I'll start:
Worst: Hips a little wider than average (nowhere near as bad as pic thank god)
Best: I make chest, tricep and upper back gains really easily.
I'll start:
Worst: Hips a little wider than average (nowhere near as bad as pic thank god)
Best: I make chest, tricep and upper back gains really easily.
>mild gyno
>6.5 inch dick with shit girth
>wide hips
>all fat goes to lowerback so makes hips look even bigger
>pretty good muscle insertions
>pretty good muscle building genetics
>solid jaw line / facial aesthetics
>full head of hair
>not a jew or nigger
where are that guys lats
best: 6'0 height, 7" dong, great ass genetics
worst: autism
I got this huge supra-orbital ridge and the width of my head (between the zygomatic processes) is way above average. It makes me look like a viking caveman mongo
>build muscle easily with barely any work
>massive jaw
>neutral slightly positive canthal tilt
>7 inch dick with 5.5 girth
>20 inch wide shoulders despite small delts
>deep as fuck voice
>Hairline receding since 17
>Can't grow facial or body hair
>fat goes to face first
>16 inch pencil neck
>uneven muscle insertions
>big ribs
ehh could be worse
>not a jew
>5'9'' manlet
>skinny ankles
>thinning hair
>7 1/2 inch dick
>wide shoulders
>good peak on biceps
>run fast
>6'5" manlet
>dick is only 9 inch and barely over 6 inch girth (lmao could be worse)
>chiseled jaw
>good face
>blonde hair and blue eyes
>MASSIVE forearms
>gain muscle mass easily
>sexy voice
Worst: delts
Best: chest
Having a large chest actually makes my delts look even worse.
6'2" blonde/blue
Mesomorphic as fuck, especially upper body
Handsome face, strong jaw but otherwise babyface
beard is shit
assymetrical ribcage (developmental issue, not genetic?)
terrible anthropometry for deads
>Mortal corporeal human form
>50 inch dick that can melt holes through steel
>10' manlet
>PErfectly molecular chiseled muscle definition, better looking then a leo davinci statue
>jaw line that machinists and engineers pay me top dollars to mill tungsten and cut diamonds with
>100 meters of luxurious aryan hair that resembles gleaming flowing ribbons of pure gold, bald people literally commit sudoku when they see it
>above average face
>barely 5x5 dick (Seriously considering jelqing)
trap aesthetics
>wide shoulders
>okay face
>skinny wrists
>knock knees
>green eyes, brown hair
>it's the episode of Veeky Forums where everyone claims to have a huge dick
>Very large and muscular calves despite never training them
>Good size penis (7x5.5") and big balls (about the size of a smaller egg)
>Grey eyes
>Low bicep inserts
>High IQ
>King of manlets height (5'11")
>Wider hips, hard to get a V-looking chest despite having relatively broad shoulders
>Large nose
>Hair gap between upper lip and chin makes my beard suck
>Very early stages of balding at 23 (pic related is my hairline) although not nearly as bad as my brother (25) who has a bald spot and visible hairloss in the front
>Mild aspergers (undiagnosed)
>Bad right knee
>dick size: 1 mile
>height: 10.4 light years
>bench weight: 9.5812e^59 kg
>Existence is a mistake, existing makes me a mistake
>Make gains easily
>Good frame for muscle
>5'9 manlet
>Lil wiener
>Horrible skin
fucking kek that guy as the genetics of a 14 year old.
Pros: Lats and Chest gains really quick, small hips
Cons: Small hands/wrists and calves
>21" hueg clavicles
>vegetable cutting jawline
>thicc hair
>8x6 magnum dong
>high test
>deep voice
>7" wrists
If no autism, I would have been Chad of Chads. But I can't complain. Pulling weights and grills is still easy enough provided I make them think my autism is me in fact being mysterious.
worst: legs a little longer and torso a little shorter than average, massive feet, knock-knees, pec gap, major apt
best: 6'4", huge back, glutes, arms, thighs, jawline, pure northern europe genetics
>gain muscle fairly easily
>32 inch waist wide shoulders
>gains really easily in arms and chest
>nose is to big
>takes twice as much effort for me to gain in legs then in upper body
>not sure if gyno, if yes, very mild, but I'm 20~25% bf, so might be delusionall
>shitty beard
>got a disease in femour head, legg calve perthes, couldn't do any physical activity for a long while (gained some fat I never lost)
>osgood schlatter on right knee
thankfully, although those diseases bother me a bit sometimes, they do not forbid me to deadlift and squat, but I can't play basktball/run too fast
I guess thats it
>trap grew pretty fucking easily to a decent size, now it is a bit slower but still growing
>decent jawline, but nothing spetacular
>no mouthbreathing chin
idk I guess thats it
>acne scars
>can't grow a beard
>7'+ wingspan
>perfectly straight teeth (natural, no braces, retainers, etc.)
>blonde hair, green eyes
>high IQ (140+)
>Height (5'8")
>Natural bubble butt and easy gains on thighs/ass
>Ashy blonde with blue eyes
>Soft pouty lips
>Abs stay flat regardless of routine
>Nice jaw structure
>Skinny ankles
>Skin issues sometimes
>Constant fight against skelly mode
>Smallish hips, end up looking like I have a boylet body if I lose gains
made for BBC
worst: uneven traps
best: shoulders to waist ratio is incredible
best:6'0, protrudng collarbone, thick hair and eyebrows, exceptionally strong core and lower body.
worst: weak chest and big puffy nipples. not gyno, just genetics.
I seriously hate my nipples. I look so fucking good shirtless, but when I put on a shirt and it makes them stick out.
Best: Great shoulder genes
Worst: Wide hips
Sorry Im kind of new to this board I usually lurk /pol/ what does this meme mean?
>inb4 cross board cancer and titsorgtfo.jpeg
>I usually lurk /pol/
go back, who let you out of your containment board anyway?
Dont worry I wont bring up my politics. Just curious about this london meme. Idgi senpai
>6'0.75 barely made the cuttoff
>blue eyes
>mostly good frame with a lot of potential
>decent face
Very happy with that one, I'm not handsome Squidward or anything, but I'd rather be decent face and skinnyfat than the opposite
>all Germanic blood
inb4 back 2 /pol/
>thick full beard if I choose
>body loves to put any excess fat on my belly and sides
>mild gyno
>mild kyphosis
>thinning hair up top, despite nobody else in my family having that
>genetically predisposed to spinal problems
>cannot be clean shaven due to moderate razorburn no matter how properly I shave
Overall I'm not mad. Belly fat, kyphosis and gyno will all be vastly improved with lifting. Just gotta be careful with muh back
>all Germanic blood
Best: shoulders
Green eyes are nice bro.
>great shoulder to waist ratio
>good insertions
>slav strenght genes
>heavy squads do nothing to me
>full beard at 17
>not a great face
>slightly under 6 feet tall
>might have hairloss but it might be paranoia
>going gray at 20
>wrist game isnt all that great
>pre-pubertal gyno that came back a bit after surgery
>gain fat insanely easy
>loose shoulder that dislocates, cant rear squat or flat bench comfortably
>not a big guy (5'7" 152lbs typically)
>generally not athletic
>chest gains are hard to come by
>soft muscle
>not high test
>very strong for size
>Very naturally handsome face, never had problem with women
>naturally charismatic and smart
>make sick arm gainz easy
>wide shoulders
>look jakked in clothing
>injecting test in my ass cures my low test :)
Best: Ez bicep gains
Worst: Fuck my uneven chest, mild gyno, pec shape and fucking insertions in general
o and my dicks small
whattya gona do though
I have a 4-5/10 face even after looksmaxing hahaha, something like a 5 from the front but my deformed mongoloid skull is a 3 from the side
Slight pectus, and genetically its very hard for me to gain weight. I eat a lot, don't give me that shit about everyone having predictable TDEEs I have to eat 1500 surplus for any weight gain at all
On the good side, I'm at least six foot, wide shoulders narrow hips, never been above 15 percent bodyfat, large dong
And I haven't lost any hair! I check every week because once I got a buzz cut and I looked like a fucking alien so I'm paranoid about going bald.
>bad teeth
>wide hips
>small wrists
>small hands/fingers
>5 inch dick, very small girth
>Broad shoulders/wide back
>Full head of hair
>Big forearms
>Short arms and barrel chest makes me really good at benching
Pros do not outweigh the cons at all
wtf desu, are you me?
>yellow teeth
>somewhat wide hips
>love handles
>5.5in dick small girth
>broad shoulders/wide back
>black hair
>big arms
>chest gains are easy
Best: 6'1", wide shoulders, high trap insertions
Worst: When I'm cutting even at small deficits, I'm ALWAYS hungry, slow runner and poorly coordinated so I can't do any sports well beyond BJJ
To be honest this dude wouldnt look like shit if he got someone to help him.
He needs a low hair cut and a beard if he can grow one. His face looks like an awkward teenagers. He has faggy wide hips which would go unnoticeable except he is pulling his shorts so far down. He has a weak looking chin so if he cant grow a beard he would need to actually gain body fat to stop looking like a faggot.
>pretty weak chin
>somewhat wide hips
>Addictive personality
>6.5in dick
>Jaw is just a jaw
>Hands are just hands
>Good wrists
>broad shoulders/wide back
>Deep and clear voice, I've gotten genuine compliments about it.
>blue eyes
>big arms
>Godlike teeth, people naturally think my father is a dentist. Like really, it's fucking autistic. When I was eating at a cafe one time a woman complimented me on my teeth and told me she was a dentist. Too bad my smile is pretty bad, it's really large.
>Naturally big biceps and chest
>People think I lift when I don't lift so I browse this place to know how to talk like I lift
>height (5'7")
>literally everything else
6’2”, handsome, good hair, good teeth (no braces)
Thin wrists, ankles, max realistic natty good-looking weight is probably 220, which will be super tough to reach anyway. 187 feels like my ceiling
Wide hips
Balding (!!!!!)
5'11.75 (just give me them extra mm)
Good jawline
8" benis
My body deposits all of its reserves on my ass
More cushion for the pushin'
Worst: i store lots of fat on my chest (guy)
Best: I honestly don't know as im still losing weight ; however my dad has a lot of muscle mass and has never been to a gym / dieted so im hoping i can build muscle easily
If your 20 inch shoulders are impressive at 6’5 then my 19 inch shoulders at 5’7 must be god-tier.
>pasty white
>very fucked up teeth (fixed now)
>narrow face/jaw
>5.5 inch dick
>wide hips
>negative canthal tilt
At least lifting for girls wasn’t even an option
>Hair genetics top tier
>Easy chest ,leg and tricep gains(probably cause manlet)
>No one loves me
>Great muscle building genes (thanks Nordbro dad)
>Solid Jawline
>Thick head of hair, both mother's and father's side of the family do not have baldness
>Natural Oak legs, hit 405lb squat when I was 16 years old
>Broad shoulders
>Hairless chest
>Big nipples for a guy
>Fat storage goes straight for the fucking hips and mid section, I gained and then dropped around 5 pounds during the first 2 months of this semester, those 5 pounds immediately made my mid section jiggle noticeably more
>fairly small, up turned nose, looks likes Latsbrah's
Same user,how do you reduce them and make it small as possible? Not even fat,whole body is pretty built up.
Best: Big frame and wide shoulders mean i have a high genetic muscular potential of 105KG @ 10%bf at 182cm. Big rib cage and long torso make squats and benching easy.
Worst: t rex arms and shitty bicep extensions.
>Facial aesthetics
>ez gains in chest and shoulders
>tfw too smart
>found genuine belief in God
>socially capable
>manic side of manic depression
>5'7" manlet
>knowledge is too esoteric to market
>I lack the vision and willpower to market my knowledge
>depression side of manic depression
>socially anxious despite social success
>aryan af
>pretty smart, whole family is so i think its genetic
>Just curious about this london meme
>filtered word
Not him, but lurk more fag
>Extremely prone to weight gain (i'm talking 1 fucking chip and i can almost visibly see my stomach expanding
>All that weight goes to my stomach and no where else making me look way more overweight than I actually am
>7 incher with decent girth (I pass the toilet paper roll test)
>Very above average intelligence (I watch Rick and Morty)
>Unusually high testosterone levels that help me gain muscle very quickly and keep that weight off
>belief in God
>Positive aspect
5'9" isn't a flaw user
try being fucking 5'3" ugly ethnic like me and then you will know true pain
>Green eyes, brown hair
wut, thats like 2nd place in aesthetics behind blonde hair, blue eyes
I'm glad I'm not alone but also sad that you probably deal with the same stuff I do.
>canthal tilt
genetic lottery wins:
>white, brown hair, blue eyes
>reasonably intelligent
>deep voice
>likely will never bald
>6.5" dick on a good day
>average frame overall
>pencil dick
>alcoholic predisposition
>minor wristlet
>acne and fucked up teeth (both dealt with)
>body hairlet, 23 and still can't grow a proper beard either
overall, i think i got dealt a fair hand.
>Very high metabolism
>Nice jawline
>Perfect Teeth
>Natural V taper
>Healthy Skin
>No beard, white trash tier facial hair
>Skelly mode constantly lurking, pencil neck
>Need high amount of sunlight for any skin color
>Almost comical Widow's Peak
>Naturally very introverted
I'm a shitty fanfic vampire
>Small Chin (thick beard genetics will kick in any moment now)
>Lats won't grow (I don't really want a v-taper tho)
>Pencil neck (slowly getting better)
>Scapular winging (slowly getting better)
>Wide shoulders relative to height (6'1)
>Good upper traps without doing shrugs
>Can control posture with ease depending on exercise (low chances of getting injured)
Not the luckiest but I am slowly getting there.
Best: >6'1", nothing impressive tho
>Very wide shoulders
>Good jaw genetics, currently 20% body fat and still looks alright
>Deep and projecting voice
>Low chance of baldness before 60
>7.5/6 dick, curved weird tho
>Avg. to Small hips, when in better shape
Bad: >Lots of fat goes to love handles, wrecks shoulder hip ratio
>6'2-3" wingspan, hard to build bulk
>Overall poor distribution of fat, need to be very low body fat to look cut
>50” chest
>19” neck
>dont workout anymore cause I’m lazy
>dont try to fuck chicks cause I have a gf down for whatever
Girls almost always give me the eye. They know I am packing and can show them a good time but I’m over it. I’ve banged so many dimes it’s like whatever. I’ve been lucky with STDs after all the chicks I’ve fucked. Too many to count.
I’d rather not get AIDS.
>balding at 18
>scoliosis and lordosis, possibly kyphosis too
>fucked up crooked teeth
>socially autistic
>nice beard at 18
>huge veiny dick
>good muscle insertions
>not much else
I’m 5 inches here with just above average girth... plus I’m a manlet
> naturally muscular
> no acne
> good muscle insertions
> hairy as fuck
> uneven teeth
> bad hair
> manlet
> skinny wrists
> going bald
London means female in most cases
worst, dick only 6 miles long
best, am 3 light years tall,bench press the universe
Best: Tall and very broad, Pecs and lats grow rapidly, Perfect muscle insertions
Worst: Triceps grow slowly, Acne
>Complaining about 5'10"
You are pathetic
>sorta wide hips
>very mild gyno
>love handles
>shit lower body genetics
>round delts
>easy chest gains
>good tricep insertions
Girls here are as tall as me
>tfw narrow shoulder genetics
Should I keep lifting (3 month only) or just end myself?! I have big fucking head also, small frame and 178cm height. My routine mostly just upper body excersices, is this bad ?
>shit chest gains
>shit arm gains
>body build is strong
>easy leg gains
>strong core
>good leg/back genetics
>Gap tooth
>Wide hips
>Incredibly hairy ass to the point where I need to shave daily or shower after a shit
>Don't see my abs at all until well below 10%
>Lifting 2/3/4.5/6
>Great jawline when I hit low body fat %
>What I would consider a big penis
>Most importantly, I'm happy with myself
>eyes don't have good symmetry
>mild scoliosis
>great vascularity
>zero health problems