/plg/ Powerlifting General


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First for giving up

Second for never giving up.

Second for knee tendinopathy

third for tfw alone

4th for eat moar and try harder

6th for lower back injury and never being able to enjoy the one thing in life you enjoyed ever again

1st for being late

just get swole instead

whats the point? I'm too ugly to make any use of a good looking physique. Lifting and getting strong I did for myself, the only person in the world who could appreciate me. But now I'm just garbage.

nth for realising she doesnt like you

also, you need to stop being a bunch of sad cunts. bring back the fun and the memes

11nd for your favorite pl instathot

12th for posting in between bench sets

I can't have fun anymore. My lower back is busted.

Do you have a resource on that? I have literaly no idea about oly programming.



13th to remind you that if you have a sub 20 inch vertical leap, then you should find a new hobby that you would be more happy doing.

Consider the enjoyable rigors of mineral acquisition.

Does anyone have a good excel sheet for keeping log of workouts, volume, tonnage etc.

Years ago there was one made for 531 and its variants that I got from Veeky Forums (like in 2011 when I was last here) and modified to my needs.

Cool, thanks! Any more resources? Technique, mobility drills, etc.

Today was dynamic effort

Bench 9x3 50% +light band
Pause bench 4x8
Dips 2x20
Lever lat pull down 2x20
Lever row 2x20
Dumbbell bench 2 sets of 1 minute
Rear delt fly 2x20

They all left, Sean.

then get a good physique for yourself, it's satisfying in the same way as a new PR is

4x4 squat @90%
rdl 4x10
farmers walks 2xf
cable row 5x10
incline curls 3x15

do the snatch
do the clean
do the squat
hips under
quads up
recovery x3
don't fuck up your knees

but really, don't overthink it. youtube some form vids, pay attention to what you're doing and how to improve. git gud.

She always looks greasy. Great ass though

stop being a bitch we gave you a solution

maintain legs and posterior chain with belt squats and hypers

look at the stuff from juggernaut on youtube

Every spreadsheet ive ever used i wrote myself

How much of a spastic are you not to be able to write a basic spreadsheet with basic formulas

Garagebro help me

nah this 531 thing was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet spreadsheat with images and new pages spawning automatically and shieeeeeet it was a work of art

531 is garbage
pendlays are garbage
train upperback everyday
eat a lot

so write a basic macro

I was talking about the spreadsheet not the program dude stay with me here follow the thread.

how hard is it to make a basic spreadsheet

that thing was diamonds like amg mercedes when everyone else was having eco a1 diesel sink

i dont know one shit about cars dont really care either

now make the same analogy in lifts

Youre running c6w

Theres your problem

If it wasnt for plg i would have no idea what it is, never heard anyone strong or anyone who trains strong people mention it

Okay. So what do I do now? Sitting hurts. Standing hurts. Lying down hurts. How do I ever regain the confidence to squat with weights?


Dont be a bitch for a start

Work on lower back and abs

People neglect them. Those people are idiots

Any specific movements you'd recommend or can I settle for McGill's, hypers, hollow holds, planks?

ive been there it'll get better give it time

asymmetric stuff like this is quite amazing I find

and this

I did concentration curls, pinwheel curls, leg press, and leg curls. It was ok.

I wanted to do some reverse hypers (I tweaked my back last week, and those generally help rehab), but they locked the room with the GHRs on it, and I didn't see anything I could use in the main gym area.

What's the Garagebro-approved list of cookie-cutter programs?



531 (top end strength template)

Other than that i dont think ive ever run something i havent written, which is a something everyone should do, its how you learn how to programme effectively and what you personally respond to

Following a preset list of exercises wont target everything youre weak at and will hinder you in the long run

Front Squat 5x5.
1 Legged Leg Press 3x12
Hamstring Curls 4x20
Unilateral Knee extension. 5x20
-> home.

did my five year PR in Front Squat wanna know what it is lads


there is this sharp localized pain in my upper inner right thigh when i ascend from a deep squat, anyone else experience this/

wanna know my six year PR in Front Squat?

i overestimated sorry, 22.5kg

How do i make my own program? What should I read?


Skiing fucking SUCKS MAJOR ASS.

>which is a something everyone should do, its how you learn how to programme effectively and what you personally respond to
I'm learning this more and more, but I am a brainlet and haven't done what I need to do to get into it yet. Went from SS to texas and then to c6w and on my 2nd cycle of c6w, it was fun the first time, but this time it feels like something is off. Got me thinking about how to fix it and got me thinking about how to program myself.

Where to start reading? Or just trial and error with common sense?

>lower back sore
>career ending injury
>program is reason people hurt their backs
Lmaoo good laugh before bed.

how many reps/sets should I do these exercises?


the fks going on bro

>trial and error with common sense?

I broke my hip 5 and half years ago in a skiing accident and I can't fucking squat at all without major pain and inflammation of leg.

I've never gotten so sore that a muscle hurts to exist minutes after the workout, hitting 7-8/10 on a pain scale when exerted

PPST3 and Stronger by science are probably all you need to make own draft of a program then trial and error.

>I broke my hip
you can't break a joint retard

Post vids of squats and deads it's most likely your form. Either way it's still not career ending if rehabed stop being melodramatic

>can jump 90cm up in the air
>still only ever managed to medal at the meme championships


>leaving the house ever
you deserved it

reminder to fill out your survey


that's the femur idiot

Pick 3-4 main lifts.
Do 5x5, 6x4, or 7x3 at 70, 75, or 80%

Pick variations for weak points. Do them 3-5 x 5-8.

Pic accessory stuff. Abs, pulling, upper back, arms. Do high rep. Get 30-50 reps each.

Add weight every week or month to primary and variations. Deload when necessary.

No it's not.

yes it is

Jesus, fuck you guys. It's a fracture of the femoral head which is commonly referred to as a hip fracture. More appropriately, a hip joint fracture.

Rebekah is not cute you beta fuck.

would anyone here be interested in a log of my progress (or lack thereof) using cuckols 3x int med for pull ups instead of bench for my upcoming strength block?

also, some advice if anyone wants it. if you struggle to do rows without just beating your delts/traps/biceps/triceps (especially tris for me), try using the EZ bar and taking a close grip, horizontal body, no swinging, abs TIGHT. for some reason I cannot for the life of me involve my lats during any other rows. with a similar grip with fully pronated or supinated does nothing, ONLY EZ wrist angle with the close grip. changed my back training to become very positive. tried today and my lats lit the fuck up.

thanks for reading my blog.

Fuck the coffee in my school doesnt feel strong enough, it doesnt get me hyped. I usually put triple the amount of beans im supposed to put in a cup and it gives me so much energy.

Fuck me keep screwing myself over with bench

The last two times I've gone to max I've taken too big of a jump and failed. I smashed my last 1rm today and went for a yolo 10kg increase


>log of my progress (or lack thereof) using cuckols 3x int
Why would your personal diary of not trying hard help anyone?

Caffeine hype to lift. Not going to make it. Mental GDE.

i just thought it might be a nice thing to do for people here debating whether or not to try nuckols. maybe the can read my logs and see if its for them. it will be apparent how hard i tried from the logs, and so other GDEs may be able to take something from it.

Go jump

>not taking a free power boost from caffeine.
deffo not going to make it

Caffeine doesn't give you energy, honey.

It just inhibits feeling tired.

lol, its that that british kid? He was on this tv show or something. He has a youtube channel and he seems a bit mental

100th for slipped disc or something similar

How should i train when i can't deadlift or squat heavy? I was doing SS and getting close to ending it but then snapped my back or something. Its been like over 3 fucking months and the discomfort hasn't gone away.

Should i just keep benching hard and do a upper/lower hypertrohpy routine and bro out on isolation exercises? That is what i want to do anyways

Do sets of 20 with the bar on squats and
Deads. Work on your abs and back strength with hypers. Do cardio too.

this is the one that claimed to be strongest 13yo in the world, now is like 18 and squats like 100kg?

This is basically what i've been doing. Its the Lyle Mcdonald generic bulk. I changed up the lower body part,

chin/ lat pull down
db shoulder press /incline db bench
tricep ext

split squats
stiff legged deadlift (light)
Back extensions
Hanging leg raises
planks, side planks

Light squats
Light deads
Back extensions
hanging leg raises
Side planks
that other Mcgill stuff

Its taking a long ass time for it to heal and it gets irritated every now and then. I was still doing OHP but idk if that is a good idea, i should probs take it easier for a while and just wait until its better

mad cuz u had to choose the "I'm Homosexual" option

Gay might be your only option at this point. Youre on track to be a wizard.

Thanks guys. Will look into it after my exams and try stuff out after my meet.

But when I posted last thread nobody said there were any big problems

am i supposed to feel rdls in my lower back?

Im looing in the mirror and im not rounding

>doing any kind of dl
>looking in the mirror


depends what kind of feel
if its "hurts in the way I can't move do I need doctor" then no

Apologies, Lord Chad.

RDLs are very much a lower back exercise, yes. Obviously hams and glutes too. Are you squeezing the bar into your body using your lats?

>they call me Big Ray in the gym
>I'm really a depressed dyel who will never find love and has no other reason to live than squats
Hehehe, oh well, at least the squats went well today.

yea i feel my lats too
it doesnt hurt, it feels like im getting a pump there

you were not meant to lift heavy loads with sq/dl if you snapped your shit up that bad on a novice LP, just bro out for your lower body