Veeky Forums why are you not on a full carnivore diet?
Veeky Forums why are you not on a full carnivore diet?
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>that hairline
That podcast is the closest thing you'll get to Rogan pulling the plug.
Rogan looked like he could smell his bullshit. That guy wouldn’t shut up about himself. Typical Australian or whatever he is.
Wait what does that mean? Like he was skeptical? Because the guy was not impressive
>tfw was listening to this episode of JRE yesterday
>got bored 40 minutes in
>tfw 4 out of the 5 meals each week are some combination of fatty beef, tuna, shrimp, and pork with maybe a cheeky rawonion for the test boost
The second this faggot said he wasn’t getting his bloods checked I knew he was full of shit.
How about when he tried to make the argument that meat eaters are inherently more risky people and that that goes unaccounted for in all studies/could somehow be perceived as statistically significant. Hww do you get through medical school with a brain like this?
Someone in another thread posted a document showing his license was revoked. Could have been fake though.
His point was bloods don’t matter he’s going off how he feels. And people mis interpret bloods as well.
That wasn’t actually what was said.
I agree with you 2 he seemed like a scammer I’m just sayin.
is full carnivore mode healthier than a whole food
plant-based vegan diet?
It is probably even more retarded than being a vegan.
Maybe equal to being a fruitarian.
Ofcourse not.
I like the occasional salad, mostly.
Going to try it.
Keep a diary and post it here.
Carnivore diet is as retarded as it sounds right?
I keep seeing this instinctual reaction.
"this diet must be retarded because... well it just has to be"
I haven't seen anyone give a thought through counter argument
It's pathetic how far idiots will go to not eat their fucking fruits and vegetables.
>that amerimutt hairline
A well rounded diet is best obviously
Just eating meat is retarded because it's not best for our biology
You think it makes you manly to just eat meat? Then you are no older than 20 years old
he spent 40% of the interview bitching about how he was the victim of a conspiracy within his hospital to disbar him and is currently appealing the decision
it was an interesting interview but the guy talks so much shit about his accomplishments and what the fuck is wrong with his voice
It's not that meat eaters are inherently, more risky, but that people who aren't on any diet at all are inherently more at risk than people dieting. People who aren't thinking about what they eat are at more risk than those who do, what about that is ridiculous?
because I can't deal with eating raw organs n shieeeet to get all the nutrients I need
>world records that almost no one cares about
>dude looks like he's straight out of chemo
>shit body composition despite eating a shit ton of protein
>doesn't even show blood results to show how healthy he is
Eating meat, dairy, or eggs everyday isn't moderate.
Smoking cigarettes every day isn't moderate.
Drinking alcohol everyday isn't moderate.
Jacking off everyday isn't moderate.
Gaming everyday isn't moderate.
breathing everyday isn't moderate.
>Just eating meat is retarded because it's not best for our biology
Justify this claim
Meat is much more easily digestible than eating any type of plant except for fruits maybe depending in the individual.
Even then, the vast majority of fruits available to us now are heavily manipulated sugar bombs, as opposed to the actual types of fruits we evolved to eat in the tropics.
Undomesticated fruits are severely higher in protein and fiber than domesticated ones.
The fact that our colon has shrinked in size over our evolution shows that we weren't meant to eat a fuckload of low quality food like gorillas, we were and are still meant to eat foods of very high quality and nutritional density.
10kg of apricots(highest protein ratio in any fruit) won't even give you 70g of protein.
Chimp male adults eat on average over 150g of protein a day.
Gorilla male adults eat on average 800g of protein a day and over 8500 calories.
Why should humans be any different when it comes to nutritional needs? We need high protein diets, and humans cannot handle fiber as well as gorillas or chimps, so where are we supposed to get our nutrition from?
The only plant food there is that has similar fiber/fat/protein/sugar concentrations to the wild fruits we used to eat before are pistachios/peanuts.
I mean he's not exactly young
Gorillas and chimps both have to use a type of hindgut fermentation to process all the nutrients they need from plant sources. Their digestive tracts are considerably longer than humans and have areas/gut flora/etc specialised for that hindgut fermentation.
Chimps also eat meat - not nearly as much as we do, but they prefer it and will actively hunt for it when they can. They also eat a shit ton of insects as well as a readily abundant protein source.
Not rich
yes lol
Your conclusion about the shrinkage of our colon is strange, obviously we are not ment to eat foilage, but the only alternative to that is not just fruit or meat. We have cooked foods like legumes, grains, tubers and we have nuts, seeds, vegetables etc.. These are all very digestible. Human males needs just 0.8-0.9g protein/kg/day to maintain nitrogen balance, our lesser protein needs are reflected in human breast milk which is our only or primary source of all nutrients during the time of our most rapid growth, human breast milk has among the lowest(if not THE lowest) protein content among all mammals(about
Except gorillas eat literally 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, roughly as much as chimps do.
Roughly as much as baby humans do.
Why should adult males be any different when it comes to protein intakes?
2g of protein per pound*
That doesn't mean they need it, I can't find a single study on nitrogen balance in gorillas so as far as I know you are purely speculating on their protein needs. Also, we are not gorillas or chimps if that needed to be said. You are wrong about baby protein needs, as can be seen here : >
Babies start out at 2g/kg/day and decrease to about 0.8g/kg/day at 10 months, less than half of what you claim. This can be further seen here:
At page 188 where you find these numbers:
(months) (g/kg per day
1 1.77
2 1.50
3 1.36
4 1.24
6 1.14 6
And further here:
AI for Infants
0–6 months 9.1 g/day of protein
RDA for older infants
7–12 months 11 g/day of protein
Because I don't wish to contribute to the farming industry, I don't want to be evil just because I'm human
I don't have an opposing view from yours, but thr analogy you used is absurd. We are different species.
>But we are close to them, only .0000012345% difference and
We. Are. Different. Species.
Should we also fling our shit and eat our sick babies?
That's nutritional NEEDS as in in order to avoid malnutrition.
Animals eat way more than what they NEED to avoid malnutrition, but it maximizes survivability and fitness levels.
Gorillas eat easily at least 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight(not counting potential synthesized amino acids from fiber feeding bacteria)
Chimps eat roughly 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Adult babies eat 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, and the ratio goes down slightly the more they grow.
Organ and muscle weight and energy requirements increase as you grow older, but the majority of the weight gain in babies comes from fat and bone mass, so protein requirements don't go up much, even though they eat more protein.
A rough estimate is still obviously a rough estimate, but if the protein:bodyweight ratio found in other great apes was to be used in humans, humans would have to eat a lot more protein on average in order to maintain it.
>we are different species
Yeah I know, but our anatomy is closest to chimps and as such it is safe to say that we should at least emulate their macronutrient intake for maximizing fitness. Maybe a bit less fiber since our colons are smaller and our fiber tolerance is much lower,but protein and fat intake is roughly high in chimps specially higher than people believe.
The reason why I mention different species is because we can obserbe what they actually eat in the natural wild, humans cannot do the same on themselves.
It just seems so fucking arbitrary.
Like - vegans have actual reasons why they don't eat animal products. Ethical (valid) and health (kinda debatable).
What the fuck is the reason to ONLY eat animal products? You don't like the color of Spinach? Onions and garlic blow out your asshole?
Damn, you are talking straight out of your ass.
Because I'm not a faggot
i made it to the end. the end was so suddenly, the guy didnt know what hit him. but i agree, boring as fuck
>Ethical (valid)
>Universal ethics objectively exist
Uhm, no.