Goal Body Thread

I'll start




Is there a recommended routine for achieving this mode?


What anime is this? Looks cool as fuck.


This stage in my life, I'd be pretty satisfied to get this.

one punch man
one is WAY more lean than the other

Ya...one's also not real...

Wanna add me in FGO OP?

>what is leg day

Well, he supposedly got that body through isometric and calisthenics exercises... so you're not gonna see legs as awesome as people taking on barbells or even dumbbells will get.


How do I achieve Terry mode?

You mean bargain bin trucker Ken?

Lots of Karate.

No I mean the badass dude that throws flames&punches

I know some people that train karate, none of them could be compared to him, their bodies are either really bulky or lanky.
The person I know that looks closest to Terry trains MMA and Kickboxing, would that be sufficient?


That's not a trap in my book. It's a girl pretending to be a trap. Just look at those shoulders - those are girl shoulders. Now look at pic-related, these are trap shoulders.

This guy looks so feminine to my 2017 sensibilities.

Block out his upper body and that leopard print speedo looks like a bikini bottom and his legs pass for a woman's. Charles Atlas looks like a trap in denial.

is it bad to want to have that buff dad aesthetic (wide waist/big belly but broad chest/shoulders and arms)


Any of them would be good

I'm going for that look as well. I want my kids to grow up with me as a masculine and 'fatherly' rolemodel


Wtf im only on 30 episode of db is that bulma

you sound like you aren't full of enough zip and go my young chap. do your spindly arms even swell?

Yes lol bulma trains with vegeta after the frieza arc


Ol so I saw some memes of this Vegeta guy

But who/what the fuck is Frieza? Dude's name sounds like "freezer" lmao

Also can't believe they did this to bulma, she was such wife material in the Tournament Saga

I miss him everyday

>wanting to be manlet

This guy right here


ken kitano


The human enbodiment of a salmon


>mi novio estudioso

Tanktop master is the best. Fuck Garou.

Honestly this. One of the major reasons why i started going to the gym. I even have the body to be really close to it which is lucky.

just dont eat too much

Calisthenics and pull up bar

>that classical physique
Fuck, I want to look like Kirk Douglas.

So badass

>this is muscular by normie standards
I look like this and still see a DYEL in the mirror

Where's your picture?

> to lazy to work out physique
I don't think they had flattops in ancient rome

>doing magic roids

>to lazy to work out physique
What makes you say that? He is very obviously muscular.

because you get complexes when you start lifting seriously. only other people can appreciate your body

My fellow Sun bros