well losers/loners of Veeky Forums, here's our thread
You are required to post in here if you have less than 2 friends irl
i feel like if i open up too much to people they will just use it against me so ive never formed real friendships with people. should i see a psychologist?
Think about the last 5 people you talked openly about yourself with. Can you name something personal about them?
I used to overshare and it was often me just wanting attention and I realised eventually I never listen to others just waited for my turn to speak.
Chances are you have a lot of feelings you have not dealt with and they float near the surface, you might just be dumping your emotional baggage on each person you meet.
I had friends, 10 years ago.
Now I'm almost a wizard; I have a decent job and a house but I don't have anyone I feel like I could just call up and go get a beer.
I mean, I could have more friends if I had a job outside of my house or like, a hobby or something. People seem to like me anyway.
I'd chill with you man
ive talked to just one person openly, which is my ex, but that was 4 years ago.
most of my conversations are just prolonged small talks so i dont know anything personal about anyone really.
Same here but oddly enough I finally found a group of kids half a generation behind me a few months ago through a family member. They think me a god with my foresight in party planning. They're only 5-7 years younger but God damn it feels good to get a call out of the blue to go get drunk. The only downside is they do suck at planning ahead. Also their idea of a mixed drink is tequila shots
Well you need to decide which you want user, if you open up your risk getting hurt so you have to watch what you say.
If you want deeper conversation work on feeling your emotions in your chest, then try for focus holding them and then putting them into your eyes.
It is the feeling you get when you laugh or cry uncontrollably. Then if you get deep look right in their eyes and they will know you're being open and honest with no undertones or manipulation.
Before I learned to do this every interaction caused me anxiety because I had no emotional understanding from being numb. Now the world seems to have colour.
Have you thought about volunteering as a Big Brother/Big Sister?
I've had friends before. Good friends. I befriended these triplets(yes really lmao) and they were like bros to me for several years. There are some guys I still think would have my back in a fight and I'd still have theirs, even though we haven't seen eachother for years.
I almost always drift away from people, sometimes due to actual geography and sometimes by my own doing.
Right now is one of those times, but some of the "bros" I left behind werent really bros and as selfish or shitty as it sounds, they didn't really bring anything to the table but negativity and petty drama.
I can deal with loneliness for the most part, but I admit that I am unironically posting on /soc/ lately just for some sort of connection. Sad.
I am going to count all of the friends I have ever had
throughout my whole life ihad 30 friends
now i have no friends but a lot of money
Do you work? It seems impossible not to make friends while at work, unless you actively choose not to engage with anyone.
Only one friend but it's also my fiance so w/e
Have like 4 really good online friends the past 10 years
Fuck that. I've met these guys a few times before my cousin shipped off but when he visited the holidays they would stop by. It's only now that the visits happened without him. Only reason I'm hanging on is I get back more than I give. I recall highscool spazzing out at the chance to hang out with others and going overboard which is probably where that foresight is ingrained from. Now I just show up with some beer or chips and chill for 3-5 hours. Looking back on that half a generation comment compared to age I can see it's wrong but these guys are just a completely different step from mine
That is me!!
Just wanted to say you guys have had an interesting conversation thus far. I'm sitting here and thinking
Yea a psychologist can help you restructure how you view your situation and encourage you to find the right place/time to make a connection.
They're really not scary people as they are very open since their profession ends up being so diverse.
Wow, I'm sitting here high as fuck. That may be the key to finally making it, but why do some of us successful people just sit at home?
I used to think it was just in my head untill those people actually hurt me. I know that feel. I have become accustomed to being alone and enjoy it desu.
Yea, same here
They actually did hurt me and continued to do so. I think people like myself are just weirdos who spend their life alone
I'm a cynic... Everyone that I have gotten close with has betrayed me or hurt me somehow. People suck.
I have one good friend in town and one from college I text a lot. One lifting bro who's horrified that I'm a racist but not enough to stop talking to me at least about lifting.
you're not weird. Its not weird to prefer to be alone.
birthday on monday. deactivating my facebook for the duration so i don't have to go through the annual ritual of thanking the 5-12 sods i haven't seen in years for writing "happy birthday!" on my wall
not that i don't appreciate the ones who do go out of their day to wish me a good one. it's more just a reminder of how far i've fallen
>you're not weird
Sometimes I think about getting friends but, most people I know are shallow, drink a lot, or just engage in general debauchery. I'm not saying I'm better than them, I'd just rather not taint what God gave me. Maybe someday I'll find cool people. Someone to go with night hikes on or something with. Just hang out and build a campfire somewhere.
It's something special when you find somebody who does fun stuff. I had to redo college at age 30. All us older guys would hang out, hike, campfire in the snow, the good stuff. Sad thing was it wasn't till last semester we really hit it off. Now we all moved to new jobs and thats that. Sad!
No, it's sad when your dog dies. It's normal for people to move on.
it's also normal for dogs to die
normal and sad aren't mutually exclusive
That sounds incredibly comfy. I'm trying so hard to quit drinking, it's really hard at this point. It started as innocent fun that my friends (not true friends) pushed on me. Now it's become an addiction. Alcohol is insidious and destructive.
Is it worth anything if my gf is my best friend?
>dicklet (4x2 erect)
>legit have aspergers
>h-hey at least i'm over 6'
how will i ever recover boys?
people in class just drink (in class too) and party and sure they talk to me yet i cannot get past surface level as i play vidya and watch anime sometimes and i feel like a loser.
1 irl friend at least (2 if my dog counts)
i was recently imprisoned in a foreign country that I had lived in for many years, gf broke up with me half way through then i was deported upon release.
so ashamed I've not contacted anyone here or there since and that was almost 18 months ago.
lone wolf is aight though.
say no more
This is similar to why I feel like I never even try to get friendships or a relationship. I don't want to open up to people because they will see I have no friends, no gf, no life, and will reject me for that as well
>at least i'm over 6'
6'0 is manlet tier desu
sup guys, got like one serious friend and the rest are just people i know
>technically you guys are me friends too
26 years old and haven't had friends since i was 13. To give an idea how much of a loser I am I have never even drank at a bar
I'm on a different level of loser and don't even belong here. Sorry guys
pics of what
Online friends >>>>>> friends IRL
ive never been to a party user, im a manlet, KHHV no friends, play vidya all day and im a brainlet
0 friends master race
But that's only cause I've been living in another country for the past 3 years for uni and didn't manage to make friends with the locals
this honestly
Ayy 69
6'5" 210lbs lean master race (srs)
I started slowly moving away from my friends because they really became into drinking a lot and clubing, And they hate the fit lifestyle
So I was a loner for some time but now I have 3 friends I've met during fitness events and its fun having a small number of friends who are into the same stuff
Most people are nice and you can easily make friends. Open up yourselfs more to people, dont be afraid to talk to people first. Make friends at a gym or go to fitness events/meet ups/expos
Meet ups and events can be found on eventbrite (free tickets sometimes) and facebook fitness event groups
Do dogs count?
Even if they do, I'm still at 1.
>tfw all my high school friends all went to college, I went military
>tfw college has changed them all so fucking much, not even the same people and they're really unpleasant to talk to
>tfw have maybe a half dozen strong aquantances but no real friends anymore because I've left them all behind
i have 1 friend but he is pretty much me so its cool
I have no friends anymore but a pretty sweet gf
everyone at work thinks I'm nice.. but they don't speak to me casually, or share their news with me.
friend count- 0
They think you're going to kill them.
You should kill them.
How did college change them?
Anyone else here hermitmode?
The only things I need in life right now are vidya, anime and lifting. College and work are catching up to me but I’m gonna make it. We’re all gonna make it.
They all changed from humble nerds who would think you're the biggest degenerate on earth if you even so much as looked at a cigarette to coke snorting faggots who try so hard to fit into the "fratboy" chic. They all think they're way more important than they actually are too. They're unbearable.
How is drug use in the military?
Not very prevalent. We get drug tested all the time. Alot of people roid up only because its hard to detect.
I'm maxium Hermit mode
>Work from home
>Never in the office
>Have tons of money and vacation time
>ALl I do is work
>Wage cuck who wastes money on luxurious items
College changed my friends too. In high school we were all goofy football players that become brothers for four years. Fast forward two years after graduation and everyone’s at different universities doing different drugs and talking to different people. The old bond that we shared is gone. I miss my old friends.
>old wealth
>doing well in fantasy sports for more money
All I do is go to the gym and hang at home.
>got to the point that I'm more comfortable doing my own shit than having to go along with friends and their plans
So im not small but am still a literal retard when it comes to social situations. I come home from school and use my xbox all day until i have to go to the gym. About to turn 23 and never had a girlfriend. Most of my friends from high school lost touch and others told me I'm to unreliable in situations.
Honestly, i haven't killed myself because i want to see how big i can get. That and new video games.
all my coworkers are married homebodies and i've lived in this city for a year. I was going to make a tinder a while back but I didn't have an FB to sign up with. I keep telling myself i'll use my time productively but im so bored i usually just play ps4 all weekend
Story on why you were imprisoned?
Apart from my family, the only person I hang out with almost everyday is this chick that's a mutual friend of my sister and me.
>She comes by and we drive around smoking a weed (she always provides).
>She's a chubby 4/10 who could easily become a 7/10 if she lost the weight and quit smoking.
>We fucked once when we were really drunk (she had a bf)
>I regret it ever since
>I feel like I only hang out with her is for weed which makes me hate myself
All I care about is getting smarter and stronger than everyone else. Friends and companionship are pipe dreams. Lift large die large
Are you me?
I've got a bunch of friends irl, but they're all shit
I was always the guy people would use for emotional support, but if I opened up to them they would ghost me. People would only remember me when I was in their prescience, and as such no one stayed in contact with me after school ended.
I only have 1 friend who I used to live by, but I've moved away over 300 miles. We still interact through online chat and gaming, but I'm almost certainly convinced the only reason we're still friends is because he picks and chooses when he wants to do stuff. He never responds if I wanna do something with him.
I bathe, I'm hygienic, I don't have a negative personality. Nothing is abhorrently wrong with me that I can tell. Why do people not like me or acknowledge that I exist.
>not hiding your birthday
the way you type I can tell you're an "i get offended" cuck
especially the fact you just asked a question and ended with a period
you probably have a somewhat high voice too
Does family count as friends?
>tfw im 25 and i have never seen my father do a social activity with someone besides family one time in my entire life
>mother knows a metric fuckton of people through work but rarely does stuff with them because she talks on the phone with them nonstop during the week about work
>i expected to turn out normal socially
lmao what, I think you might be projecting there a bit buddy.
Im exactly like that but my penis is above average.
point proven
And which point was that?
the fact you can't even comprehend this is why you have no friends
I don't even have internet friends anymore
People use me for money
I donate money to people around the world, they say they love me but its only for mooney
>I drink mikes hard lemonade: the post
stfu fagot
ok ace, pay me and i'll be your best god damn friend
How much would help you out?
Just wondering since i dont know how much others have/need
I already have a rich friend who gives me money
I ended up genuinely enjoying his company after a few months though
Comprehend what? You inferring a bunch of random stuff through text about the pitch of my voice?
Why don't you explain your point? How does the way I type make me a cuckold?
had no friends at all throughout high school, barely any in middle school
i was that weird quiet kid my whole life
fuck my life
I moved schools every year when I was a kid and teen. It made me not hold onto friendships very well because I always had to end them after a year.
I met some amazing bros and hung out with them every day. The were the first real friends I had but one day I just quit my job and moved without saying a word.
Not even sure why I did guess just out of habit.
>we are "that guy" in friend circles
>we are sociopaths
>people label us as "fucked up" in the head
>a biological need for sex drives us to seek human intimacy but to no avail
>try and distract ourselves by punishing our bodies physically and think that this alone will solve our problems
>feel the need to vent and open ourselves to others, but it only reveals our weaknesses and makes us revolting
>don't bother with friendships or relationships anymore because we rationalize every future experience will follow the same trajectory of leveraging our own horrible situation into an inner-circle shit-talking in "friend" groups
>realize that posting on Veeky Forums and trying to express our emotions doesn't help
>alcoholism sets in
>slowly lose motivation to make it to the gym
>lose gainz, but we just say "we're on a cut"
>you've always given yourself excuses throughout life and you dread the day where it's not gonna cut it anymore
The average aussie is so full of shit and weak minded. I have isolated myself from them.
The only person that keeps me going is my sister and partner. I really can't stomach how delusional the standard aussie is.
lol go to a third world country and give money to hot women then
>A wild weirdo appears
Listen buddy, not everyone here is as pathetic as you.
Female alert
I have been alone for so long I've forgotten how to interact with people I'm close to. Everyone is just an acquaintance at this point. Doesn't really bother me. If I really wanted something I would figure out how to get it and seek it out.
Great post user. Described me perfectly.
i wouldnt say that i dont have friends at work. i mean, i have people i talk to and all that.
but the problem is the same problem ive had my whole life with friendships. i talk to people, i joke around, i make people laugh, all that stuff. but i guess people just dont want to be friends with me.
i think im just too annoying, or too loud, or too obnoxious, or too much of an asshole/sarcastic for people to want to be friends with me.
and i also do kind of actively not engage with people, like i eat lunch alone and dont really input much into conversations besides "jokes" because i have no life so i have nothing of value to add and dont want to show everyone that i have no friends or gf or social life
>have tons of friends at elementary
>have even more friends at junior high
>eventually start realizing they only stayed with me because I helped them with money and school stuff
>by junior high's end they're all trying to be Chads
>one friend actually becomes a mid-tier Chad
>mom forces me to stop talking to him (he was doing some weed, and talking about doing buttstuff) and dad kinda agrees
>Chad gets angry
>makes whole school blacklist me
>friend since childhood leaves me alone on 3-day trip
>have to spend the trip with 2 other outcasts
>teachers call us names behind our backs
>Ultra-Chads & Stacies take notice
>remember that I used to help them all with their math homework when we were in the same class
>generally was known as the school's "might be a genius, might be just nuts" guy to the point where I was spending reccess with the teachers talking about the subjects
>Ultra-Chads tell me to sit at their table
>politely decline
>spend the trip alone
>spend High School alone and with some Yu-Gi-Oh & Metal obesessed tards
>STEMfag now (Physics)
>don't go to class
>have 0 friends and 1 acquaintance
>study alone at home
>at least I cook good meals
I went to a birthday party last week. Twas me and another guy (plus the organiser). Organiser didn't even have money to pay for the pizzas. Other guy was a Tard who was doing 180 turns and looking at women's asses in the middle of the street, while being glued to his phone.
I want it to be over...
Eyup that's me
The weird part is I use tindr and get matches I'm talking to a few on snap... but god-damn EVERY SINGLE ONE needs attention and sends a million fucking pictures.
>mfw are women truly high maintenance?