>nofap is placebo
Nofap is placebo
Left looks better, right just looks like ManletDestiny's patchy pube beard
holy shit. you lose hair from nofap. better keep fapping
Just shave it off, the hairline itself just makes you look retarded.
>before nofap
>bald virgin
>after nofap
>delusional bald virgin
You grew it out nothing chnged
breh tf is wrong with your hair. Looks the same in both
>One moth of growth on a thinning patch of hair
I think you might be a bit delusional mate, just accept it and move on
shave it off you fucking retard, it's so embarrassing
I didn't believe in nofap until I saw all these shills try to shut it down whenever it comes up on Veeky Forums. For those wondering, try it, and decide for yourself if it's something that works for you
literally identical, to make matters worse you changed the lighting.. fucking retard
No Fap is retarded
No Porn changed my life.
It's really that simple.
sure thing alex
But if i go no porn the only thing that pops in my mind when i fap is my ex girlfriend and i want to cry
porn helps me emotionally detach from her i only watch softcore is that still bad?
See? Too much porn has ruined your imagination and mental capabilites. Just man up and do it bro.
>it actually looks worse
Fapping to your ex is how you get over her. By degrading her this way in your mind, she can no longer be an idol
Nobody here is worth saving
>growing a shit patch goddamn horrorshow on your head
fucking shave
I think about killing myself on a daily basis because of balding. I have so much to be thankful for in my life, but the balding and lack of affection of the opposite sex that stems from it is causing me so much suffering. Kill me pls.
the fucking delusion with you nofap losers hahahahahhahahahaha
also balding
What is this supposed to prove, OP? That taking pics at different angles and lighting makes you look slightly different?
pro tip: it's not your hair that's the problem
Obvious troll, there aren't 18 months in a year. Try a little harder next time?
>tfw it only takes me about 5 days to reach my maximum amount of ‘ropes’. Anything longer and no real difference in volume
>tfw 32 and pretty Veeky Forums. Depending on if I’m getting some action I can generally fill up the tanks ready for the big day and rarely fail to impress.
Never checked my test so not sure where I stack but I’m happy with what I’m working with so at least I’ve got that going for me
yeah, it means youre not over shit and have some emotional shit to go through, give it time senpai