Is it possible to have a weak chin but still have a great jawline?

Is it possible to have a weak chin but still have a great jawline?

do you know what the chin is, retard?

No..explain pls

Chin = jaw.
Jawline = jaw
Therefore you cannot have a strong jawline with a weak jaw.

oh my god you look so depressed
it makes me cringe.

>being this new

this board gets more retarded with every passing day

Well I have a good chin but not a great wide jaw so I guess the opposite is possible

When you're a mouth breather like in that pic does your face just stay where it's at or does it keep going back even more as the years go by?

>Chin = jaw.

Pic related is you I take it.

no, its you

Considering you're the retard, it's you. Chin is part of the jaw. If you have a weak chin, you have a weak jaw. Retard. Fucking hang yourself and NEVER reply to me again.

Mouthbreather af that's one of the worst jaws I have ever seen I feel bad

>no, it's you

Make surgery
You will look great with a good chin

Pic related is you I take it.

no, it's you

>no, it's you

Yes you can i know plenty of cunts with strong sharp jawlines but their chin melts into their neck

>Therefore you cannot have a strong jawline with a weak jaw.



Pic related is you I take it.

I consider it ideal OP

Big chin always looks retarded, ever heard the term Glass jaw?

Maybe a chin implant in South Korea will help you user

>is it possible to be a manlet but still be aesthetic?

You just answered yourself soyboi, NO

no, its you


How the fuck is that guy a chinlet? This chin extends past his lips

>don’t reply to me or my wife’s son ever again!

>lat machine at the level of his pecs
>flexing hard while trying to look like he’s not

Manlet confirmed.