Do you look like you lift in clothing?
Do you look like you lift in clothing?
I don't even look like I lift when I'm naked, user.
... yet.
>wearing leggings
why are you doing that with your feet
Not gonna lie, your legs are pretty hot, not in a gay way because they look like girl legs
Fucking Manlet
flexing my non existent calves user
>he doesn't wear leggings to maximize mirin gains
Do you wear those under pants or out in the open?
You're basically a cuckold if you wear anything over compression pants
You're robbing yourself of showing off them dick gains
Are you intentionally going pearmode?
You don't look like you lift in clothing aside from maybe your quads. Why would you even make this thread. Do some upperbody btw and cut.
The whole point of making this thread was to show off my quads, user
They're not that impressive and they'd lose half there mass if you weren't fat.
i look more like I lift (has to be tight shirt) in clothes than I do naked because i'm skinnyfatmaxx
why are you wearing women's clothes?
super mirin'
this was 10 seconds away from being archived and you had to bump it
Why are you wearing yoga pants?
massive quads lad
looks more like a fatty
LOL did you seriously stuff socks down your pants?
You look awful. Stop doing only squats you idiot.
You've got to be putting me on.
>fell for the squats meme
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums are we doing this again?
>Not wearing only Compression leggings and a stringer to maximise mirin gains
you look like you lift in your little sister's clothing
>that insta-hoe arched foot pose
you fucking flaming narcissist piece of trash
This is why you don't squat 5 times a week when you're under 5'7.
This. Can't believe people actually think his legs are this big.
those pants are 2 sizes too long, learn to dress yourself jeez
This counts as clothing right?
Yeah and od doesn't count as suicide. Fucking do it.
I'm sorry dog but that just does not look good
Get bigger trousers idiot, you look horrible. People are gonna think your legs are fucked up
You look like a basic white bitch about to go to starbucks for a pumpkin spiced something.
Literally no upper body.
>he doesn't wear leggings to maximize mirin gains
They aren't mirin, they're staring at you because you look like a massive faggot and it makes them uncomfortable.
mirin those quad gains user
>recently bought leggings since your old pants ripped in crotch area
>glutes rounder and jooceyer than 100% women at the gym
Rippetoe strikes again
>comes to fit to brag about legs
>no ass shot
You're a disgrace to Veeky Forums
>tfw women are jealous of your ass
i hate this though, i literally have a huge tight and round ass and i can't wear skinny jeans or any social clothing without looking like a major bottom faggot (which i'm not btw)
SS claims another victim
You're the queer if you don't want to get a bubble butt for women to grab when you're ramming them
>huge ass quads
>those baby sized calves
Because that's what you actually meant. Horrible save breh
>went to buy clothes today
>up another size
I mean I didnt gain fat since I last went to buy shirts but it still feels weird I now need XL shirts becuase I still feel like a DYEL deep down. But when I looked in the mirror today in the store I looked like a beast. usually I always feel small looking in a mirror.
>tfw 5.9 inch cock so can't wear tights at the gym without shorts over them.
Probably would look less faggy if you didn't take a selfie and rolled up your sleeves better
Looks like shit, nice job anno
Look like a fag, mission accomplished. Lot of fat fucks at my gym do this, the tight leggings with fat on top, looks like a toothpaste dispenser.
Shave down that amish beard then people might take you seriously.
At this point just wear a polo dude
Tight designer t shirts are a thing, even dyel gains can appear great. this whole fit in clothes thing is embellished as fuck
Yeah this is exactly why I'll never wear leggings. Never know when there's faggots lurking about.
i go to school in sports jacket, sneakers, bun, and leggings every day so yeah
You standin' kinda feminine... Dafuq you doin?
lmao I do that,is that a meme?
dont listen to these jelly faggot quadlets.
checked & mirin
Hand in hoodie pocket to hide the bulge.
>Or lack thereof
>Dicklet :^)
dont listen to them
I wish my quads were that fucking big
You can kind of make out my delts, quads and V taper
fit has THE worst taste in clothes of any board these threads are always a blast
literally a dressing room.
>not even working out in the clothes you're showing off
lmfao Veeky Forums makes me laugh with leg you seriously anyone is mirin' in public? desu it just looks fucking weird besides having nice calves. leg gains do not make up for shit upper body.
OP looks gay as fuck
i used to
I wear a t-shirt at work and I get the "You work out right? I mean obviously you do, but..." with some fitness question tacked on quite a bit. So I must look alright.
Do you wear tights in public, Peter Pan?
i did not look at the new pic i sent
If you can fit into skinny jeans and slim fit shirts, the answer is no.
>which im not by the way
Pic over 1 year old. Don't have any newer clothes pics. 5 - 6kg nigger now. 6'4 and 106kg here. Come at me faggots.
Not nigger. Kek.
You don't?
is this really OP? this is why you skip leg days lmfao. hard work turns you into a deformed freak.
you just look angry at the world and not intimidating.
>angry at the world
I'm happy as fuck, the fuck are you on m8.
The hoodie is very autistic...
How can a hoodie be autistic
How much do u squat
Sometimes yeah, only chest area...As of now
>is this really op
Really take a hard look at both of those pictures. Do they look anything alike?
Routine? Natty?
N-n-no homo.
fitted t-shirts and long-sleeve my dude
>slim fit shirts
No v-taper confirmed
Yes homo user
this is why Veeky Forums bullies us
m8 you dont look happy in the photo m8