Hair Gainz

How long is your hair user? =w=

mine is like 7-8 inches

a quarter of a cm

pretty long.

anyone has any haircut suggestions?

i'm getting bored of the manbun.

a little longer than that guy in the picture. i play in a metal band

Same here, drummer

noice, i play guitar. influences?

shave back and sides then manbun

Down to my nipples, but I'm donating it next week

What, you know three chords?

What's hair?

>get a real job
>have to cut hair

>get yob
>cut hair
>get best appearance award 2 out of 5 years at the end of the year party
>question when this company is going under for holding such arbitrary contest that could set off a powder keg of snowflakes
So it's not all that bad

only do this if you're asian. shit looks retarded on anyone else and I'm not even asian

My boss forced me to cut mine before I could get it to a good length. I'll never get to be fabulous as a wagecuck

Kinda long desu.

0.1 uM long

1 in long
not allowed to have it be any longer
>t. military

When I let my hair get too long, it kinda does that "helmet" look, sorta like pic related.
Is there any hope for getting longer flowing-type hair instead of bushy?

Give me some volume tips. Mine's looking kind of flat near the roots.

my hair does that when it is short, when it is longer the weight pulls it more straight

Why would you ever want flowier hair. That hair is gorgeous not to mention the the aerodynamic of the hair. It bounces when jumping and recoils when you swing your head. Then when its wet it looks longer and flowier. Straight up hair of the century


tfw I will never have glorious locks because I have a jew fro.

>get real job
>grow out hair and beard

my hair is 5-6 inches long and curly. I comb it straight after a shower and let it curl itself. It's like this but maybe a half inch shorter and it's curly instead of wavy. I get lots of compliments.

One thing I will say is that no shampoo aka "nopoo" is a meme. It increased dandruff and made my hair weaker and fall out. Even tried using conditioner every couple days and not much improvement.
I would say the best thing for your hair is to shampoo no more than twice a week or every 3 days and don't dry it with a towel, just pat it to get excess water off and let it air dry.

Too long
>tfw benching with bun
Tarzanmode 2020


always kind of wanted to grow out mine and go peter steele mode but everyone says my hair looks better shorter so i never did it

I started cutting hair by myself a year ago

you should stop.

Looks nice

Would you mind posting your glutes? No homo.


Nah bro, I will get better at it eventually, it's fun

Thanks anons

My ass is probably the worst bodypart, not today user
>tfw no mires from opposite sex, instead I got this

Like user said shave all sides an back to a 1

This is Veeky Forums, breh.

Had about 20cm for a long time, now I have a 6mm buzzcut u mad bro? Fuck a haircut

Get new job have to man mop back to boy mop, shave beard and take out nose ring. Best I’ve ever looked.

Don’t grow your hair unless it thick or curly, otherwise look like a wog or a greasy kurt kobain look alike.

Use American Crew or Nioxin, nice minty smell helps with texture, single gayest thing I’ve ever posted.

You can tell kek.



im bald

Anything but a bald shiny head proves that you're homosexual in nature

Guys any tips/routines/product on how to grow your hair out faster/better/more aesthetically ?

I'm trying to go for that Peter Steele shit

Body pic pls

I'm new to lifting, so pretty dyel

no.1 or zero shave it
simple clean efficient

I don't give a shit to cut my hair regularly. There are any benefits of long hair?

unironic gyno lol

This is OP.
WOw I didn't think this would be still up lmao

Long hair is the best hairstyle btw OwO, baldlets get out lol

Lol do not shave it on the sides like they said, it looks like shit that way

What? Jobs require you to cut your hair? LOL we have 2017...nowdays you can identify as a non-binary gender. And people still have problem with long hair on men?


Wish my hair looked this good. Saving this for when I finally get the courage to visit a salon.


way of gay

That's actually a good sign, it means your hair is thick/voluminous. Mine, for example, lies flat down because it's thin and I look like a serial killer.

thats a bad look. go for a nice side part with some brylcream. hearken back to America's glory days.

trial attorney

Nizoral shampoo every few days and Kirkland minodoxil on the front and crown of your head nightly. Start now, before you begin balding/receding. Best advice I was ever given.



I know several criminal lawyers in my area that have long hair, and many more that keep their hair close to shoulder length.

>made my hair weaker and fall out
Is this true fellas?

Hair is for fags. Real men go bald and then cut the rest to a 1/8".