Gain weight

Advice for someone who wants to gain weight, healthily?

It seems that this is not a very popular topic, of course.
I am a very thin person for my 23 years. Thin arms, thin legs ... I do not like it. What could a thin person do to gain weight healthily?

Years ago, I visited doctor. This doctor told me that it was normal for me to be like this, "that's my physical" and that I should not worry... I remember that he also said something like that it is not possible for him to gain weight. Is this true?

Since then I did not worry about my health, but I do not want to be like that physically.

It's possible?

ready the sticky and eat lol

how about making some effort instead of blaming it on other things

have you tried eating food? I'm pretty sure that's how you gain weight might be wrong tho

do a prisoner workout and eat

Add peanut butter sandwiches to your diet

start eating your own cum

Eat more, mind your macros, lift weights.

Go to the store and buy
>2 dozen eggs
>gallon of milk
>tub of peanut butter
>whole wheat bread

Consume all the eggs within a week, milk within 2-3 days (keep buying more), and make at least 2 peanut butter sandwiches a day (go heavy on the nut butter). After a month, go back and bitch slap your doctor.

eat more

Not a bad idea but it tastes bad. At least lick up your precum.

Not being a retard would be healthier in the long run. Read the sticky you dumb faggot

You need to eat more and lift. Your carbs and fat intake need to be high enough to keep your body from using protein as food, and your protein needs to be high enough for muscle building.

Eat milk, eggs and bacon for one meal, peanut butter and oats for another, and red beans and rice for a third.

This. I also bought kale juice for vitamins because my vegetables kept going bad as I never had much time to cook. Eat all of the IN ADDITION to what you normally eat. Do that with exercise and you'll gain some muscle. If you get protein powder make sure it's 100% whey (no soy). Don't expect instant results, but if you stick to it you can get out of skelly mode and into a newbie otter mode within a year.

Google sumo diet.

>keep your body from using protein as food
>Eat milk

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Eat double the amount of food you do now. Report back in a year when you're fat.

1000cals bananas avocado and mangos
1000cals rice
1000cals chicken and grassfed butter

Ive had amazing gains from this

Milk is high in both carbs and fat chowderhead. I don't know how you think nutrition works, but milk is fine.

Now cream, that is just fat and protein.

[spoiler] eat [/spoiler]

Read pic related, drink a gallon of milk a day, change your diet to focus on healthy foods that are calorie rich like potatoes, peanut butter, oats, beef, and some others.

if you try to gain weight quickly you will just get fat.


eat your (your bodyweight in lbs x 0.8)g protein a day

gain 1-2 lbs per month

dont read starting strength. read StrongLifts 5x5. better program for the 1st 3 months and much more concise

Don't drink a gallon of milk a day, you'll feel awful and get the shits. Drink lots of milk though (maybe 1/2 gallon) and put protein mix in it.

1-2 pounds a month should be minimum for a skeleton. You'll probably be better off focusing on improving strength though, the weight and mass will surely follow and it'll be more encouraging, especially if you have a shitty scale.

more than 2 lb/month is putting on fat

you have to learn how to eat more
and fuck your taste buds
learn to shovel loads of rice, chicken and cottage cheese down your throat
you're not a slave to your taste buds are ya

Eat eggz
Eat smoothiez
Eat fish
Eat chicken
Eat nutz
Eat oatz
Eat veggiez
Eat froot
Eat moar

Since this thread is already up, im in the progress of escaping skelly mode (went from like 155 to 170 and change 6'2 btw) but now I have borderline high blood pressure, will cardio fix this or does hbp just come with bulking? Not even bulking super hard and still p lean so I'm worried my heart might just be fucked

cut the salt

Cardio and more water

I harbor a harsh resentment for Veeky Forums leading me to believe that gallon of milk a day is a meme bulk strat.

Besides actually counting calories, GOMAD is the only thing that has ever worked for me to gain weight. I literally shed a tear when I weighed 145 for the first time in my life at 5'10''. (used to hover at 130)

PLEASE do GOMAD. It gave me results. its fantastic.

A little constipated desu but so so worth it.


>It seems that this is not a very popular topic, of course.

I prescribe

>5 eggs with spinach & cheese
>3/4 cup (67g) cooked oats w/ honey & 1 banana
>1 large glass milk

>190ish g chicken
>190ish g sweet potato
>95ish g broccoli
>Protein shake

>190g beef
>100g wholemeal pasta (weighed dry)
>95g Kale or some shit i dunno lol
>More milk

Have pb sandwich + apple + large handful mixed unsalted nuts in between meals after you get your appetite used to the three square meals. Adds up to like 3500+ cals. I buy 1kg of chicken, beef, veggies and 2 dozen eggs and that lasts me for 5 days. Cook all this shit with good clarified butter and olive oil.

Drink water

Does all that dairy really not fuck you up? I'm worried about my acne exploding again

Rippetoe said in a video GOMAD was only for underweight teenage boys.

Lots of protein rich foods more than what you want to eat. Making your own sandwiches or cooking your own chicken at your own discretion so you can eat on demand. The most important thing is avoiding the catabolic state. Think about whether you are more likely to be in an insulin or glucagon dominant state at any moment, and if the latter, eat something and get out of the catabolic state. In other words, are you digesting food right now? No? Then you're digesting your body weight, so eat.

In my 20s I couldn't drink milk without acne, but I could eat as much yogurt as I wanted.

As soon as I get back into a cardio habit, it always corrects my systolic or diastolic 100% back to 120/80. I've been up at 130 sometimes or 90 sometimes and both times it came right back down completely with a few days consistent running.

Acne is 80% genetic and it's probably cleared up because your hormone profile has normalised at this point. Rapid increases/higher-than-normal quantities of hormones like testosterone that occur in puberty can change the amount of oil your skin produces, which causes pores to clog, which causes the acne. The link between diet and acne is not really strongly established. The worst that will probably happen if you GOMAD is that your acne will come back for a bit then go away once you stop. You only GOMAD for like 1-2 months anyway, maybe 3 at the absolute most depending on starting weight.

He said that to stop idiots who're already normal weight/chubby from doing it. It works pretty well if you're underweight+male up to about 35. It's not advised for women at all unless they're recovering anorexics.

Eat at a modest surplus as an underweight male, and you'll put on 5 pounds in the first week of doing SS. 3-4 of which will be muscle. No joke. Your body adapts very quickly to a new stimulus at first, and even quicker if you're already adapted to the opposite stimulus (in this case eating moar+lifting heavy vs. eating nothing+being a lazy fgt.)

Also a guy as underweight should probably shoot for 200+ grams of protein a day.

i dont know
hit 150 grams of protein a day, fuck what you eat just hit 150 grams of protein, youll know what i mean after 2-3 weeks

you trynna turn this dude into a soy boy? what the fuck man milk has estrogen, too many eggs make your immune system shit, idk bout the peanut butter and bread but judging by the first two i do not recommend the rest

life hack: do shopping when youre about to cook, 30 mins before starting, get what you need and voila, fresh stuff every time you cook

The problem is that. Someone with a thin physique, only eats (and he does not know what) and what he is going to do is put on weight... of the stomach, arms and legs will remain thin. These people are born with that physicist, as far as I understand. It is also not healthy to eat anything, there will be harmful fats. I guess that he asking about diets or something like that ..

Eat more, its taken me way too long to realise that, once I started eating properly and training properly I started actually seeing progress.

Normally for lunch/dinner im getting around 250g of carbs, 250g of meat, loads of veg, gets boring eating the same shit over and over again but its working. Im still extremely DYEL but im making progress from being insanely skinny and weak

what the fuck are you saying. you're fucking retarded.

stupid shit. eat 3500 kcal a day, hit your macros and lift some irons

humans grow, you know. you are not born 6"4' tall and 110 lbs light. the human body has a genetic range in which it is able to develop. the exact positioning in this range is determined by what you eat and what load you put on your muscles.