What's the point

>be me, 18 yo
>starting the gym
>I'm loving it
>Literally expected anxiously for the next workout, I didnt know why
>Learn by myself about the gym etiquette, the machines and kind of people there are.
>Knew this nice, kind guy called Lincoln, helped me to check my form and gave me advices and shit. I ended asking for his number (no homo) and he just smiled and gave it to me. "yeah bro text me any time". Even tho I'm have plenty of friends, the way that went so easily made me feel good about myself.
>Do some light cardio to finish the set and get home
>I see my brother coming at the same time, he was partying in some friends house. We talked about that movie where the guy from Drake and Josh and the other from the nu-Spiderman are together. A good chat, we laughed and stuff.
>As soon as I open the door I hear screams and shit.
>My parents are fighting, big time.
>My mom is fucking tired of my dad being such a passive, lazy piece of shit who uses his work as an excuse to not put some order in the house.
>I kinda agree but I'm just getting to the shower
>"But honey, I told user I'm gonna clean the house tomorrow!" Says my dad
>"No way dad, don't put me in the middle of this, this isn't my fight "
>He gets mad, I don't care, I shower.
>When I get to my room and I dress myself my brother comes and says "this is why I don't like to be in this shitty home. Fights and fights and fights. I was happy back there with my friends. Here, is just fights."
>mfw I feel just the same about going to the gym.
>mfw I realize the gym has become a way to scape my shitty reality
Sorry for the blog posting but I'm feeling really down. Maybe I can lift the despair away, right bros?

jesus fuck when did this website become facebook?

Keep going and move out when you can bro.

Get a job
Move out
Stop complaining about an environment that you choose to live in



Nothing more needs to be said. Grow up or shut up.

You're right user you should kill yourself

Moving out at such age isn't the rule here where I live, but I'm really considering it.
>Inb4 in what kind of shithole do you live.
A socialist shithole, that explains it.

still living at home.. HAAHAA

leave home at 15, buy a house at 18, have a family (2-3 kids) by the time youre 21.

multi-millionaire by 30

lmao i had this feel at 12 i hated school but somehow i didnt want to go back hone, just tell em to stop their shit youre not a kid anymore


nice blog

Doesn't matter how many times you say something is wrong to a manchild, the manchild will still keep doing it.

Parents (mostly dad) are like fucking children and going to the gym is way to escape that reality. I bet I'm not the only one with that kind of /feel/

Get a job and move out

>"No way dad, don't put me in the middle of this, this isn't my fight "

Wow, what a mama's boy.


Have like $3K I'm saving from cryptos. Maybe I really should look for a cheap apartment, even more because here things are extremely cheap if you see it in USD.

get a job and move out. you're fuckin 18 bro

Post your twink feet right now.

I thought this story was going to go more along the lines of

>slowly my excitement for the gym has withered away
>it becomes a chore trying to fit in gym after working all day and not being able to sleep at night
>my life has become dull and meaningless
>working out just feels like going through the motions
>l know everything I need to do, know everyone at the gym, no longer feel that mixed combination of anxiety and excitement when I step in the gym

Fuck me brahs whats going on here...

wow did you really just emasculated your fucking dad in front of the rest of your family?. Your a piece of shit, if your dad works full time, he doesn't want to come home and get scolded by his mom and 18 year old son for not doing the fucking dishes.

stop being such a fag

>"Monks, I declare that there are two persons one can never repay. What
two? One's mother and father.
"Even if one should carry about one's mother on one shoulder and
one's father on the other, and while doing so should live a hundred
years, reach the age of a hundred years; and if one should attend to
them by anointing them with balms, by massaging, bathing, and rub-
bing their limbs, and they should even void their excrements there—
even by that would one not do enough for one's parents, nor would
one repay them. Even if one were to establish one's parents as the
supreme lords and rulers over this earth so rich in the seven treasures,
one would not do enough for them, nor would one repay them. For
what reason? Parents are of great help to their children; they bring
them up, feed them, and show them the world.
"But, monks, one who encourages his unbelieving parents, settles
and establishes them in faith; who encourages his immoral parents,
settles and establishes them in moral discipline; who encourages his
stingy parents, settles and establishes them in generosity; who encour-
ages his ignorant parents, settles and establishes them in wisdom—
such a one, monks, does enough for his parents: he repays them and
more than repays them for what they have done."

>"Monks, I declare that there are two persons one can never repay. What two?One's mother and father. Even if one should carry about one's mother on ones shoulder and one's father on the other, and while doing so should live a hundred years, reach the age of a hundred years; and if one should attend to them by anointing them with balms, by massaging, bathing, and rubbing their limbs, and they should even void their excrements there even by that would one not do enough for one's parents, nor would one repay them. Even if one were to establish one's parents as the supreme lords and rulers over this earth so rich in the seven treasures, one would not do enough for them, nor would one repay them. For what reason? Parents are of great help to their children; they bring them up, feed them, and show them the world.But, monks, one who encourages his unbelieving parents, settles and establishes them in faith; who encourages his immoral parents, settles and establishes them in moral discipline;who encourages his stingy parents, settles and establishes them in generosity; who encourages his ignorant parents, settles and establishes them in wisdom such a one, monks, does enough for his parents: he repays them and more than repays them for what they have done."

Now better

Fight your dad. You could take him.

theres always new exercises and routines to try out. just look a bugenhagen, dude does some crazy new lift all the time

Kek, its r9k for people that actually have a chance but fail over n over

Dont be so hard on your father user. Obviously, I dont know you situation fully, but if he truly works hard why the fuck should he clean the house? Thats the wifes job. If your mom works equally hard, why dont you and your brother help out?

See it from both sides, dont make your dad sad by turning on him. Unless Im wrong and he truly deserves it for some reason Im not aware of

His dad deserves a medal for sticking around desu