Hook Grip

What is the best grip, and why is it Hook Grip?
>Better than mixed grip, cuz no chance of bicep tear, imbalances, twisting upper body
>Better than straps, cuz straps are for pussies

Olympic champs frequently use straps you retard

"Straps are NEVER allowed in powerlifting competition"
source: powerliftingtowin com powerlifting-rules-gear/
your move, bitch

I've always used a standard double overhand grip. How is hook better?

Isn't it allowed in geared or equipped lifting? Also, it's allowed it strongman soo...

Remember that rep when the bar slipped off your hands?

Nope. Then again I'm not dead lifting cars so maybe that's why.

maybe you should

I'm not strong enough yet.

thats what hook grip is for

Straps aren't allowed in any PL fed that I can think of. Not even the untested ones with mile high equpped squats allow straps.
Strongman allows straps in some events, but not all.
Wrist wraps are allowed, but those are a different thing entirely

jesus dude

any yes, weightlifters use straps in training to lift supramaximal weight or work volume

I doubt hook grip can increase the strength of my back and legs to enable me to lift cars.

my grip still slips from hook grip sometimes

it prevents the bar from rolling towards the fingertips.

his comment stands for olympic weightlifting as well, though. straps are never used in competition besides in strongman

ah yes the powerlifting Olympics

People who get triggered by seeing straps probably think training at a gym is already the competition

Ahhhh.....okay. That makes sense at least.

if you're not having trouble with grip on deadlifts, you aren't going hard enough

Literally the best dead lifted in the world uses straps so when you get to your super heavy sets go for it
Just do extra grip work to get even stronker


Handlet here, I can't hook grip.

I just mixed grip instead.

I'm adding weight every lift, but you're right, it could probably be heavier.

That said I've got shit forearms so right now it's slowly building my grip while the weight increases.

>your move, bitch

>I dont know how training for elite athletes works


Only works with chalk