The fuck is Overhead Press

So my sticking point is right at pic related on the first rep, if I can get the first rep above my head then i can probably get three more reps out of it purely from stretch reflex. anyone else have this problem, and how can i target the sticking point? any good assistance lifts? i'm already doing paused low rep presses

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Normally you train your sticking point by starting the exercise from this position, but since OHP always start from there, you can't really do more than paused OHP. For shoulder gains and variation you could start from a higher position with a power rack. You can't really do a deficit OHP aswell. Maybe don't do full ROM over your head but stop when you overcame the sticking point

About assistance, maybe Klokov press (wide grip behind the neck press), it's the hardest in the starting point aswell, does have a good ROM similar to your problem and tolerates a lot of volume. For triceps gains any other narrow grip press should help

do you take a deep breath and hold it? thumbs out/"suicide grip"?

if you can get the next reps out but not this one you're probably abusing the bounce

try adding some Z-presses in

Just fucking cheatrep the first one.
Literally everybody has this problem, use your legs to push it up like 2 inches on the first rep, it's fine.

For this reason I also believe that any and all 1rm for OHP should be 2rm, as the first rep should be a cheatrep.

>Literally everybody has this problem

nice projecting, faglord

Yeah, brace your abs and tighten your glutes, this way you don't do ugly reps at the expense of your lower back.
I used to do it with suicide grip and it doesn't feel as suicidal as bench press and felt more elbow friendly, later a powerlifting coach told me to do it with a normal grip so not sure what's good or bad

personally i've found thumbs out grip helps keep my forearms and wrists straight instead of rolling back in my palm

also "press with your thumbs" is a good cue

This is why I just do push press my major overhead lift and press as assistance.

I liked it aswell, it felt really joint friendly

deload and use your muscles instead of push pressing, clearly your muscles arent strong enough

>stretch reflex
>cheat the first rep

DYELs spotted. If you're using momentum and cheating the weight is toheavy. Lower the weight, leave your ego at the door, and execute each rep with a PAUSE in between. No bouncing, no cheating, no leg drive, no grinding. This is how you get the most out of the OHP, plus its way safer

have you ever though about dropping the weight lower onto your chest and using the stretch reflex on the first rep as well ? because it helps me get the first rep atleast...

ironically the only good advice manletdestiny ever gave me.

Not reliable in the long run. Pause the weight at the bottom and press it up, no cheating.

Pin press. Put the safety pins very high in the rack and set the bar on it. Alan thrall does it. When I started doing it from nose level my press went from 165 to 185 over about a month

Aww yes, the elusive weighted overhead press. A tricky one for many lifters. keep on keeping on bud, only advice I have for you.

overhead tricep press also helps with this stuff, lockout issues

Pause pause pause

Paused reps are literally the fool proof way to gain strength.

>can't do proper OHP without fucking shoulder
>have to be a dyel and do dumbbell press instead

The stretch reflex isn’t cheating and literally every competitive lifter uses it. If you don’t train with it you will be weak at meets. If you don’t care about competing do whatever the fuck you want.

Don't know about you but I can actually dumbbell press more than OHP.
>DB press is 90lbs per side for 3x8
>Ohp 1pl8 for 5, 3, 1

>muh pause reps

Am i doing it wrong if I hear a pop in my shoulder every rep?

The reason subsequent reps are easier is because of the stretch reflex. Stop using it and you will train the bottom sticking point more.

Your bottom strength sucks dick. Do pin presses and high incline bench.

This, just bring it to your collarbone and stop then push it back up

yeah, i lift more on dumbbells but its taking out dorsi/teres for more pectoralis as i have to orientate forwards more without getting pain.

you're not strong enough to need to train a specific sticking point. All your points are weak.

Why do people post such obvious lies?

another thing not yet mentioned here - try narrowing your grip a bit. for me the one in the OP feels really uncomfortable and I can't press as much weight. for me the best width is only a few inches more than shoulder width

> a random video of a highly advanced lifter using touch and go reps with a heavy weight means pause reps are uselss

pausing builds strength at the bottom the hardest part of the lift, pause reps for presses are also great for the delts, it's a valuable tool.

the refusal to use pause reps is the reason why so many noobs plateau on bench. They use too wide of a grip and bounce the weight. A superior strength builder is a close grip with a pause between every rep

how is there a stretch reflex in a competition pause bench?

Does it hurt?