>19 years old >started lifting 4 months ago >squats everyday >recently started feeling mild knee pain a couple days after squats. usually after standing up for a while and then trying to sit down or vice versa >pain is dull, specifically above my patella >usually goes away after I move around for a bit >i have flat feet but I wear an orthopedic while walking outside/lifting >notice cracking and popping sounds when I squat full depth, no grinding sensation or pain during the movement >have had similar cracking sounds in my neck for 3 years now
I'm really worried about it being osteoarthiritis. Is 4 months of squatting 3 days a week enough to cause that? My form was shitty when I started for a month but I was lifting bitch weight then. I've had people correct my form and it's good now, and even though I lift heavier than before I'm still not lifting that heavy (175 lb squat). I'm hoping it's just some mild patellar tendonitis that can be resolved with stretching and rest.
Oliver King
Also interested in this thread for general knee health
Colton Price
Elijah Torres
not literally everyday retard. 3 days a week like on SS.
Andrew Butler
I suggest taking a break from the squats for a week or two to see if it improves or not. Also take some supplements for joints. Im just a medic fag, so my word is worthless, but taking a break is reasonable... If it still hurts or if it starts to hurt once you get back to squats u should see a Doctor.
Dominic Rodriguez
you need bbc
Lincoln Barnes
w-was this my mistake? was it because I forgot my squat plug?
Leo Scott
Carter Rivera
>Go skiing last week >Left knee feels slightly sore from turning over moguls >Lifting this week >Knee makes popping sound EVERY time right before I reach max squat dip help!
Sebastian Williams
Jayden Thomas
Buy headphones
Hunter Clark
David Stewart
Sounds like some patellar tendonitis if it's above the patella in the middle and occurs on moving.
I can pretty much guarantee you don't have OA at 19.
Get some painkillers, maybe some topical heat cream if it's causing you a lot of bother. If it hasn't healed in 4 weeks, go see a family doctor.
Rest easy.
Aiden Parker
I experienced really similar symptoms before my knees got basically injured I would hear cracking sounds every time I squatted and felt pain right after squats the pain was only getting worse each workout. I was gaining strength at that time which wasn't helping for sure when it got so bad that my knees would even hurt at night (on squat/deadlift days) to a point where I wasn't able to sleep I decided to stop lifting and see a doctor turned out I developed chondromalacia patella every doctor I went to, and I visited 4 or 5 of them, told me to basically stop training my legs forever and hope my knees recover on their own because there is nothing they could do one of them did offer me treatment with hyaluronic acid injections into the knee after I insisted there must be something that can be done, but that didn't help in the slightest so, basically what I did was I stopped doing any exercises involving legs and prayed the cartilage would regenerate well, it did regenerate fully, but it took full 2 years, from 2011 to 2013. those were 2 painful years of only working out my upper body looking back I realized the development of the condition was most likely caused by bad squat form. my knees would always start caving in when the weight was getting heavy. after the recovery I started really paying attention to it and never had any problems with my knees again
Dylan Bailey
Patellar tendinitis. Take two weeks off to heal, and to prevent it from happening make sure you hit depth. Patellar tendinitis is cause by high squatting. Don’t ass to grass it tho, that’s also bad, just slightly below parallel. Almost all my clients think they hit depth but they don’t. Film yourself from a good angle, don’t trust the mirror
Jordan Harris
go to a physio for one session cost you anywhere between $60-$120 to see what he thinks
doctor will just tell you to RICE and come back if it it gets worse
maybe small meniscus tear? could be tendonitis. also stop squatting everyday.
Jacob Peterson
>d I visited 4 or 5 of them like general practice doctors? couldn't you just get referred to a Orthopedic guy
Josiah Price
4 or 5 doctors who specialized in orthopedics and actual orthopedic surgeons etc
Isaiah Jones
fuck you just didn't do anything for 2 years? no stretching/physio?
also have you tried taking fish oil?
Christian Sanchez
Fish oil isn’t some magical body fixing elixir user
Andrew Gray
tendonitis probably. maybe your form is off or you went too heavy too fast.
seems like youre a nooby. also you said you use orthotics while lifting cuz you have flat feet? You shouldn't be lifting in regular shoes, either go barefoot or get lifting shoes and don't put orthotics or shit in them.
I used to have flat feet when I was a fat little boy. I lifted barefoot for a long time and my feet got really strong (also hill sprints and prowler push).
I think powerlifting shoes put you in the best position for sqaut, but I did get a lot out of barefoot lifting too.
Asher Martinez
that sucks senpai. back squats and dl's were crucial for developement after I came back from 2 acl surgeries. I tried front squats for a few months and they gave me incredible knee pain that only went away when I stopped front squatting. You just gotta find what works for you body, we're all so different
Daniel Hernandez
I was taking large amounts of collagen, glucosamine, going to laser therapy and doing daily stretching routine recommended to me by one of the doctors after half a year of literally no improvements I gave up
I was lifting but only training upper body the whole time and once in a while I would do a couple sets of squats with 1pl8 just to see how my knees were doing I saw that the cracking sounds were slowly disappearing and the pain was decreasing, so I just waited patiently after 2 years I figured my knees were finally as good as they were before I started lifting. since that time I've been doing squats and deadlifts like any normal person
Eli Evans
sound like patellar tendinitis, but go to a doctor just in case. i used to have severe pain below my kneecaps , especially when going past parallel. buy a patellar band and always wear it during your workouts , and train around your injury, do leg workouts that DO NOT aggravate it , strengthen your hammies quads and glutes, AND ALWAYS STRETCH AFTER EVERY WORKOUT. within a few weeks you will be good as gold.
Benjamin Lopez
thanks for the advice bros. Ill take a week or two off squats and buy a patellar band and stretch more often. what exercise do you recommend I do in the mean time to keep my leg gains?
Joseph Jones
William Hughes
you would have to experiment for yourself, for me my pain comes when i go below parallel and when my knee travel past the toes.
heres a couple of exercises i did for me rehab,
RDLS hypers/reverse hypers bulgarian split squat low bar squat above parallel behind the leg deadlifts / jefreson deadlifts leg extensions hamstring curls goblet squats
pick any and see which one suits you
Michael Collins
I recommend pushing the prowler if you have access to one. If not, hill sprints.
full leg extension and explosiveness will strengthen your patella and give you huge gains,
James Myers
fucking amputate them
Julian Baker
>I can pretty much guarantee you don't have OA at 19. This is stupid. I mean this is completely fucking stupid, bad advice. I had early onset OA in my knees and pretty much every orthopedic surgeon I went to had the same stupid opinion you do. I started having problems when I was 15. You're 21, it's patella femoral pain syndrome, or it's patella maltracking, or whatever not arthritis diagnosis they could come up with because I was young. Which meant three things for me, I could never get knee MRIs (because they wouldn't authorize), I was prescribed the wrong treatment (you just need lots of PT, user!), which resulted in my condition deteriorating rapidly year after year because my knees were not being cared for properly. And you know what, that cartilage isn't coming back. I finally got a GP that ordered MRIs and I finally found an Orthropedic Surgeon that wasn't a fucking idiot. I ended up getting hyaluronic acid injections and they made a massive difference. For the first time in my adult life I have had knees that aren't chronically inflamed. I still have to be careful but they are doing much better. Eventually though I am going to need surgery to smooth the cartilage. If I had just had hyaluronic acid injections earlier there is so much damage that could have been avoided. If the doctors I had seen had just ordered imaging instead of making assumptions.