How do I quit coffee?

How do I quit coffee?

just be urself

why should you? coffe in moderation is healthy (MAX 4 cups a day- until about MAX17.00)

Like all habits, lower frequency of habit, then while doing so, attribute habit time towards another thing (my suggestion is replace by drinking water during urges of drinking coffee and then having gum). It's a matter of slowly easing off, and replacing with something healthier for better effect.

You don't

unless it's affecting your sleep, there's no reason to.

Hello, user. Try switching coffee with black tea. This shit can take your coffee habit away. I was down to 2 regular coffee cups in the morning and more after, when I decided to switch to black tea instead, one cup only. It still gives you that "coffee" boost, but in 10 days the coffee drinking habit goes away.

Lapsang souchong is a pretty good substitute.

Cold turkey, or if you are in too deep you need to ween yourself off. It takes a long time to go through caffeine withdrawal.

get ibs

I switched to green tea. It is a lot easier with supplementation and the ritual of something warm to drink. Now its very take it or leave it.

You stop buying and drinking it you fucking worthless faggot

>drinking coffee
>turning in your natty card

pick 2

Dont drink it.

instead of drinking it you stand in a tub of water with a tube of flowing water leading into the tub
the water in the tub goes over your abdomen
someone pours in the coffee in the far end of the flowing water tubes and it flows straight into your abdomen where its absorbed through the skin in the body directly

you have to water fast for 2 weeks its how i beat my Monster drink addiction i was drinking them every day, i was craving them

you will feel like your gonna die in the beginning
but it will go away and you will start to feel better

It worsens anxiety and depression in some people.

Cold turkey, and have a hot chocolate when you crave a hot beverage.

Buy shittier coffee/decaf, Drink water so you're too bloated for it, throw away your coffee machine, whatever it takes.

t. Recovering 5 pots a day addict

Whoa I thought I was bad. I guess I have one pot/day. Two big, like 16oz, mugs is normal for me. Plus maybe a green tea.

As long as I don't smoke (nicotine and caffeine counteract each other and make you use more of both) I feel pretty good.

Plz tell more about how you quit.

drink green tea instead

Idk man I just limit it to 1 cup in the morning and call it a day. Tried quitting a couple of times but my productivity just became abysmal.

Coffee makes me look forward to something in the morning. Without it mornings fucking suck.

Nicotine gum is better

Cold turkey.
I'm about a month in, mornings are so much easier

Don't know why you'd ever quit -- coffee is consistently the best part of my morning.

switch to green tea.

Why quit it? Just drink in moderation, cup every 2 or 3 days.

I stopped completely for 4 months, now I only drink like 75g of coffee a day... But like whatever it takes, I used to take coffee as a pre-work out, in the morning, late nights at work, etc. cut it out completely.

5 pots cold turkey? At just 2 cups/day I get a universe-ending headache if I skip my lunchtime coffee

Honestly, what's the fucking difference if you swap out an addiction to something else?

muh nigga

The health benefits of up to three cups a day outweigh the risks. If you're experiencing sleep issues or worsened anxiety then quit or move to decaf but it's a good source of antioxidants.

why would you? its a drink that supresses hunger, has no calories and gets you energized.

Is it still moderation if I only drink 4 cups of coffee but then drink 4 cups of tea?

No, 4 cups of coffee with 4 cups of tea is about 500 mg of caffeine and you shouldn't go over 400 mg a day. Cut it down to two cups man, one in the morning and then one in the middle of the day. A cup of coffee is about 100 mg of caffeine so if you do that you can have your 4 cups of tea (1 cup being 25 mg.)

Headaches, vomiting, flu like symptoms, etc. they all go away at like day 6.

I had to quit caffeine and will tell you the secret. Cold turkey it. The people that say just ease out of coffee are the same people who avoid diving head first into success. Why prolong the withdrawal? Decide and commit just like everything else in life.

fuck that shit.
cold turkey user dont be a pussy.
come back to it when you have the adult fortitude to not be a slave to your yearnings.

So I need to score a week of some strong painkiller and take that time off work. Attainable.

By all means, if you're able to go cold turkey, go cold turkey. I'm able to for some habits, but the most consistent method I know of is slowly weening away habits and replacing them in order to gain maximum benefit. For things like coffee as well if you drink a lot, cold turkey will lead to a lot of symptoms such as severe headaches/migranes, extreme tiredness, and dependency like symptoms, as such it may prove more beneficial to ween it rather than hard ball it.

Coffee's fucking good for you though? Like are you a fucking coffee-aholic?
>drank so much coffee I beat my wife
Let your consumption fall by gradually reducing to the point negative feedback like anxiety or sleep disruption keeps you from drinking more. It's not fuggin heroin.