But my chest feels like scrambled eggs now right after I showered.
Finally hit 225lb today
Congrats man. Routine and time it took?
Nice gyno faggot
you don't know what gyno looks like and it's obvious
Wow dude. Just one rep?
I can also bench 225lbs but my chest doesn't look as full as yours
What's your chest routine? Do you do weight dips?
literally how? I bench 225 and my chest is no where as full or big as yours. routine?
How do I get a nice flat and blocky chest like muh Greek statues, not mantits like OP the T I T C O W.
>everyone will look similar at the same level of strength
top fucking kek
there are guys who tool around with 185 who look jacked as fuck, and guys who put up 315 and look like they do pushups occasionally
225 repping or 1rm?
This. Genetics is a huge factor when it comes to how muscles look.
good job man, sadly you're still a manlet tho...
not only that, but genetics are a huge factor in how much muscle it actually takes to move X weight
someone with short arms, a barrel chest, and a highly optimized nervous system can bench 315 without much muscle mass
someone with long arms, a thin torso, and an inefficient nervous system is going to need to be jacked as fuck to put 315 up
>Tfw short arms and a barrelchest
>Been lifting for a little over a year
>Still cant bench more than 160
160 kilo right?
pls be in tons
it's ok women arent as strong as men
Lol kill me. Hit 225 and my chest still looks like garbage.
>can bench lmao3pl8 1rm
>still have shit chest
my dad gave me fucking runners genes
I was focusing on volume for 5 months prior to September and 1 rep max was 205. So it took about 3 months to get to 1x225.
I have some extra fat on my lower chest which is what I think makes it look full lmao.
Routine wise, I do a 3 day split, so chest gets done twice every 7 days. Always do flat bench first pyrmid (everything else is flexible) with a incline and decline excerise, and I end chest with a flat isolation movement
and there it is
training like a bodybuilder, oddly enough, will make your chest bigger than just hammering 3x5 bench 1-2x a week
volume is the name of the game when it comes to hypertrophy
Also, my genetics are shit. See before picture from may attached...
>chest rash
suspicious user
Faggot waxed his chest.
>semicolon tattoo
wanna know how i know you're a faggot
this sub is so fucking gay
nice blog. subscribed
>waxes chest
>gets rash that looks exactly like roidne
Dude I'm fucking pisses because no matter how hard I try my chest will never look good because I have pectus
papa gib milkies pls
is 225 really that much? i could press that back in the day
Ill massage them for you bby
It's like a rite of passage imo
I hope you mean bodyweight, because I hit 225 bench when I weighed 135, as a skinny mofo.
You must have tiny triceps or are weak as shit.
I only say this because you have nice pecs, which I would think would hit more than lmao 2pl8
It’s like when your kid passes their driving test.
Be proud of them, but it’s not that impressive.
> 225 bench when I weighed 135, as a skinny
Wow you must have some Greek god genetic brah. In the real world not everyone has that
okay, let me add something to that. i was a gymnast in my teenage years and went to the gym with a friend that did mma. but i didn't know anything besides the stuff he told me about bb
ah, i see. well, congratulations then, OP
>dad tells me how his max diddly 600lbs and he used to squat 400 for 20 reps but squats ruined his knees
fuck how will i ever compete with my dad bros??
my dad was a bb too and i won't. i only do prisoner workouts nowadays. but i feel good when i'm doing them and that's what counts
Will you ever call him out in his bs?
why the fuck did you got a semicolon tattoo?
Why do guys work on their chest so much? Do they just have boob envy or what?
If a dude had to choose one muscle group, it'd always be chest because athestics. Chest > abs/arms/legs ect...
for me it'd be back, cuz i fucking love shit like deads and rows
>inb4 deads are not a back exercise
think it's like suicide awareness or some shit
For sure. you can see back/chest with shirt on and just in general white other other msucle groups are easily hidden
it's obviously the back