Find a flaw


No feminine penis


Needs a bbc inside her, otherwise perfect

She’s a girl, and girls are niggers.

Not white enough.

She's 3d


Its Veeky Forums, not /tv/, you are posting on wrong board senpai.

zero muscle mass. She looks like a skeleton put on a skin suit

Literally worst body type.
>Pic related best body type

not skinny enough

There are a couple of photos where she doesn't look like she has the ass of a 12-year old boy. Those couple are the only ones that look okay, until you also realize she has no muscle mass in her thighs at all, and almost none in her calves, and it's all kind of ruined.

Yeah, I'd fuck her, but I'd feed her a sandwich and take her to the gym for squats for the next few dates.


She looks like a common drug addicted street whore. Pic related is what an actually pristine and flawless woman looks like.


So you want women with masculine muscle? Should've expected that from all the gays here

are you mentally challenged?

Bending your spine to form an ass does not mean she has one

My girlfriend's friend has the exact same body has the pic in the left, doesn't help that she's always bending over in front of me with her thick ass

Where do I fucking start.. this chick has never seen the inside of a gym or done a single squat in her life.

>is on Veeky Forums
>wonders when people want women whose lifestyle compliments their own

Hey schlomo

this is the same CP model this guy always posts in his flabby ass threads. he usually posts her at 12yo, this time he chose her a little older wo he could show more than just her ass and try and pass her as 18+.

still underage.


Came here to post this

Shit swimsuit

she's amazing maaaaaaaaaan
who this


>not a trap
It's like you're not even trying.

No, she's probably done dick squats

Its a "man".

This is the ideal female ass. Braphogs eternally BTFO

3rd pregnancy pic when?

no ass

She likes to stick out a lot but when she's straight her ass's flat as a lil' boy.

>flabby ass
Choose one, faggot

sure she does mate

I'm pretty sure she's like 12

seen these pics

>Find a flaw
she wouldn't sleep with me

Literally no roundess to her hips/butt, its this weird fridge hybrid.

She's also the definition of skinnyfat.