Alright Veeky Forums I need to know once and for all: beard or clean shaven?


Clean. Unless you're fugly

stubble is your best option

Clean shaven if you have shitty beard

Stubble if you have decent coverage

Short beard like pic related if you have a nice coverage and are above 30.

Are you handsome? Clean. If not, beard.

I would kill for his hair.

Me too.

I've got that hairline with less of a widows peak. Feels good man

what to do about blonde eyebrows? MY hair is dark brown but my eyebrows are barely fucking visible

fuk u
Is there a way to boost your hair thickness? Without chemical, preferably.

Why not moustache?

if you got the jawline always clean shaven

Slight shadow, always.

In modern times I think beards are sadly associated with old men and pussies

clean shave imo.

I think beards are gay

Pretty rare a beard makes your chin look weaker

Beards look dumb on anyone who has smooth skin. If you're young enough to not have wrinkles on your face, beards just don't look right.

Depends on your face. Try different styles and note what look best on you. For example I've got baby fat cheeks so I grow mine out but when I'm done cutting I'll go back to short stubble

I wanna know too. I'm sick of having hair worse than the cockgargler in OP's pic.

patchy stubble is patrician

Depends. Post face shaven, can't tell if a beard will be better or not for you otherwise

Minoxidil 5% makes eyebrows thicker.

t.former eyebrowlet

If you like the guy in the picture with a beard then you are gay

Works on beards too.

t. former beardlet

I gotta try this for my hair. Any side effects? Do you have to use it the whole time or can you drop it after a while?

he looks like shit with beard so clean shaven

I can grow a good one. I have had mine since late october. I only had good feedback (except from my mom).

Occasionally my face turns red where I applied it, but it didn't itch and went away pretty quickly. I dunno if you can totally stop, although I did go from twice a day to once a day and I haven't noticed any beard losses. I just got the Walmart brand stuff too, not Rogaine.

Does hair do anything beyond aesthetic?

A-are you being serious?

I look like I'm 14, would a beard make me look like an adult? What style if I want to avoid being a hipster?

>literally work in woods
>grow a beard always when away for a long periods of time, because bitch to maintain innawoods
>every fucking artistic numale on a street has a shitty beard now
really activates my almods läds

Yes we evolved to grow hair purely for aesthetical reasons obviously

it's like he siphoned away all the good stuff from her sister, leaving her bare and dry

are you implying that's not exactly what sexual selection is?