How much longer

how much longer should I run GSLP for? i started almost 2 months ago my lifts are

OHP - 65lb>100
BENCH - 115>160
SQUAT 115>165
BBR 65lb>110LB

STATS 5'9 164lb and i look like fucking ass and I know full bodies routine like this arent enough for aesthetics but Im guessing I need the strength but how much do I really need for aesthetics? i see guys benching 1pl8 who look aesthetic as fuark

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Come on man you can't even deadlift 2pl8.
I'm on my eighth month of gslp and I just hit 2pl8 squat and still progressing. Just keep to it until you get like 1/2/3/3, that's what I'm planning to do

I've been lifting for 2 years and you already have better stats than me, keep it up bro we will all make it eventually

deadlift is way to fucking ez for me im just using the lightest way possible to proper use form other wise I could be doing 225 ezily ( I have done 225 a year ago and same with squat)

tnx breh the only real reason I wasted a year of my life in my gym was cause i was because i went 2-4x a month its only consistency that matters nothing else

Looking good user. Keep at it.

?????? I hit 2 plate squat in 2 months with SS???? did you start at total skelly mode or something?

your proportions are fine but you're a bit fat.
and lack muscle, what you did now was newbie strength gains, you can probably now add accesories but that will slow down your strength progress.

Bump man.
Seriousluly how long do we need to do gslp?

Im real close to switching to alpha destiny's novice routine cuz i obviously have shit traps and a pencil neck.
Gains are slow cuz im 6'2, 198(90kg)

Ran gslp for 1st 5 months of the year and restarted a month ago.

Ohp 90
Bp 145
Sq 190
Dl 205

>eighth month
>2pl8 squat

Wew Lad.... You're doing it wrong. 8 months you should have been intermediate by now squatting 3pl8+

>Come on man you can't even deadlift 2pl8.
>I'm on my eighth month of gslp and I just hit 2pl8 squat

the juxtaposition

>SQUAT 115>165
>DEADLIFT 95>185

Keep going until these are at least 3 plates a piece.

>shit traps and a pencil neck.
>Dl 205

Ya think?

What else is shit about me?(inb4 skin colour)
Please critique

>high bf
>wide hips
>dirty fucking shower (probably caused your brown skin)

Okay but in all seriousness, lift heavy until you're at least DLing 3.5 plates and squatting 2.5 plates for 5 reps. That should fix the pencil neck no traps problem.

I can wrap one hand around your neck

>dirty fucking shower (probably caused your brown skin)

Another pic showing how skinnyfat i am.
So at this rate should I cut or bulk?

And don't DL with mixed grip. Double overhand or hook grip only. Work on grip and use straps as a last resort.

My neck measures 14inches at smallest point. Just like my shitty biceps.

>So at this rate should I cut or bulk?

1. Find CBT thread
2. Find dude your height
3. Figure out his weight
4. Eat enough cals for that weight
5. Make sure he's natty unless you plan on roiding

Any difference if i do conventional or sumo?

I have slight mobility issues and find it difficult to brace fully on bottom position so im thinking of switching to sumo.

Terrible advice

Sumo if for females. Helps them pull more weight since most struggle with 1 plate. Do regular DLs. If you have mobility issues start foam rolling before you lift and do static streches after.

Eat at maintenance and when you start to stall on heavier lifts eat at a slight surplus.

Pic related is me from skinny fat into fat with muscle. Went from 165 to 190. Added like 50lbs on bench and got my ohp to one plate for reps. I dont recommend bulking hard

Apparently, this is someone my height from an archived cbt.
I'm 15 pounds heavier but he obviously has a lot more muscle mass.

Shouldn't I eat at deficit for body recomposition(cuz im a skinnyfat noob) or will that lower muscle building potential?

Find out what works for you user. Sumo is harder off the ground, conventional is harder at the top. Honestly I'm gonna get shit for this but if you find yourself plateauing with getting the initial weight off the ground for deadlifts at a certain weight, do sumo for your warm-ups sets. Some people pull better for sumo, most people pull better for conventional. It's kind of like how some people squat better wide as opposed to narrow.

>15 pounds heavier but he obviously has a lot more muscle mass.

And he looks natty, so that's a reasonable goal for 12 months.

Eat to be his weight and lift heavy.

Your muscle should grow regardless of caloric deficit because you're mostly fat.

Do you want to build more muscle in the long term? Or do you want to see your abs. You can always cut later user, but building more muscle in the long term is gonna be better. You could always do a little bit of both and just eat high protein at maintenance.

Bmr is at 2300
Tdee is 2850
So i guess I should lift at 2350? will it be safe to take it a step further and lift at 2000?
My appetite is shit but i manage to ge 0.8gm/lb protein. By how much should i increase protein amount?

op here should I also eat at a deficit ? idk i look skinny and fat but mostly skinny idk what to do feelsbadman

bump since some pajeet hijacked my thread

up to you. When I started out I was 5'10 180 so a good bit fatter than you. Cut down to 160, now lean bulking and at 165. pretty happy with my progress so far.

If you wanna cut go for it, if not just lean bulk until 1/2/3/4

I'm just tired of looking like a shit.
I dont care about abs too much, but having my hips and tits become smaller would be nice.
However puffy nips would be an issue if i did cut without building a chest 1st.
Pic related me 13 pounds ago.

Youre not as fat as me, you might even be able to get by lifting at maitenence and making slow progress.what Said. Post more pics so we can judge.

how come your bench is fucking 80kg in 2 months but your squat is utter shit?

the thing is iv been told to run full body beginer routines for 6 months min and I want to transition into something more of an aesthetic routine with isolations and higher rep ranges mixed with lower rep ranges since Ik hitting 1/2/3/4 will take a year I want to cut for the spring around feb/march time since i will look like utter fucking shit

yo i dont know much but I know I got pretty good results in a few months doing my own thing. Literally just did the PPL from reddit and focused on increasing weight on compound lifts every week or every session if I could. Accessories are important bro dont get memed

might just run this program till march or till i get 115 OHP my accesories for GSLP are

curls and lat pulldown on squat day and dips and shrugs on bench day is this techinly enough accesories?

i dont really feel like reading that pic sorry

This is the routine I did

Thats 72kg.
Not difficult, especially if you frequently did pushups before you started lifting you would start at 40kg instead of empty bar.

why are you giving these retards the time of the day?
>I'm a fucking neophyte
>i want to be strong
>and get big
>and be shredded
>also look good
>I don't want to eat too much tho haha
>i also dont like this proven program because the lifts aren't fun ;(
fucking bitches and soyboys

>wasting ur time on these threads
>just made a post about these threads
thats a neck user

I was told the same. I also noticed the best looking guys on cbt lift 5 or 6 days a week. Usually ppl. Might just switch.

Nice quads btw

tnx brah what program u running and how long u been lifting for also stats?

Nah man lol
im the black guy on gslp^^
Its just something i noticed.

Meant for

ur black? i thot u were brown xd if this case than what ethnicity are u since iv never seen a black person wtih that body type b4

North african, Sudanese
A lot of our tribes are arab mixed so we look a little different.
What body type? Lol

idk i thot u looked like u were indian or somthing since it looks like indians happen to have alot of those body types im arab so prob why we look similar

Which nation?