How much calories am I burning standing out here in the cold? Also, why aren't you out here burning them calories Veeky Forums? You can cut in the winter too.
Your body uses energy to keep itself warm. I'm trying to kick myself into ketosis by fasting and standing out in the cold for 30 minutes.
it's only significant if you're shivering and even then you're much better off just doing cardio
Just dont eat any carbs you dummy.
Post more pics
>can't count calories if I see only your shorts
I was actually doing the same thing an hour ago user, waiting outside for a train. Definitely in ketosis as of now, I can smell it
Male(male) ?
Shivering is extra calories. Being out in the cold itself burns calories because your body has to burn stuff increase core temp.
I already am.
Those shorts are very breathable mind you. And I'm wearing nothing under those.
Ikr? Winter is the best time to cut.
Whatever you want me to be. Jk. I'm male.
>Those shorts are very breathable mind you. And I'm wearing nothing under those.
Yes but if you want numbers I have to see your whole body
I'm 150lbs dry, 5'10". Those numbers should be more useful than pictures.
>what is non-shivering thermogenesis
Seeing your butt would give us a better idea of BF%
It still doesn't show your physics which is what we need to know
But I don't have a butt. Just make an estimate.
damn sexy
Go do cardio, retard. You'll burn more calories.
Make me. Jk. I already do. But cardio kills gains (what little gains I have). So switching things up sometimes might help.
>But cardio kills gains
By burning calories. Standing outside in the cold kills gainz by the same mechanism.
Winter is definitely a season of cutting.
Kek I purposely froze myself a couple years back for weight loss. Cold showers and no coat in a Wisconsin winter helped me lose over 30 pounds in a semester
Is it ok to be sexually attracted to op?, why are soy-boys so delicious?
Will you be my boyfriend?
You got some good calves going there
genetic or are you doing something?
No, hes my boyfriend, no stealing ;_;
Not only is it okay, it's encouraged. Kek.
It's probably the angle, they're not that amazing really. But I incorporate that athlean x calf exercise during leg days. I don't really know what it's called. And I run and jump rope.
There's enough of me for both of you. >.o
Dubs of truth. Winter cutting, let's make this a thing.
Fuck off slut, monogamy is sustainable and long term just like our goals if we were together, I don't think I want to be with someone who cares so little about the important things, maybe its best if you gave up this fitness regime as it clearly isn't something someone so unloyal and so uncommitted like you could succeed within however I with my monogamous focused relationship mindset am looking for someone to share my time and supplements with, but I'm afraid that simply isn't you, maybe in another life or another board we could have been together but hey I think its time we put our years with each other behind us and go our separate ways, best of luck soy-boy.
Can't handle the bantz user? That's sad. Anyway, I apologise if I offended you. Tbh, I'm already in a relationship (monogamous btw, and a very lengthy one at that). I probably should've opened with that. I was just playing along thinking we were all larping and shit. Wish you the best on your search tho user. May you find true love.