Get on your knees and cross your ankles and waddle towards me, you being Veeky Forums won't make a difference

>Get on your knees and cross your ankles and waddle towards me, you being Veeky Forums won't make a difference

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait for Mark to save me

>Be white
Problem solved.


The victim was white soyboy

the guy he killed was white

those cops were completely psychotic. they clearly wanted to shoot someone

nigga clapped somebody crawling to him after 4 minutes of giving him dumb fuck orders and talking to him like a dog and telling him the whole time he'll blow his head off if he doesn't do exactly what he says

cop was there cause someone called saying someone was in a window waving a gun

they found 2 pellet guns in the room and the guy was an exterminator

retard reached behind him to pull his pants up as he was crawling and got smoked

Cry and get murdered :/

>he didn't say simon says
i'm staying right where i am

Stupid cunt cop on a power trip killed a dude and got off free.


Oh yeah, the guy the cop killed was a panicked white kid.
Funny part?
A black person will be more upset and angered by this then a white person.
Why? Because american whites have been very very well trained.

holy shit ok


Talcom X even reeeed about it.

video link:

lmao how retarded is that cop.

I honestly would of played dead and just lay completely flat on the floor arms extended until they arrested me.

You have to be a complete and utter pussy in front of American cops or else you just get blasted senpai.

>retarded drunk waves (pellet) gun outside of hotel window
>someone calls cops
>cops show up obviously assuming gun was real
>girlfriend follows orders
>guy reaches back towards waist
>gets smoked

why is this even an argument? If I was the cop I would have murdered his ass as well, for all he knew that dude was about to pull a pistol

and if you are the retarded white dude lay on the ground hands behind your back ready to be cuffed, don’t say a god damn word and do not move at all

either they come over and cuff you eventually or you get shot and your family sues the absolute fuck out of the cop who killed you once the footage is seen

this dude 100% deserved to die

no doubt senpai

when I got arrested for smash and grab burglary I stayed calm the entire time while the cop questioning me was trying to provoke me and ask me 500 questions

even when they cuffed me they took like 2 minutes to hook the 2nd cuff just to wait for me to move so they could slam my ass

detective even waved at me as he walked out of the jail and smirked like a little bitch cause I told him I wasn't gonna talk to him

all charges dropped in the end though

>deserved to die

let's not get carried away now

>be following orders for 4 full minutes

>cops dont just approach and cuff him

for what reason dumb fuck? the cop was looking for an excuse to kill him

there was more than 1 that's proper procedure not "get on your stomach, cross your legs, stand up, hands up, on the ground again! now crawl!"

dumb fuck apologist kys

>start crying profusely and apologizing
>cop starts yelling at me and telling me to drop to my knees
>dont wanna die today
>drop slowly to my knees
>spaghetti falls out of my pockets
>cop laffs and wipes a tear from his eye
>something slmething chucklehead
>suddenly something falls out of my other pocket and rolls towards the popo
>its my last red onion
>he screams and opens fire

family is going to make BANK and be well of for generations off the lawsuit @ the city so it's not all bad for them

>you being Veeky Forums won't make a difference
If I'm gonna die anyway might as well make it news worthy. Which makes a cooler story, drunk crying faggot gets shot on his knees or drunken moron charges cop with machine gun? I'd also get naked before going outta the hotel room.

alright well rephrased the cop absolutely had a reason to shoot him

we’re the commands retarded, yea 100%

so instead of trying to follow them and fuck it up just lay there and put your hands behind your back and don’t say anything

I seriously doubt any cop has ever killed someone just laying on the ground not moving

and before anyone brings up literally any one of the niggers who has gotten killed while on the ground not moving it was after they were fighting with the cop and resisting arrest, so yes it’s different

bully him for being such a low test soy boy. as he's running away crying i'll throw onions at him

yea and he gave him that excuse by reaching backwards

do you really think if that fucking idiot had laid on the ground, said absolutely nothing, and had his hands behind his back or out in front of him he would have gotten shot?? fuck no

what do you think the cop would have said
>come over here or I’m going to shoot you
>crawl towards me or I’m going to shoot you

you’re retarded

Lel look at those arm tattoos.

What a fag.

This picture reminds me of cho's mugshot

good shit. that's the only way to do it. The most frustrating thing is how they try to bait you, and lots of low IQ ppl will always bite.

Next time it'll be a real gun.
Next time a cop won't get a chance to open his mouth to speak a ridiculous order.
It will just be a bullet lodged into his dome with the suspect escaping.

Guess what?
The guy will get away with it because of people like this idiot and people like you.

Think those peaceful protests where cops basically manhandle those hippies are gonna continue once stuff like this is shown everywhere? Once they can't simply handwaive it as being the fault of the evil nigger menace?

Uh uh bro.
Cop killing is going to be common place from now on. Their fantasy of being the victims of murder all of the time and their jobs being dangerous as fuck compared to most other jobs will become reality.

Shoot him. My 1911 has subsonic solid copper pointy ammo that goes straight through kevlar.

yes let's blame the guy for following his orders and not the cop for being a dumbfuck manlet

everyone should know not to follow the cops orders in case you get domed?

you truly are dumb as fuck the fact you even tried to rationalize the guy getting killed cause he "SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER" really proves how low on the totem pole your dumb ass goes

again, kys

They killed some homeless guy for illegally camping and not complying. Same sort of outcome as well.

Some cops are just straight up assholes who get way too hyped up on adrenaline to think straight. Doesn't help when a good portion of them barely made it through high school. Apparently this guy also had some shit carved into his AR-15 along the lines of, "you're fucked."

I won't be surprised if someone ends up killing this guy.

You know how those rabid twitter kids are, i'm sure he's sleeping with one eye open

the cops a manlet with tryhard tattoos

you can tell he was just looking for his day to kill someone

>mess up playing simon says with a cop

he was doxed, they've been posting it on /pol/ all day

but lets be real, what are a bunch of NEETs going to do lmao

nobody under 6' should be allowed to have authority, too assblasted at the world

holy fucking shit kunt, he could follow every single order for 6 hours the second he reached behind his back he became a threat to that cop

please fuck off

the fact you think anyone should have to play simon says with a cop for 6 hours to not get shot proves you're a dumb fuck


Mostly gauging from Michael Brown and all those other bullshit cases where they were up to no good. This was just some drunk dumbass being given equally dumbass orders. The fact the guy was crying, being a total pussy, and begging not to be shot, and then being shot in such a way... not going to go over well with a lot of people.

Cop was being a total fucking beta by not just having the guy lay on the ground and arrest him.

"C-crawl t-owards me. C-cross y-your legs and c-rawl. H-hands up! N-no c-crawl!"

Also degenerate arm tattoos. He's not going to have a lot of people on his side.

the fact that you comprehended that as my meaning behind that statement is even more stupid

>get cops called on you for waving a rifle out of a hotel window
>reach behind your back while having a rifle pointed at you

Is it really that hard to understand why he got shot?

>to play simon says with a cop for 6 hours to not get shot proves you're a dumb fuck
Dude that could be like the Cops show Olympics

after he was on the ground he should have been cuffed, end of story

not killed 3 minutes later because the cop wants to power trip

had to pick up a gun to cope with being an absolute soyboy manlet disgraceful faggot

yea he should have

but he also would most likely be alive right now if he didn’t reach behind his back

cops don't get convicted like ever. cop's getting off with a slap on the wrist.

why the fuck did he even shoot shaver. didnt even start firing until shaver started put his hand down with clearly nothing in his hand.

Anyone else getting a nu-male soyboy vibe?

yes, it's clear in his lack of masculine features in his face and jawbone

Imagine being a beta male that has not found Veeky Forums so his mental state is pretty normal, being drunk 0.29 or something, having a soyboy scream at you giving you retarded directions

>Git on ya knees git
>Uno mistako you dedio
>Cross da knees and waddle towards me

Fucking fall while doing it because no gains, start crawling with arms shaking because ya scared, shorts falling down, reflexivly pull them up


We should have more cop killings, uno for uno


okay are you forgetting why the cops were even called in the first place

the retard was waving pellet guns out of a hotel window he’s obviously not the brightest dude in the world

these cop “murders” always have a fucking reason behind them whether it’s a nigger or a white dude

if he was fucking smart he wouldn’t have been waving fake guns out of a hotel window

Yeah, can't actually spin this as untrustworthy black guy or "one of those people" getting shot.

It's clearly a police officer executing an unarmed man who was begging for his life.

I believe those soyboy 99% hippie sjw guys are going to start carrying pieces and seeing the boys in blue as potential threats.

>What do?

Thank the heavens that my day has come and provoke him to shoot me so I can finally be united with my eternal waifu: existential void

If he was smart he'd have had a real gun and shot the piggy in the face.

desu after seeing this video the best option is to just not move at all. if you try to play the simon says game you'll probably get shot, so it's best to just stay motionless while calling him a low test faggot, etc

Oh man a unarmed shaking drunk white dude, so fucking scary, was he waving the gun when he was there?

4 minutes of stupid ass directions then shooting him.

Imagine you're drunk as fuck, 18 cops pull up with AR's for some reason.

>Git on da knees boi
>One mistake you ded
>Hands in da air
>Nvm put em on da neck
>Cross ya ankles
>Waddle towards me
>Shoots you for being drunk and acting drunk
>Gets off
>AR also had "get fucked" on it
>In the end we really are getting fucked

People will think you're meming but you're so fucking right. Not every manlet is like that but authorities is not a place to take risks.

>Implying not moving won't be seen as disobeying orders
>implying that won't get you executed

if surrendering to a cop is an automatic death sentence then I might as well go out shooting

>Why you not moving phaggot I gave you an order
>Shoots your knee cap
>Shoots you 5 times again for moving without being told to move
>Gets off scot free
>"Get fucked 012" now on AR, 8 more until a new skin.


obviously what he did was bad, but why was he acquitted? did the jury not see the video? it's not like the victim was black...

>Judge said it was prejudticis somthing
>Didn't show jury
>Listen to a low test pghaggot in court
>Since victim dead who they gonna believe
>Gets off scot free

Please god let someone hit and run this faggot

what should he have done when the suspect reaches behind his back for the second time after being repeatedly told not to do so?

cuffed him before any of that happened and he was face down on the ground and had backup

Welcome to the real face of America.

>Not scream at him like a low beta on a power trip
>Don't say stupid shit
>"One mistake and i'l shoot you"
>Makes the kid panic
>Get on your knees and cross your ankles
>Put your hands in the air while doing it
>Waddle towards me

You try getting your knees crossing them and hands up, shits hard, and the white guy was a unfit as fuck.

What I've learned from this video in how to deal with the stupid police officers:

>"Throw me handcuffs I'll arrest myself!"
>"Everyone here this faggot is going to murder me! Charge him with 2nd degree murder after I'm gone!"

Why are manlets so evil

Or as i like to call it.
"How to commit suicide by cop."

you clearly have not seen the video

i mean if i have my hands above my head or whatever and make it clear that i'm not gonna move i wouldnt be worried. much more predictable than the 4 dimensional simon spergs that the soyswat guy was orchestrating

>Puts on handcuffs
>Police officers beat the shit out of you for disobeying orders
>Guy still shoots you
>He was reaching for his waist line
>Gets off scot free
>7 more to go.

>fail at Simon Says
>get shot

Just another day in America.

The purpose of cops are to serve and protect civilians. Not once was he protecting anyone but himself, and the way he handled the situation was more dangerous than it should have been. For your dumb fuck post to make any sense you have to assume the cops orders weren't retarded in the first place. The beta trigger happy manlet forced the guy to play the most deadly game of Simon says, that's not how you make a fucking arrest.

>live in America
>Have to play a life or death Simon says game each cop interaction
>This is fine

Told him to turn around? The cops had full fucking control, it was 6 on 1 in a fucking hallway

He's a human being, not a fucking dog, but how could a sheep like you understand something else than following orders right?

Please be exactly how you are now the rest of your life, for your own safety, the sake of the agenda of the people in power, and the demisse of empaty cause of fear in future generations.

Nice doggy.

cops exist to enforce the law. they are not there to serve and protect. maybe there are some good cops who do it willingly, but it's not part of their actual job


I think people like you might be the cause of fear.

I swear /pol/ is just contrarian as fuck about everything, they disagree with liberals on problems within out government and justice system just to for the sake of disagreeing.

>Put your hands in the air!!
>If you move at all I will shoot you!!
>Now crawl towards me!!

He was literally putting the guy in a position to get killed.

>Shoots in the 10 range
>Immobile target with 1 appendage in motion
>Sub 20 foot distance
Aside from that shit show of shot selection, he could have ran and soccer kicked his face
Soyboy cop should go to jail for aggravated faggotry I hope they give that guys family a billion

> largest imprisoned population in the world
> drug war forcing minorities into poverty and growing up without fathers
> thousands of laws meaning you can get arrested for practically anything
> this is fine

Muh freedom is REEEEEal!


As a POC and children of immigrants I am more furious about the violence against the immigrant community that BLM and their cronies have committed against immigrant store owners. But you will NEVER see a millionaire football star discuss this, because black americans are the MOST SELFISH 'people' in the world.

Thieves deserve to be executed in the streets. Their supporters must be disbanded by the national guard.


Absolutely seething reddit tier response.

The fact that he got off scotfree is the most infuriating part.

Is there ANYTHING that they can get this guy with now that he's been found not guilty or is he just set for life now?

You can tell this guy got bullied hard in high school and is a beta Manlet, if cops got tested for being Chad/virgin or inferiority and superiority complexes this shit would never ever happen.


Fuck off bitch. Liberals have flooded our streets with violent and savage ANTIFA and BLM rioters. We NEED a stronger police force to beat these violent animals into submission.

Did a child write this?

> (You)
Do you have autism?

I know! Let's riot and burn down our own communities!

Oh wait, we're not retarded subhuman niggers being goaded on by our puppet masters. We are actually capable of constructive frontal lobe activity and don't have an average IQ of 86.

Epic false flag bro.
Now lets talk about how many immigrants have their shit pushed in by cops and whites who'll treat them like shit..
What's that?
Cops and scumbags snowniggers DINDU NUFFIN?

Oh, I see.

You deserve to be mocked for trying to paint everyone who disagrees with your reddit circlejerk is trying to be contrarian dumb liberal bitch.

Literally cuck mentality LOL
You need a stronger police force to protect you from those SAVAGE liberal protests that haven't happened in almost... 2 years? And how did the police help then?

How the fuck was that at all what I was suggesting?

We get it, you're one of the edgy 16 year olds voicing their distaste for thuggish niggers, nobody gives a fuck because its blatantly obvious that nobody around here supports it either.

Yeah bruh, left and right for life, theres nothing else.. right?

BeEeEetter start growing sum burger trees, winter is coming.

You're right.
Legally speaking, they honestly don't have to protect us from anything.
They can watch us get murdered by someone and let it happen and that would be legal.
We also don't have to listen to a police officer if we don't want too.
They can't simply order us around like that without proper due cause.

You’re a fucking contrarian if you defend the brain dead power tripping cop you fucking fuck LOL. He literally murdered a guy and broke protocol

I'm not your bro you shucking and jiving ape.

It's fucking black pieces of shit who rob immigrant stores more than anybody else. We all hate you. I hope you know that. We see you rioting in defense of violent animals like Mike Brown and this colors our perception. My family and friends in the immigrant community constantly talk about how BLM are ignorant fucking terrorists who deserve to be beaten down by the National Guard.

I pity any immigrant store owner who has to operate in black neighborhoods. If only you knew the conversations we've had late at night.

This isn't some koombyah bullshit. We're not going to hold your hands as you victimize us. Fuck you die slow bitch.