This hot guy on POF messaged me even though I don't have pics up yet, but I'm a fat girl

This hot guy on POF messaged me even though I don't have pics up yet, but I'm a fat girl

His profile says he wants a fit girl to go hiking with and stuff

I'm 200lbs 5'6 and get out of breath from 10 seconds of running

How long it will it take me to become attractive? Should I do SS and run on the non-lifting days?

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great thread


Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

SS will make you fatter.

You should stay way from any kind of lifting and jump on a rowing machine or a bicycle every day if the week for an hour. You will hurt yourself running at your weight and height.

If your motivation for getting healthy is a message on tinder you will probably break down and rebound somewhere along the line.

Cycle. Like, at least a marathon's worth a day. do it on a mountain bike so that you have to pedal a heavy bike with lots of tire grip. Once you're down 20-30lbs, go lift.

He was drunk.
Also count calories and get on an exercise bike when you get up in the mornings. It wont be easy at first but once you make it routine you'll start feeling healthier. Its only hard for the first week.

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I replied to you because you're a female lifter, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

Lurk In the fat thread and learn about fasting

This is now a Ladybeard thread.


Eat less. Normally SS wouldn't be good for aesthetics, but since you're a girl it might work a lot better considering you'll do lower body exercises often.
No routine will work if you stuff your face though.

what would be good for aesthetics then

I've lost weight before from running (and eating the same as I always do)

But I want toned muscles and shit

So lifting and running at the same time for a recomp?

What's better than SS, the sticky says SS

Not even the right image man come on. You're better than this

The sticky is a meme pushed by non lifters. Don't overthink it. Push pull split, cutting diet, and running. Ezpz.

The hard part is doing it consistently for over a year.

Don't ask here. This is a fitness troll board.


>I'm a fat girl
>Should I do SS
why, are you trying for SSBBW status?

Do high rep training focused on squats, deadlifts and glute bridges.

For the upper body, do low rep, medium weight dumbbell row and dumbbell bench.

>he wants a fit girl to go hiking with and stuff
>Should I run on the non-lifting days?
Practice walking longer distances, not running. A fat girl who tries to run is just gonna destroy her knees anyway

what? what is this, why is this a thing?

i like his teeth

>mfw thinking about you hurting

>sticky is a meme
>do push pull instead of ss
Post lifts, soyboy

because Japanese music is fucking weird