So is this meme over or what?
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Do you see anyone saying that they drank water today? No that’s because like water eating onions is something that is done so often it’s not worth mentioning
literally had half a raw onion for dinner right now, but in food like a normal ass person not a memelord
I've been continuing to have what is about a handful of raw sliced onion rings from my work salad bar every day. This is probably only like 1/4 of an onion in mass but it's very sustainable
I can chew them up and swish it back and get it all down in under 2 minutes easy
whether or not im doubling my test it's great for me so i see it as a win:win
had my helping of a raw red onion today
fucking sniffing and nose on fire, all in the name of test
eating a quarter raw onion a day for about 2 weeks. gained 15 lbs on my bench so far. repping 265 3x5 at about 180lbs bw.lifting for 3 years. call it a meme but its like steroids for me
we're waiting for a brave user's bloodwork. probably about 15 days? anybody want to place bets?
>Do you see anyone saying that they drank water today? No that’s because like water eating onions is something that is done so often it’s not worth mentioning
You might want to up that to a full half of onion
Its related to boosting test a natural way. Of course it's a meme targeted at low test betas. Some Chad is laughing somewhere to his bros saying he convinced a bunch of retards to eat raw onions on the daily
i feel like those numbers arent bad at all for reps but yeah im lazy and lift once or twice a week
strong post
Could be some truth to the meme
Ate some garlic(has allicin aswell) before bed and woke up with morning wood that wouldnt go down for the first time in years
That is what gains feels like.
It works because of how much the jew shills against it
I've been doing it for week or two now. Bascially chop an onion in half, then quarter one half, sprinkle some salt, and eat it like chips with coffee.
Gave me stomach aches at first but those went away and now I feel way more energetic. Not sure if it's a meme but I feel like I've been loosing weight faster too. Down like 5lbs over two weeks, used to lose on average 1lb a week.
Lifts seem to stall less too, but still stalling on some.
Pic related is how I feel about the onion meme right now.
Perhaps you should up the dose?
I think the demand that people eat it raw leads to people not eating enough to see an effect. Eat one raw if you must, but it's very easy to eat more if you sautee them and mix them with other stuff, scrambled eggs, liver, steak, whatever.
>not blending onion, beets and nutmeg with water and chugging before brushing your teeth at night
It's like you don't want to wake up with underwear destroying erections
it helped me no bullshit
>Drink more water buddeh
i can confirm that even after the first day of eating a full onion that my balls felt so full. came the most I ever did in my gf
Rat lab user, In the name of the onion and all that is sacred as foretold by our father zyzz. I SUMMON THE INTO THIS THREAD.
this guy?
First day first onion. Eating this shit on its own, no lemon juice, honey or any of that gay shit. Fucking painful, but I'm gonna power through it. Hope I can man up after a few days of downing these, and just eat this shit like apples.
I just ate half a raw onion mixed into my post-workout meal.
I'm buried under gains. Feels like an avalanche.
i'm eating a bowl of onion right now, faggot. i took a few days deload to let my mouth and throat recover from the initial blast but now i'm back cruising
is he, dare i say it,/ourguy/?
>Fucking painful, but I'm gonna power through it
you might need to have a few rest days in there eventually. i got the the point where it was so painful that i would take one small bite of onion and my mouth would be max burning and it would be like five minutes before i could take another small bite. i managed to power through it and finish the bowl, but for the rest of the day my mouth was burning and when i went to bed my throat hurt pretty bad and the next day i couldnt even eat a single bite because of the pain.
then i took a few days off and now i have returned even stronger. so if it gets to the point where you're really too far overtrained then it's best to just take a couple days off and let your mouth flesh recover and your tolerance build. now that i'm back eating onions i feel much better though. definitely a difference between off onion and on onion
>Some Chad is laughing somewhere to his bros saying he convinced a bunch of retards to eat raw onions on the daily
heh t-this is a figment of your imagination, r-right?
meanwhile the ascended chads are eating entire onions in one bite while laughing at the lower strata of chads who are complacent with merely being superior only to the betas
stay pleb
You dummies, just fucking cook them and eat them with your food. Juice one and take it in shots with a chaser if you insist on having one raw a day, or mince it into a salad with a shitload of other vegetables, but you can easily eat another 2-3 onions a day just by cooking them and mixing them with food. Eating them like apples is retarded. You still get great benefits from eating them cooked especially if you are eating more than you otherwise would.
Nice try, jew. You will not trick me from my sweet oniony gains. Only soybois eat their onions cooked.
>cook the onions
nice try, schlomo. we all know that cooking destroys the test boosting enzymes. and it's best to work your way up to being able to eat one like an apple easily. i like the taste of plain onion anyways, and the convenience of the apple method is best - it only makes sense that something of such high value would come at a cost of pain and sacrifice.
like how i trained myself to be able to eat raw eggs out of the carton like a bag of potato chips. so while you eat your bag of doritos i crack open a carton of 18 eggs (i didnt actually succeed at this but i tried many times to eat a raw egg in one bite. always failed)
I'm not saying don't eat them raw. Any habit you try to develop is not going to be maintained if it's overly disgusting. So sure, set a minimum amount of raw onions you want to eat. I think anything over one a day is unrealistic for the long term. How many people here have been eating multiple raw onions a day for weeks? So eat one a day raw, two a day if you want to push it. But feel free to add lots of onions to your cooking.
There is no real evidence that the benefits only come in raw onions. Cooked onions still have quercetin and allicin in them. The only argument people use is that they used raw onion juice in the Iranian experiment. Well they injected the juice into the mice too. Are you juicing the onions? Are you injecting the juice into your stomach like they did?
I hope you retards don't actually eat onions like apples.
>Any habit you try to develop is not going to be maintained if it's overly disgusting
i actually feel like i'm becoming addicted to onions and the effects they have on me. the only problem is that i havent been eating them long enough so the burning still causes problems. they're refreshing to me and i always look forward to eating them again
You dont get it, the more you eat raw onions, the less disgusting they become, not just less disgusting, your stomach adapts to them and gives you less hurt. first week and I no longer get huge stomach pains, and can even let it go down in one gulp, even without lemon slices. Its not a taste issue that your body adapts to, its probably chemical as well.
You summoned me?
I'm sold on this onionpill. going to start tomorrow. Is it recommended to start with a full onion, or half of one?
>tfw no qt gf to dice up your onions and feed them to you