Explain to me how they work and will I look like a dyel wearing them
Lifting straps
Other urls found in this thread:
>allow you to deadlift/row/shrug more than you would normally be able to
>strapped deadlift safer than mixed grip for biceps
>not as much grip strength development
>people on the internet will get salty over it
>not using hookgrip
fucking pathetic
seriously, hook grip is so much better when you know how to do it...
deadlifting 170kg for reps atm, no pain at all
>you compete in strongman were straps are allowed
They attach the weight to you wrist and stop the barbell or dumbell from spinning away according to gravity.
I can row 80kg dumbell without strap but I still use straps.
Even fucking powerlifters use straps leading up to competition dickshit
>taking a picture with the straps on the wrong way around
>yet its the right way
are you fucking blind?
I use XL version Versa Gripps, works as a strap and as a wrist support.
Grip it conventional and see the bar roll out of your faggy hands.
Hook grip is literally your thumbs being the strap, its meant to help you pull more weight when you arent allowed to use straps.
Most people here will never compete in anything
I cum peted in your mom
plusside of hook grip over, lets say, mixed grip, is no chance of upper body twisting, bicep tear, etc
>mfw I can rep 3pl8 2x with normal grip
I use it only as soon as my grip strength is at its limits. I'll just get my straps and do another set of pull ups.
i think i'm the only one in my gym who uses them. idgaf. my grip usually fails with anything heavier than 130kg and i won't be cucked by it.
i even wear them for heavy pull ups. come at me fags
how much did you spend on that gimmick?
I pull 445 for 5 conventional and im not even bragging because that number is so shit for a 170lb man. I can do 10 but the bar falls out of my hands at 7 or more. Strapped i can go ham and maybe do 485 or 490 for 7 (500 for 5 strapped PR) if I'm feeling ballsy that day.
55euros, its couple of years old now. My favorite thing desu.
That means you are over 130kg. Lol.
How to use straps 101
If you have issues with grip when...
Use straps, work on grip until you no longer have to use straps
Use straps, work on grip until you no longer have to use straps
>Power shrugs
Use straps
If you're taking this advice, you shouldn't be snatching heavy
Fuck you
not everyone has the greek god forearm genetics tho
first of all your reading comprehension is awful, i never said i won't use them for anything under 130kg. in pull ups your hands are even in a worse position than deadlift so they give out faster.
second HEAVY pull ups means pull ups with weights, dipshit.
i have bitch wrists and i've fully embraced straps desu
>not using every opportunity to train forearms
DYEL alert
Dude im half jap half filipino im not a greek god. I wish i had popeye forearms.
Its about actually training for grip strength. How big are your hands by the way? That has a lot to do with how you grip shit. If you have small hands you best be having big forearms but if you got dem monkey genes, all 4 fingers are literal hook grips lol.
Tldr: train without them, use them when you need them. When im on my 3rd the bar is sliding out by the 2nd lift and i stop, take 5 minutes to recoup and add weight, then i finish the set 3,4 and 5 strapped with maybe 30-50lbs more on a good day.
If i wanted to show off and do a single for example, my best unstrapped is in the 480s or 70s. Youd be surprised how much you think you cam actually hold then add 20 lbs you feel like a bitch. My best strapped single was 535.
Fuck you, im drunk. Im sorry. I love you. I hope we all make it. Sorry :(
*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck of???
>making it
>Using straps for lifts you can do without them