Boogie Has Tumor and Can't Fit Into MRI Machine HAPPENING

>Be Boogie, 600 lbs
>Can't get under 500lbs after surgery
>Get Tumor
>Lose all 500lbs

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why can't you people leave this poor guy alone? he's not well off mentally or physically, why do you get such satisfaction shitting on this crippled human being?

Pituitary gland tumour isn't that the same thing that causes gigantism? Maybe Boggies mass really is a medical condition.

C'mon, if the dude has cancer that's not funny.

Make fun of him for his weight and weight loss surgery all you want, but cancer is going too far.

>Unless he's just making shit up to get his wife to feel sorry for him and stay.

Any news on his wife being BLACKED though?


Boogie has twice as many cells as the average person, and thus has twice as high a risk of cancer.

He makes his living by being a public figure. If being insulted is so dangerous to his mental health, he should get a job that doesn't require being in the public eye.

shut the fuck up Booger

>glad to go pay to make sure



it's almost like obesity is the most debilitating self-inflicted but curable ailment a person can have



No. The pituitary gland associates with the adrenal gland and testes, and produces testosterone and hormones.
>I'm not sure about a tumor in a pituitary gland, but some people don't have a working pituitary gland.
>It's a problem that is found usually by first being misdiagnosed as a non-working adrenal gland; however, a nonworking pituitary gland will be found because without a properly working one, the body starts to shut down.
>In these cases, patients have to take between 2-4 medications every single day for the rest of their life in order to substitute the chemicals that are no longer being produced.


No, just her soon-to-be taking half his money because he didn't have a prenup

He makes it clear on his streams that he doesn't actually care what the public thinks about his life.

Still whining about not qualifying for health insurance.


Lmao that's bullshit

So now we know the real reason behind Boogie's weight loss.

yeah that's complete bullshit that nigga craves positive reinforcement

Holy shit, I buy weed from that chicks brother. I remember when she was 15 and had some kind of school tshirt she had everyone sign with a sharpie. Her brother sold me skimp bags for a month because I signed right on her giant fat tit.

Small world


The fat fuck is using it as an excuse for not losing weight

I hope the end is slow and painful for that disgusting whiny subcreature. All of humanity is diminished while he lives.

The fuck you care if I'm lying or not

>get bariatric surgery
>food choices still so terrible he's not losing weight


Quick maths

His food choices were terribe, he went on a strict diet for the surgery, had the surgery, then his wife left him...

That and he eats constantly, doesn't move around much and is in front of a computer and right next to a router.

His body is in a constant anabolic state and has IGF running in his body at full blast creating and maintaining that shit load of body mass.
That's on top of his diet being almost completely quasi-food.
Him getting cancer wasn't a question of when, but if and how bad it would be.

Hey boogie

>notoriusly manipulative fat cunt
>bound to get divorced from his personal babysitter after the cirurgy
>conveniently might have cancer now


>plays video games and e-begs

If he had a brain tumor, affecting his hormones, it would be visible by fat being allocated at odd places, like his face.
He doesn't show any such signs.

I'm more inclined to believe he drinks his calories and lives a sedentary life-style in a well heated house.

do I lose more calories if I keep my room cold?

cause it's cold as fuck right now

is it negligible

I always thought you would lose more calories in heated places. Like saunas

>80% of marriages fail because of it
lemme tell you a story Veeky Forums
>two family friends are married
>she's fat as shit
>he's literally chad IRL: good heart, great physique (no homo), scuba diving instructor, personal trainer, GREAT father for their children
>she gets gastric bypass
>she cheats on him
>she divorces him
>he has to pay alimony, loses his house and children
>she becomes a pianobar singer and gives up her nursing job
>few years pass
>she gets fat again
>can't work as a singer anymore
>tries to go back to nursing
>tries to get her husband back
>she has to resort to neetbucks and alimony to raise her children

That's why if you ever get married you should make sure the person doesn't take shortcuts like gastric bypass, especially if the person is a woman

We're passive observers of material that he himself puts into the public eye with the hope of gaining attention and money, if anything he's lucky we talk about him as much as we do.

>hormone therapy

Is that why he comes into boogie threads on Veeky Forums to defend himself, and proves his identity by tweeting his tripcode?

Your body burns more calories at either extreme but no it's not going to be a viable weight loss method. I think it's like 15 minutes of shivering = 100 burned calories but that's extremely uncomfortable and probably would have other health impacts if you tried to sustain it, it would be better to just do cardio. Not sure about heat.


If that fat fuck has a hormone-secreting tumour then his dr wouldn't need an MRI to prove it - you'd just check the hormone levels in his blood.

Hotaru is a good girl.

You lose fluid weight from saunas via sweating, you don't actually burn fat.

Thats a retarded claim, theres literally no evidence of cancer being prevalent in taller individuals (which also have more cells)

Because YouTube content '''''creators''''' deserve to be shamed

I don't wish cancer and that suffering on anybody. I genuinely feel bad for Boogie for this being an issue, on top of his wife leaving him. (Protip: she enabled this kind of behavior that led to him being morbidly obese, now that he's unfucking himself she's unhappy).

What I dislike about Boogie is the fact that he's a spineless faggot. Always trying to play the mediator and never standing up for himself when he gets really fucked over. He constantly grovels at people that treat him like utter shit and genuinely doesn't have the balls to put his foot down and be a man. He's a masochist for shitty abuse and he accepts it because it gives him validation. He's really fucking pathetic.

>>she gets gastric bypass
>>she cheats on him
>>she divorces him

Welcome to real life. Even a woman who you think you love will trade up if the opportunity becomes available.

inb4 boogie gets legal roids

Jesus he's literally going to go the Veeky Forums cheater method of roiding/taking dangerous weight loss drugs even though his stomach is the size of a grape now. Come on Steven you're better than this.

He just wants something to point at and say "THAT'S THE REASON I FAILED." I come from a long line of diabetic 400lbers (thankfully I'm half that.) I've heard all the excuses
1. It must be hormones muh thyroid
2. I have too much pain to work out
3. It's genetics
4. Muh trauma or life event caused it

Never do these people ever once take personal responsibility.

Snitches get stitches

>if the dude has cancer that's not funny
Yes it is.

it's literally fact. that's why women are much more likely to get breast cancer.

>fat people have more cells

boogie has a case of munchhausen syndrome

please stop paying him any attention, it only feeds his mental illness

Leave windows open in the winter and cycle dnp

>winner winner chicken dinner

lmao as soon as his post-surgery body stopped rejecting the mountain dew he stops losing weight hmmmm...

Fag lmao

>make the details of your life public knowledge on the internet
>wow why are people making fun of me
Do you have the faintest glimmer of sense in your fucking head? No. Better to expect the entire human race to change rather than practice common sense.



They do you fucking brainlet

>I'm not fat, i just have BIG CELLS

>surgery to lose less than 80 lbs
what a faggot

Don't preach common sense while posting on a boogie thread.

fat isnt made out of cells

>please give me more attention!
Next to food he feeds on that shit like a pig at a trough, or an american at golden corral.

>why can't you people leave this poor guy alone?
oh please he's posting this about himself because he needs another form of self harm now he has to reduce food intake

>inb4 everything is fine and he needs to find another excuse for slow weight loss

>fat isnt made out of cells

Well then, let's start.
Being capable chugging down more food at once means your digestive system needs to adapt and increase size: Stomach and intestine.
If you are large like a fucking minivan it means you have way more material to cover, which means:
Way more skin.
In order to provide for a bigger area you need more blood cells, and a bigger blood production.

Do you feel stupid yet or i have to go on?

#Briffault's Law

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. ... Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association.


what's your source? adipocytes are derived from fibroblasts, which can't divide indefinitely.

t. /r/edpill fedora

it's true, an evolutionary psychology book I read referred to it as "female choice"

>female choice
That's a trait in some species, not in humans and is about selecting which breeding male is the most fit depending on physical traits.

We are far more complex than that

yeah but even in humans, the cost of sex is much higher for females than males hence the female pickiness
For males sex means getting a chance to spread your genes for the low cost of risking an STD, but for females the investment cost is much higher
>must forage more often for more food
>carrying the fetus makes it more difficult to escape from predators
>can die at childbirth
>your bones get decalcified and the calcium gets absorbed into the fetal skeleton
>gotta breastfeed the baby
>can get an STD


>Him getting cancer wasn't a question of when, but if and how bad it would be.

eh what, it was a question of when you fucking retarded mongoloid

This fat fuck thought he could skip out dying on the operating table. We'll get him one way or another.

wealth and social support networks and cultural norms modulate that in ways that are trivially obvious. men are not inanimate objects without ambition or agency. I don't know why you think they don't influence choice. who, after all, wears makeup in humans and who's the most colorful in the animal world?

On twitter recently he said he was in a bad place in his life and couldn't handle much criticism. Booger says a lot of things, who knows which parts are even true.

We don't have more cells, they're just longer.

>Doing the work

>>can get an STD

so can a guy so that is not an argument, but rest seems solid


>no negative thoughts allowed
posting on an anonymous forum he doesn't even visit IS leaving him alone

fair enough


>I personally don't believe it is there

Why the FUCK would he "believe" one way or another? A doctor rose the concern, what the actual fuck would boogie know?

If you're too much of a fat fuck to fit in a regular MRI they take you to the zoo. Not even taking the piss.

