise for the first few days to exhaust glucose/glycogen reserves to slam into ketosis as hard and fast as possible, then do very light to NO training.

I got acne from fasting what do I do?

He was also sedentary while you are not

Fasting is superior to OMAD for weightloss

As much as you feel like. I generally don't change much.


I have 17 more hours to go but I'm so fucking hungry I can barely think. H-Help me

Do some exercise. Your body will dump fatty acids into your blood to satisfy your energy needs. That will curb your hunger.

How common is diarrhea during extended fasts? I've done some multiple-day fasts before with no problems, but this week I've been getting diarrhea.

Wtf are you talking about you fucking sperglord, I did weights and MMA and I'm now 10x hungrier.


willpower lad. Push through it or go sleep.

on some extended fast I had it. On other I did not.

Things that fucked me up and caused diarhea were cayenne in snek juice and coffee. I dont do them during fasts anymore

Some. As in "a little." Like a few push ups or a short, slow jog.

Take a caffeine pill or have a cup of black coffee. Stimulants also curb hunger.

Keep fasting, your body is detoxing.

Drinking too much snake potion too fast, dial back the fluid intake.

does drinking cum break a fast?

Day 2 of dry fast

all strength has left my body

everythings cold

but its okay i can watch cute chinks binging on copious amounts of food



Literally not a big deal. Our bodies aren't built to lose weight so if we try to force them to then of course they temporarily won't work right. Worth it for the long term health gains

thx for the stats, what is your goal?

Is eating pussy?

How does she do this? Seriously, I need to know. Is this less than an hour? I just went on a 72 hour fast and tried to stuff my face with food and barely got 8 thick bacon strips, 6 eggs, bananas with loads of pb. I'm pretty sure she ate more than that.

Lots of practice and weird genetics

How do you practice when you're on a fast?? Is it safe to drink that much water in a fast?

How important is it to use pink/sea salt instead of iodized salt when making snakejuice? Or does it matter?

Oh yeah no, I don't think theres a good way of keeping up your big eating habits while fasting. You'll have to ease into it after you're done.

Then bulking is going to be a bitch when I'm done cutting. I couldn't eat much in one sitting even before this fast.

>I am eating whatever I want

Why the fuck are you posting in a fasting thread?

You really need personal attention on Veeky Forums?

Jfc dude

Oh yeah same. I wonder what kind of eating pattern is best after fasting, the normal 2/3 meals a day or OMAD.

I'm pudgy. Why are you hating on my nose?

>14% bf

Can you get to a point where autophagy won't work because you're too lean?

Wouldn't it just work on those loose skin cells regardless of how lean/fat you were?

You're literally retarded.

I highly doubt that woman even had cancer what kind of scam snake oil sales man is trying to pull here?

I recall Snake man saying OMAD in his maintenance calories video. I think he said the same thing for bulking, but I'm not sure.

If you are trying to cut and get in shape and have always been fat is it better to
-Fast for 42 hours
-OMAD and lift weights and do cardio

so this chick with the cured brain tumor ...

was she doing a ketogenic fast?

Eating 3k+ calories in one meal would be pretty challenging though. I mean it could definately be done but those are some pretty big portions.

>Ultimate goal
Visible abs.
>highest weight
7/1/2017 - 250 lb
>short term goal
1/1/2018 - 170 (shouldn't be an issue, but I'm not ruining my holiday for it)
>plan for 2018
I'm going to put on 30 lbs or more of muscle.

Pic is stats from the BMI scale this morning, should have uploaded before. Shittiest part is I'm 33 and it says my body is 36... but I've come a long way this year thanks to /fast/ and Snakefag... this is only the beginning.