Hernia paranoia

I'm so fucking scared of fucking myself up doing deadlifts.
I don't want my intestines canoodling into my scrotum.
I'm paranoid I'm gonna fuck myself up lads!
How do I learn the correct form? What else should I be doing? Help me put my mind at ease!
Pic very related...

Don't worry, you'd get a spinal disc herniation long before any kind of intestinal herniation
Quit being a fag, watch form videos, then record your form and post it in QTDDTOT

I've had so many hernia, I can't remember if I'm up to 5 or 6. I think it's 4 fixed and 1 unfixed. None of them were in the gym. I still deadlift and squat no problem. Don't worry about it. You're more likely to get a hernia on the shitter.

You're fine
I had one, couldn't walk for a week. Bed ridden.

>Start lifts over
>got form clutch, switched to deficits and added weighted spinal decompression lifts top routine
>Good as new
deadlift 3.5x a week and squat 3.5x a week, pr almost every time or at least on 3 out of five compounds


Lmfao hope you baiting son,you only have to not be retarded and listen to your body.

this is what squats and oats gets you user

hernia, his abdonimnal wall is ruptured so badly his guts can move in front of the muscle

If you feel pulling in your abs and it hurts enough for you to think, "holy shit this fucking hurts" then you just stop doing whatever was making it hurt. Chances are you'll stop before you're shitting you intestines out of your belly button.

>Haha what the fuck is wrong with his belly buEEUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH

You think getting a stronger back increases the chances of getting a hernia? I know a few guys who started deadlifting just to get over the pain of their hernias. You have a higher chance of getting a hernia from sneezing than from deadlifts.

This fucking gif again

>tfw his hernia is longer than your penis


I got a hernia and had it for about 2 years. Couldn't afford the operation in my home country.

Got a new job in another country and the insurance covered it.

Mine was literally from sneezing.

MacReady failed and it escaped from the Antarctic.

Hernias are mostly genetic, if you're gonna get one, you're gonna get one. Hernia surgery is a very common, simple procedure. I'd rather get one from lifting while I'm young and healthy and able to recover well, rather than getting one from getting up off the toilet when I'm 67.

why is he doing this?

wont it make it worse

do i ask my gp to test for a hernia?
everytime i do heavy squats or do anything ab heavy my lower stomach hurts like a motherfuck.

You don't have a hernia. Asking your gp to test for it is a waste of his time and yours.
>t. dr who fixed up 5 hernias this past week

If you're that fucking worried, hire a personal trainer brah.

jeff cavaliere says that he's had two hernias and he got both of them from doing one-armed dumbbell rows since they pull you heavily to one side at a time which is what caused the tear

so I'd be more worried about gaining strength in your obliques and not doing exercises that cause an unbalanced torsion of the torso, rather than deadlifts

never let stomach bulge out during lifts, keep having the inner ab muscles strong and tight. Don't do situps and crunches but do plank.

Do not ever press out stomach when squatting or even while you are shitting on the toilet


This is what happens when you don't drink enough onion juice, user
