>that first post-workout pinch
That first post-workout pinch
more like
>that post cardio cig
I don't understand habitual usage when you can enjoy cigars or pipes as an occasion.
>that intra workout swill
Chew tobacco is probably the most disgusting habit a man can have desu senpai
You don't chew it. You have it a dry upper lip.
>that post workout shot
Using shitty american instead of swedish masterrace snus
>you'll never make it
>buying tobacco from a country that doesn't grow it
He doesn't use General/Skruf.
>buying a shitty imitation and not the original
wow this thread is super degenerate.
the only halfway acceptable form of nicotine is vaping. tobacco should honestly be illegal.
Fuck me. The strongest of all dips
Vaping should be banned
The worst thing is the people who say they're addicted to their 5% nicotine and are proud of it. If you're gonna get addicted to nicotine and least smoke cigs like a normal person instead of sucking your dildo
>not eating odens
>making it
choose only one senpai
I really want to find a hotcountry chick that dips. I’ve heard of a few of these women, but I’ve never seen one in the wild.
>that post workout pint of guiness and a lucky strike
Lucky strikes are brutal, only because they’re so bad for you with the ash, etc. Dip has 6-8x more nicotine than cigarettes. You’re basically getting a buzz off of the 3x more carcinogens than dip. Dip is not a safe alternative to smoke. But it is “safer”.
If you’re not dipping or vaping in this day and age I have no respect for you
That Pre- in- and post workout sip
>this thread is super degenerate
>vaping is cool guys
>This thread brought to you by losers in the USMC
And washed up juco baseball players
>the virgin pinch
>the Chad SNUFF
snufflets, when wilst they learn?
Are you ducking serious. Vaping is more acceptable than a hardworking guy have a cigarette after a long day? Fucking you retarded
Women dipping is gross
Is it true that cigarrettes increase test? Is that why the vape jew is more and more popular?
what are you gay?
I literally prefer women dipping to them smoking cigs. For me it is much cleaner, no smell and ciggarete breath. And if its portions not lös, then there isn't even any residue in her mouth. 10/10 would kiss
This. I have like a cigar a week and I wouldn't have it any other way
That isn't chew, it's dip you dip.
>being this young
My mouth is hypersalivated, so theres always a pool of spit between my gum and lower lip. The portion leaks quite a bit less in the upperlip
>the overmastering pleasure that tobacco can bring if you use it seldom and judiciously.
-Thom Jones (RIP in pepperoni)
I was on a fire crew with a mommy gf tier actual single mom who dipped and uh basically is spot on.
dip != snus
come to Appalachia and try to find someone that doesn't dip. Can't guarantee that any of the women will be hot, though.
>having any low vibration addiction
General has some great flavor but it feels like it drips too much.
Pic related is what I'm using now. Pretty damn good to be honest
>Low vibration
Get out
>literally voluntarily giving yourself mouth cancer
why are humans so fucking moronic?