should manlets be allowed to hold positions of power?
Should manlets be allowed to hold positions of power?
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Nobody should. Power causes brain damage.
>should manlets be allowed to hold positions of power?
No they should be gassed
Good luck trying to gas Putin.
yes, because they have bigger brains and bigger dicks
But what if you're short, not that smart, and have a small dick? Asking for a friend
then you're polish and should consider being a chef
send your friend my condolences
>gets his ass kicked for not respecting or listening to authority
They have no remorse, they have no honor, and if you give them power they will have nothing to stop them.
>power bottom
>napoleon complex
They have really high standards for cops at Mesa.
They let women be cops, too.
How would a fitizen react in this situation?
Most cops are not manlets tho.
>average sized guy kills a hes just an asshole
>manlet kills a guy, ban all manlets for power jobs it had to have been napolean complex.
lifeless eyes
Black eyes
like a dolls eyes
who let you out of the pit boy?
Show me a video of an actual human cop going on a power trip before killing an unarmed suspect
I'm not a woman
>theres no video of it so it must be not real.
Cmon now
Regardless if hes guilty or not cops are aloud to say rude things and curse if the person isnt listening or obeying commands. Its not customer service.
>t. overpowered by manlets
do cops in america do anything but escalate every situation they get involved in?
Do your citizens have niggers with guns and an edgy hatred for athority fueled by millenial boredum. Also a rise in cop shootings?
This. I'll hike through middle east and africa before visiting the US.
No, we really have to raise the bar for who we allow to be police.
We need to make it a high paying job so the best and brightest apply for it.
And there is alot of cops on gear. I'm ok with that.. But it's a scary thing when you see something like this.
If they earn it size does not matter
Kek it's incredible how incompetent cops are. What a shame. I hope he felt like a badass gunning down a crying unarmed man
How will burger cops respond with banter? I'm going there this summer and don't want to become swiss cheese. Do you have to be a "yes, sir. no, sir" weak cunt to survive in burger land?
Hey, the government gave those niggers guns drugs and poisoned them so they became violent raving lunatics.
What do you expect to happen?
Besides, I'm sure the bikers and organized white criminals who run entire towns are being stopped by the cops as well.
No I was there,I'm a manlet,and mostly they just ask where the accent is from,plus accent gets you really easy pussy,and not just used up goods either
Just say you are drunk. Better get arrested for being drunk in publoc rather then being shot for not following instractions.
Correct me if I am wrong but you cant follow instructions while drunk, legally speaking ?
The American nigger is one of the most dangerous sub species of human on the earth. They have no rational, everything they do is on impulse.
They are violent and random
You have to be like this dealing with them or YOU will be killed.
A white cop with a young family pulled over a nigger close to where I live. He walked up to the car and the nigger shot him in the head.
For a fucking traffic stop.
Look these are the niggers where I live and went to school
Plus violent spics are literally a step above nigger, the m16.
And now we have these antifa faggots.
This is why I lost all respect for Europe. You had a nice society, very little niggers and muslims and shit like that.
Fucking A, Euro's are fucking trash.
Anyways this cop is piece of shit.. But its usually a split decision and it's your life or theirs..
Where ever there is niggers there is pain and suffering
wasn't daniel shaver intoxicated or something?
where did you go m8
Will I get arrested for making donut jokes if the cop is /fat/?
no you'll get shot
Shit mate, do you often get pulled over in the US? Legit my biggest fear
Jesus Christ what the fuck
lol, i'm was only kidding. im not from the US. you'll probably be fine as long as you don't do anything stupid to attract attention to yourself
what's the context to this? why did they send a swat team to the apartment?
Americans are foreskinless brown degenerates. They chimp out, just like niggers
Alright, I literally can't help myself with that stuff, I love bantering with cops because we do it all the time over here
the cop is an obvious piece of shit. The kid looked like he was just petrified and crying like a bitch. It was sad.
i defend cops though because they go through hellish decisions that can make their familys not have a husband or dad for ingrateful people that think theyre racist or opressive or what ever shit the media wants to say and expect them to act like some kind of fearless emotionless robots with computer tier split second decision making that might get them killed or jailed for the training and pay they get its not an easy task.
based asains
This protocol is fucking nuts.
Standard procedure is to tell them to lay down and not move, overtake then multiple knee jabs to the spine. They had like 7 officers there so all angles could stay covered during.
Contradicting and complicated orders in a stressful situation is a good way to turn normal people really fucking stupid.
imagine the damage if he was 5'5
What is the root of this meme? Ive been seeing it around lately, it obviously some kind of organized effort to cause division..
What is the root, when did these pics start showing up?
White America is safe, You literally look stupid. Euros are invaded with muslims right now, get a grip.
Basically mass shooting happen in large cities with heavy pollution with drug and violence involvement.
This wouldn't be a problem if mass media didn't export this scumbaggery pourposely to other black communities.
Things like this isn't a rare occurrence.
Agreed. Pretty sure my mother would get shot as well, she cant follow any kind of directions in stressful situations. I, probably, would get shot too.
there is also like 3 volumes of that documentary..
This is any black part of town USA..
If we didnt have cops to put some fear in them we would become like Africa. It would be a war zone. Were armed and all but the average person does not want to kill.
But you would be forced too
nope, napoleon complex is actually dangerous
manlets should be put in camps or at least given no access to firearms
man it would really be a shame if someone went to this guys house and opened up his neck, really just a bummer, man
America needs to be nuked right now.
You literally will not find a more retarded and bloodthirsty people on earth. At least niggers don't pretend to be civilised
>"He didnt follow my instructions."
Do you understand how big america is?
It's not white people who are the problem
Look at the picture I posted. They are classified as WHITE
They do this intentionally to skew the statistics to make it seem like whites are just as bad as these sub humans..
The fact of the matter is, no matter how much people want to deny it.
We are all not the same.
We are all not meant to be together..
Look at that image.
What the fuck
it's da ebul niggers
now how does this make it not the cops fault?
No this cop is a piece of shit and deserves firing squad.
But you got understand the absolute evil they have to deal with all the time. They are life and death situations.
I started in new York and ended up in ohio
Who died and made you king lanklet? kill yourself now before i find you and do it.
No wonder Americans despise police officers. The guy walk free as well.
97% of normies who get charged go to jail.
96% of cops who get charged go free.
If a cop goes on trial, it's a PR stunt, pure and simple.
Both the officer and the person who invented this retarded protocol need to be prosecuted ASAP. Chances are they are both subhuman manlets as well.
Just don't drink and drive, that shits deadly
Waving an airsoft gun out of the hotel window
>man fuk dem po-leece dey don't got shit on me nigguh
> attempting to be the voice of reason
I respect the attempt, I really do. But if these idiots were competent enough to be anything other than autistic bigots they wouldn't live on the chonz
Mesa is a fucking hell hole that needs to be covered by an ocean, the whole state should be returned to the bottom of the sea where it belongs
No, someone saw the air rifle through his window and called the police. It was a pellet gun for his job (pest control) and his drinking buddies saw the hard case, thought it was a guitar, took it out of the case (seen through window doing so), then put it back. By then it was too late, someone called swat that there was a man with a gun in the hotel.
Are you fat? Depending on how your fat distribution is, you should have about one inch of dick for every 35lbs over your ideal bodyweight
Since when Americans were whites? They're a bunch of mongrels, don't even know where they came from.
Most americans will tell you they're half this, half that, 1/8 this, 3/4 that... Some of them even claim to have native american blood, with blonde hair and all.
The whole new world should be nuked, tbqh. are a fucking idiot. Now I'mma try to be patient with your dumbass because apparently you have been spoonfed (and happily gulped down) TONS of bullshit.
> You need a boogeyman
In America, in the 1800's, what race committed the majority of violent, heinous crime in white communities?
In America, from 1900 to 2000, what race committed the majority of mass murder, terrorism, and violent rape resulting in death in white communities?
> If it wasn't for the ethnics you barbaric fucks would literally eat your own. Thank God the CIA pumped "just enough" crack into the inner-city to keep that cycle going strong for 200 years.
For white people in America, a safe "rose tinted glasses" life literally boils down to living in a gated community lol. There's a reason why sheltered liberal white women are fighting so strongly for the "rights" of people they know nothing about.
>blacks commit 80% of violent crimes
>yeah but whites were bad in 1813 hehe #rekt
its the liberal mind in action
Mental gymnastics while living in a fantasy world.
This is what were up against, this level of density and white guilt.
The past is the past, we have to deal with the present...
t. bootlicker
you tell em comrade
fuck man, that is so fucked up. they confused and scared the hell out of that kid and gave him the ultimate punishment for inevitably fucking it up. the cops are fucked up, man.
US police are subhuman
American police
>Waste coons, look badass, always angry because of high test
Eurocuck police
>Offer they're own buttholes to criminal "migrants", too afraid to keep a brown person in jail longer than a few months
>be mcdude
>wave gun around in a hotel room after checking with staff
>check scope out window
>put gun away
>20 odd minutes later
>? who the hells yellin at me
>see the manlet of the household in battle ready armor
>remember to put my hands up
>yells at me
>trayvon me timbers
>start crying and he yells at me like my drunk dad
>"simon says touch your toes"
>do it
>"now lick your left nipple"
>suckle on my teet like a dying piglett
>get blown to kingdom come the fuck on
>be in heaven watchin my trial with dindunuffins
>gets off free with no one looking at the body cam of me getting riddled like a sphynx
>unloads another round with his get fucked rifle into the entire courtroom
>look at god
>he says to me
>when will they learn?
pic related is him
Thick skinned heroic manlets: 1
Lanklet thugs: 0
You tell officer porkins!
Meanwhile the coons are reading your sorry attempts at covering your ass in social media, realizing what BLM actually is and beginning to form into a homegrown terrorist organization.
Hope the coons won't decide to ACTUALLY arm themselves and shoot first get away then turn themselves in later in broad daylight so that nothing bad happens!
>Standard police protocol is to find people with tattoos suspicious
>Allow tattooed people into police, even allow them to wear short sleeves that reveal tattoos
What did they mean by this?
>read damning statistics and research that point to niggers being the biggest source of crime
>white mans fault
KYS. Here's your (you)
quick rundown please
I'm actually underweight. I float between 105 and 110lbs. Just unfortunate genetics I suppose.
This IRL
>yes goyim, remain powerless as to not injure yourself!
To be fair he did reach with his right arm behind his back and he could've had a gun. He was probably just drunk or stupid, but the US police are super trigger happy because of all the niggers with guns.
A court also rules the shooting as legal.
Kinda is.
Niggers had their own prosperous towns and means of production and wealth for years.
Trash and wealthy people who had nothing would roll in steal it kill as many as they could then pretend nothing happened.
That's not even mentioning what flouride, media designed to ruin black communities, families, and mindset, and the pollution in major cities poisoning them...
Bobs your uncle.
Honestly wish the wealthy blacks decided to buy some african land and try to convince every american black and people with ONE DROP of black blood to leave for it.
Taking their monetary and material wealth. Would have a nice little small and well read empire of millions and be in the UN within a generation. Will take decades to unlearn the century or so of social manipulations, but it can be done.
Watch how there won't be any protest for this because he is white, and the cop will walk