how tf do I find out the weight of the trap bar if the gym staff don't know, the regulars I've asked don't know, and there's no scale in the gym?
>wake up
>stretch arms and chest
>something in sternum pops
>now it hurts
the fuck, what the hell was that? why did it happen?
mine weighs 45lbs, looks like standard issue
Use simple geometry to calculate the volume of the bar, then multiply the volume by the density of steel.
just realized I've fucked the title
janny feel free to delete
does it have double handles?
what do you guys think about this kind of support to fix the porture?
heavy compounds aren't enough for me as I stay in bad position all day
the purpose would be to help me remember to stay straight
btw I'm not a beginner and although it got slightly better over the years my posture is still fucked
What's the best intermediate strength routine? The ones I hear most often are TM, MADCOW, 5/3/1, and candito's stuff. Any thoughts?
Best exercise for upper chest?
I 'm already doing benchpress, OHP and dips.
dips are not for upper chest. If your arms are below your chest line, you're targeting lower pecs. If they are above, it's the upper pecks.
incline presses at different angels and OHP are good
The one that you do. Alternatively, the one that delivers gains without a lot of deloading.
Upper chest is a meme; look at the anatomy of your pecks. If you want mass, pick something that gives you the most range of motion and potential for total activation, like flies and dumbbell bench.
Take a picture, google for identical model, find specs?
Probably a small tear due to a cold static stretch will low mobility. Rest, ice, lightweight workouts til it heals, do more mobility work.
No experience with these, but I would personally stay away and work on stretches and exercises that would help me maintain good posture throughout the day without a brace.
>The one that you do
I'm not doing one yet, that's why I'm asking. I wanna make a decision which one will get me the most strength and size gains.
>work on stretches and exercises
I tried these but I always end up forgetting to do them or just not doing them at all that's why I want to try that thing that'll supposedly will help me keep good posture until it's more natural
they're not intermediate imho
a good push pull or lower upper is best for intermediate
Routines vary in results. You need to pick one that matches your goals, schedule and recovery time. Best to pick one, do it 3-6 months, see what your progress is, and move on to another one or keep going.
By intermediate, you should be getting a feel for what you best respond to and what you need to do.
If you want to set it and forget it, do 5/3/1 plus accessories; you can run it almost forever, to a 6 plate deadlift and other lifts in proportion if you want.
just stand up straight u homo
I would argue the problem is that it's just a brace you become dependent on. If you're past puberty and not healing from something, all this is going to do is allow the musculature that holds you in good posture to further atrophy, because it won't be doing any work throughout the day.
Some of this comes down to self-discipline.
Also, change what the problems are. If you're in an office, try a standing desk instead of sitting. Get up every hour and walk around for ten minutes. Fuck, do Kegels.
Get creative.
Cool. Would it be a problem if I did a month or two of PHUL before hopping on either 5/3/1 or TM?
how do you do that?
wouldn't the atrophy stopped by lifting?
my problem is more about the habit of sloushing than weak muscles as I've been lifting for years
you should do it more than a couple of months for it to be eficient
also these are to complicated for intermediate imho but they won't kill you
I mean, a month isn't really long enough to get very visible results for a natural lifter. But you do you, man. If you don't enjoy it, you won't stick with it.
If the atrophy was stopped by the lifting you're doing, you wouldn't be considering this product. You need to actively break yourself of this habit. A brace only make the problem worse, because when you take it off nothing is fixed and the musculature/mobility you need to maintain good posture is only weaker.
Stand on the scales with the bar, drop the bar and find the difference
>Stand on the scales with the bar
>there's no scale in the gym
Well done. Bravo. Nice contribution.
I have ulnar nerve subluxation; is there any exercise i can do with my biceps without damaging myself more than i already have?
I just started going to the gym. Never been in my life so I'm a dyel lanklet.
Currently trying to do starting strength and just did my 2nd workout.
My legs hurt like fuck the day after doing squats even though doing the actual squats were easy as fuck. They still hurt today to the point that I couldn't squat all the way down without getting really sharp pain in my legs. I still did the squats sort of half-assed today because I couldn't force myself to go all the way down.
In the future should I keep forcing myself to do them even if it's half assed? Or is that unhealthy/dangerous/not worth it?
Also how to keep from rounding back and shoulders when doing rows as a lanket?
Fucking crist,
Just bring your own scale to the gym. Measure it, bring the scale back to your locker and continue your workout.
Donate a scale to the gym.
For the squats, you need to stretch afterwards. Drink more water, eat enough, sleep enough. You need to recover. As you go, the soreness will go away. Just stick with it.
For the rounding: use less weight. Go lighter until you can maintain form. The weight will come with time.
Can anyone recommend a hypertrophy routine? Wanna get back to the gym but try something different this time so I want to do more high volume, lower weight this time.
I don't really understand questions like this. Pick a routine you like or that works for you, lower the weight, increases the sets and reps.
Was doing GSLP before, so I can just do that but drop the weight and do 12 reps instead of 5?
I don't see why not, as long as you understand the differences between training as a natty and training on juice, and which column you're in.
thanks user.
For the stretches, which ones are best?
Also the rounding isn't due to weight, at least I don't think. The lifts themselves were fairly easy since I'm starting with a bare minimum (65 for pendlay row so it can rest on the ground) and adding 5 or 10 each day I go until I struggle. Just as a lanky faggot I feel like I have to bend all the way over including dropping my shoulders to return to the rest position.
Jacked and tan 2.0 you're too inexperienced to make own program or play with variables yet.
Your best bet is to google for stretches that will hit your hamstrings, hip adductors, hip flexors, and quads. Get those groups loose after your workout, and stretch them again on days you're not lifting after you do some light warmup work.
If you can't maintain form, it's because you don't have the musculature developed to maintain it yet. Work with just the bar, or dumbbells, if you have to. Learn how to properly hip hinge and brace.
Injuries aren't worth it.
Thanks for the input. The month or two of PHUL is more because I'm kinda tired of SS and want a bit of a pump and stuff before getting back on the strength train
What are the best exercises for dumbells?
Assume that for reasons I can't anything but the two 25 pound weights I have and can't get into a gym for at least a few months.
Best in what terms? You're giving us jack shit to work with.
And two 25-pounders isn't much either. Fuck, do some turkish get-ups, overhead press, pistol squats, single-leg deadlifts, floor presses, rows.
I guess I mean the basic movements and accessory exercises that will prepare me to manage heavier lifting with good form when I can get into a gym
See Specifically,
> turkish get-ups, overhead press, pistol squats, single-leg deadlifts, floor presses, rows.
If I'm bulking, but at 15% bf do I need to continue bulking or should I cycle bulking and leaning? Also, I'm using P.H.A.T. anybody got any suggestions on periodization? Or should I just stick to the offered regime?
bulk and stay under 20%
cut when you want to show off or you think you're big enough
Great, thanks. So, what about the periodization?
Can I replace back squats with front squats?
r8 my home workout routine. Am I missing anything?
>db front squat + db shoulder press (but done slowly unlike a c&j)
>db flyes
>db lateral raises
>db hammer curls
>will add some triceps exercise eventually
Also, how do I into lats at home without a pull-up bar? DB rows seem to be bottlenecked by arm muscles
I stacked books under my monitor, fixed my posture while I'm using the pc
Best 5 day hypertrophy routine for a natty?
I did that too and it helped a little but I'm still crooked quite a bit
do 4 day they're way better
db rows are ok for lats
look into calishenics they're very good if you don't have a gym
mixing them with db work would be way better than just db
also get a pullup bar or rings , pullups are the squat of the upper body, you have to do them wether you like them or not
Where are all the alphadestiny threads?
gone for good hopefully
R8 pls. Everything is done with dumbbells.
Thinking about adding more curls and some planks.
Assume 0 lbs.
Why do you need to know, anyways?
Hm ok maybe im gonna start posting as alex again i have some good ideas inmind hopefully mods will understand
benching puts a lot of load on the arms, if you want to isolate the chest consider doing flyes
can i build a solid chest doing inclines and dips? i hate flat benching
can I mount a pull-up bar to the ceiling without reinforcing it or do I have to buy a wall-mounted one? i'm a pleb who lives on the first floor of an apartment building btw
My arms need all the work I can give them right now. Should I just add some flyes in? Also, better to do something like 3x10 or lower reps/higher weight?
sorry mate but I can't help you there, I know basic kinesiology but I don't have that much experience with bodybuilding
How do I do the rep range on this? How do I program this for upperbody only? Doing ss for lower because novice on squats and deads.
Please reply going to the gym now
I mean the sets. Not rep range
Basically what i want to know is if there is any thing i can do with my biceps that doesn't involve increasing and decreasing the arm angle.
supinate the forearm, I guess?
had to skip gym due to calf, how do i recover from depression of missing the gym?
if you can find the ceiling studs and mount it to that, you'll be fine.
might just want to buy a doorway gym, or pull up bar you can mount in a doorway, though.
google doorway pull up bar
by not being a faggot.
nsuns 5/3/1 is great, highly recommend.
I dont understand the 9x1 set thing. I get that 5@3 for example has to do with the percantage of my one rep max for whatever lift im just confused how to do the sets. Is it heavy singles?
okay, i'm about to switch to my first bulk ever. I've been obsessed with losing fat for literal years now and refused to ever bulk because I was worried I'd balloon up to my previous record high of 215. I'm starting to see the loosest definition of muscle and according to a caliper test I'm 14% BF, so I feel like it's time to start my leanbulk.
I want abs. I never, ever work abs. What do I need to do besides my basic routine (Phrak's GSLP + alt bicep, tricep, and forearms accessories). What do I need to bulk up my core before my cut so I can get them sweet sweet visible abs?
What supplements should a person lifting on a vegetarian diet take?
I'm guessing creatine, B vitamins, and some sort of omega-3 supplement.
Is a free Testosterone Level of 125 pg/ml good for a 32 year old?
thinking of changing deadlift to sumo deadlift for maximum ass gains
good idea?
Im thinking of changing from GSLP to SS
Any reason not to?
5@3x1: 5 reps at 3 difficulty for one set
4@7x2: 4 reps at 7 difficulty for two sets
Literally the same body type. I didn’t want to bulk because I was almost at 200 at one point. Now I’m skinnyfat with no gains pls help.
If you are over 5'10 the only way you can get fit is to cheat.
Just take gear bro
Is snacking on air popped popcorn bad?
IIFYM nah, it's high in carbs and fiber, top tier snack
Willpower is strong enough, but every day, every single day I go to bed hungry. I'm leanbulking, eating 3000kcal which is like 400 above maintenance. I could eat thrice the food I do now. I'm gaining weight, but what should I do to not be hungry. I try to keep sugar as low as possible, I eat ONLY filling foods, lean meats, rice, etc.
I can only think about food, when I eat I think about how it's 500cal and that I won't be able to eat that much later, when I don't eat I only think about eating. What the fuck do I do.
Are cables worth the effort of using or do you make more gains with free weights?
Barbell flys
I can pause squat more than I can normally squat due to losing balance at the bottom, what's the solution for that? Can I just progress on pause squats and not care about it for now?
Probably yes, why not?
Yes, just try it and see if you like this style.
These are two linear progression newbie programs with big lifts, it's just for a few months to quickly get your numbers up, not much difference which one you'll use. Why do you want to change it? How long have you been on GSLP?
Do you have anything to do in life besides eating and lifting? Maybe focus on those things so you won't think much about eating. Also more veggies.
They are for isolations, free weights are the base of your training and isolations are the finishing touch. You can do both, but don't ditch free weights.
>Do you have anything to do in life besides eating and lifting? Maybe focus on those things so you won't think much about eating. Also more veggies.
even with other interests food just doesn't leve my mind
Have you tried IF?
yes, but thanks to school I wake up at different times every day and I haven't came up with a way to set it up so that I won't get hunger headaches for hours before I can finally eat
What does your schedule look like? Sounds uncomfortable as fuck.
Also are you sure that's above your maintenance? How long have you been eating like that and how much have you gained?
I'm doing a 6day PPL, 181cm/70kg.
29.10. I was 66kilos, at the time about 2 weeks lifting but on starting strenght, then I switched to this. Currently sitting at around ~70.
29.11. it was 67kg.
these are this months stats
and regarding the schedule, sometimes I have to wake up at 5AM, sometimes at 9AM, it's just retarded
I've been on GSLP for 1.5 months, I think squatting three times a week is better for me. My squat is very weak
forgot pic
Kinda sucks, but maybe try adding some fat to your diet? It may seem like less volume is worse but it keeps you full longer, lean meats may be healthier but they don't really fill you up that much. Do you eat lentils? They have protein and they fill me up nicely. Do you eat your veggies? There's barely any calories in them and that's as healthy as it gets, also leafy greens would be a nice addition too.
I eat 100g of fats daily. I don't eat lentils much, guess I should up the intake. Thanks.
Veggies just don't seem to fill me up either though.
How did you manage to be a 66-kilo skelly before with such a large appetite? I don't really know how to help you desu, maybe your stomach will finally accomodate. How many meals do you eat in a day?
Also veggies are healthy so you should eat them anyway.
Lowest I was was 60kgs. I had/have self diagnosed BDD and I basically went anorexic mode. My crazyness overpowered my need to eat.
Now I still am able to not go over the calories, but the hunger combined with the amount of physical acitvity is just killing me.
Have you considered cutting down on lifting? I don't know if it is healthy in your situation to lift 6 times a week, isn't that becoming another obsession? It's certainly not necessary if you've just started.
incline barbell bench.
try to determine if the pain is soreness or sharp pain. if dull soreness it is doms and you are good. if sharp go easier and if still there maybe see doc.
yea but also try some kinda fly movement.
mount to actual frame not the actual ceiling.
flies arent gonna help arms but more so chest. do hammer curls, reg preacher curls, and tricep work. that should fill out arms nicely.
popcorn is low calories and satisfying snack. so no.
pause squats are tougher anyway so if you can do them just do them and dont worry about it.
fyi the hunger headaches go away eventually. i did IF for workweek and normal eating on weekends. on monday i would get headaches but not after a month ive adjusted to less food and i dont get headaches. may not work for you still but just fyi.