Just let out an involuntary hulk roar for the first time in my life. What going super sayian must feel like. I was jump roping the longest I ever went in one go which was around 15 mins. The only reason I decided to stop was because I felt dehydrated and desperate for water. The second I stopped is when this roar was let out while also involuntarily flexing. I felt like a part of me was super mad I didn't keep going. It was a reaction that truly caught me off guard. I feel disappointment but also proud at myself. Have any of you ever experienced this? Share similar moments.
Just let out an involuntary hulk roar for the first time in my life. What going super sayian must feel like...
You been eating your onions lad?
I've done this when crushing an enemy team in a sport where it was a close game. Last time I remember was a golf tournament.
I had this happen to me in my last squat set today, idk what it was but I got so fuckin pumped I almost felt like crying. Really blew my mind. The rest of my workout I felt like I was way stronger than normal
Post super saiyan images/gifs
T. Fat fuck who thinks going 15 minutes straight is impressive
>deadlifting a little over 3 pl8 for 1rm double overhand
>let out the biggest roar a manlet can muster.
>mfw some ppl think that's impressive
Little do they know everyone on Veeky Forums diddlys 4+ pl8 and I'm the weakest of our warrior race.
r-right bros?
T. Guy who doesn't jump rope. 15 minutes straight takes a skill, cardio, and focus. If you start doubting your form it will fall apart.
Nice job OP
It's impressive to me. I am a recovering fatty.
It's a high yo. I loved it. Felt superhuman.
only done this while deadlifting, and once on squats.
feels gud, but i always hold back if there's people around.
Yup. Endorphin/testosterone rush. Combined with a good pump and you feel like an absolute savage.
Yo quick q. When did you know it was time for the belt?
A guess breh a guess
yo that's some awesome progress man. we're all gonna make it.