Where do you go to school?
What's your major?
How are finals going?
> pic related
> econ & stat
> im fked
Where do you go to school?
What's your major?
How are finals going?
> pic related
> econ & stat
> im fked
should be okay
SE = Software engineering?
Less math required than the computer science program and I tapped out at calc 2
Calc ii was fucking hard
Don't you still need discrete math? I tapped out of the CS program after that class. Hate proofs.
Idk I'm in accounting we don't do hard math
Schools currently on fire but at least the gyms open
U. Houston
Studying to be a french professor
doing a PhD brah?
My SE program has the same amount of math as CS. Somehow made my way through them despite my shitty math skills.
>the year of our Lord + two thousand and seventeen
>learning arabic
but why
Finance major here, fuck accounting, how do you put up with all the busy work
I'm in the middle of applying to programs, my undergraduate was at UH. I'm looking at ULL and UNO for masters/PhD, they're close and Louisiana has excellent French programs unsurprisingly.
I'll admit I kek'd
it's nice if you like rigidity and rules, everything has a place and the numbers are just inputted to formulas or whatnot
Are you worried long term? Theres a lot of software out there that can do what took accountants hours in seconds
Can these software do creative accounting
Coyne college(Chicago)
Electrical construction and planning
Just got back our midterms and labs. Aced em both, not worried about failing.
Have you looked at any Stat grad programs? Got my undergrad in econ and have been working for about two years now, but am looking into a statistics masters. Will probably just do whatever program Rice has since I'm in Houston, but stull.
Yes but can these accountingbots shift my daddy's money to Singapore and Hong Kong via Swiss backchannels by way of the Bahamas?
I went to the University of Texas at Austin for history. Ended up getting a masters degree. Now I am an apprentice elevator repairman.
Set to make $100K when I finish with a guaranteed job.
No, that's been said since the 80s, it's not happening
We're working on teaching it how, yes.
Are you talking about PhD or masters?
Think seriously before doing a PhD - it's a huge investment in terms of foregone income and even in STEM subjects like stat you're not guaranteed a job in academia, and top hedge funds/banks etc won't take you in unless you're from MIT/CalTech/Princeton. If you just want to hop on the 'data science' bandwagon you don't even need a graduate education just do some projects showing off your skills (e.g. principal components analysis, support vector machines etc) and upload them to GitHub. If you want, apply to a MS in Data Science, not a pure stats grad program. Learning proofs of convergence theorems and asymptotic properties of distribution won't get you any $$$.
FHSU. Biology and secondary education
Damn I wish I went to fucking hot sluts uni
Serious question (no offence): Do you need a college degree to become an electrician? Always thought it worked like an apprenticeship system.
So far so good, although my main physics class final is next Wednesday. Really have to study.
Electrical engineering
Finals all went well, but I still have an essay to write by tomorrow
CalTech has essays? wat
>tfw graduated in may and feeling old as shit
I'm not ready for the real world. Anyways majored in electrical engineering, working in software now.
MTSU: Biology
Sorry, reading comprehension failure.
For master's, Rice would be a good option though just apply to places like Stanford as well. It'll be twice as expensive but you'll probably be able to land a 100k+ job straight after especially if you do the machine learning specialty.
They offered 2 programs at the school, the first one only offers a diploma and you’re out the door. The one I’m in is about a year and half of schooling but I learn how to design blueprints amongst other things. In the long run I’m only taking it to give me an edge when it comes down to promotions once I reach my journeyman status.
Also some companies that are non union as far as I’m aware do have programs for apprenticeship, but you have to be an apprentice for 5 1/2 years and do schooling along with it.
>tfw Cambridge shits on u at twickenham for a second year in a row
>tfw u are proven to be the least Chad uni of the two least Chad unis in the UK
Which college
Keble, wbu?
St John's
> fully equipped college gym on site no need to mix with plans at puregym
Mix with plebs*
Hello fellow RIT brother
On co-op
>pic related
We're required to take a humanities class every term in addition to our STEM coursework.
At the White Building gym right now instead of studying for finals.
MechE btw. I have finals in electromag, diff. Eqs, linear algebra, calc III, and statics next week. I'm probably going to kill myself desu.
If you think your finance major from fuck state university is getting you anywhere you're retarded
Who else /Tempe campus/ here?
Columbia user here too. Dodge is a fuckng shithole
What year are you? We should work out together sometime
Funny - I live in the neighborhood. Too bad CU won't let me get a gym membership, I have to go all the way to harlem :(
yo dodge is a complete shit hole. 2 benches for the whole school. I go to blink on 125th. It's a mediocre gym but still way better than dodge
hey dude me too. ee
only 1 hard final
Fellow UT bro. How was it when you were there? Bang any hot sloots?
Where my Purdue boys at?
>political science
>peachy so far, finished 2 group presentations, almost done with a final paper, then econ exam
Fuck I can’t stand pure gym, but keble gym is even worse :( Effectively just one set of weights
gym is full of niggers
Gonzaga University
Majoring in accounting and minor in history. Everything going well so far despite the weather being shit as usual
>term papers are even worse than exams :(
still have to finish applying to grad schools
Molecular and Cell Biology
I'm completely fucked, maybe if I lift enough my grades will improve too?
Yeah, it's completely ridiculous and it feels like a dungeon
You OP or different Columbia user? What year?
No shit, you too?
Think I'm gonna die on the 110 final. Just gotta go the the RSF everyday to keep sane.
I'm OP but the other guy wasn't me so there are at least 3 Columbia anons here.. What are the odds lol.
No shit you have to go to grad school because you wasted 4 years on a fucking meme degree
I'm moving back to state college to work now that I've graduated, what gym should I go to off campus?
You can tell who the freshman underage babbies are by how hard they jerk off over their major/school
how do you even get into ivy leagues these days when you're competing against hordes of chinks and ever other gutter race whose parents breed them to get in?
both my parents went to columbia and I've got the requisite IQ but literally how much you gotta suck the dick of your teachers, community leaders and that guy who wants you to go build a school in Apefrica?
seems like a waste of time, I go to school in europe so I can learn foreign languages
History and religious studies
Better than my gains
Umm.. I'm one of those 'chinks'..
>the NOWAGs are among us
What year are you user?
You going to Dodge later today? I wanna meet other Columbia Veeky Forums autists
It's not even worth it honestly, especially if you're going into a medical profession. Here in NY everybody just goes up north to Canada for a cheap degree then comes back to the states for a career. My cousin finished up a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in PEI for probably a 1/5th of what you'd pay here in America and came back to get a job immediately making 80k a year.
Already went for today. i was doing the trap bar DLs by the basketball court on the lowest floor
Oakland University in Michigan
I barely pay anything because of the generous fin aid. Unless your daddy runs a hedge fund or something (which desu is not uncommon), Columbia and other Ivy League schools give you a steep discount off the 'sticker' price that you see on google
> Claims to be high IQ
> Can't get into safety school
> Goes to Yurop to study 'languages'
> will be unemployed and speaking half-arsed french in a few years
lol my sides
Got shooed away by the gym staff because they're having some kind of party.. you'll see a large bouncy castle on the court if you go
>t. affirmative action pajeet
been in yurop 2 years already advanced in spanish and intermediate in italian and french
and I'm studying business
130 iq
I just can't be assed to go cacoon mode incel to make the application
Lel, I go to Fisher up the road. I hate this place and Rochester is retarded.
The campus gym memberships are included in tuition now, so that's all I use. Last year I was using Anytime Fitness because I still had a few months leftover on my contract. It's a sweet place to lift (24/7 + access to all branches) but a bit pricier than other options.
I noticed that a lot of gyms are more group-fitness oriented in State College rather than go in and do your shit.I think it's memey but whatever gets butterslugs off the couch I guess.
> he thinks 130 IQ is impressive
the natural language processing algorithms I'm working on will replace any need for human translators like you within the decade. have fun being a NEET
> 'affirmative action pajeet'
Not a pajeet or minority, but if anything white guys are the beneficiaries of AA. Without it the Ivy League would be 80% Asian like in Berkeley or UCLA.
And yet you still couldn't get in.
the aesthetic body I'm working will replace any of your wife's need for your 4 inch pajeet shrimp dick. have fun in the shed when I come over
> 130 IQ
Stanford-Binet or Cattell (or internet meme IQ test?)
anyway you can't even get into MENSA with that brainlet IQ
idk my public school gave me tests n sheit
Go back to /pol/
NOWAG detected
yep, my hours are weird so as long as I have a place to go early as fuck AND late as fuck with free weights I'm golden. Don't care too much about price
History major
30 pages in 3 days, I can do it right?
Easily, you'd be shocked what you can accomplish if you put in 8 hrs/day