Show us your kitchen

Show us where 90 % of your progress is happening!

We've all heard it a million times:

>10 % is training
>90 % is diet
>abs are made in the kitchen
>you are what you eat
>nutrition is everything

I'll start with mine

>using gloves



solid choice

jesus fuckn christ


Looks like every kitchen I've ever seen in Berlin. You got a room free?

what's up Dutchbro

looks nice dude, looks very upper-middle class european

Anyone else find it weird seeing fit open on a macbook?


why dutch? anything typically dutch or just the style?

/comfy/ looking.

>share kitchen with 4 students
>I am the only one who cleans/tidies anything and 30 minutes later it's a sopping, oily mess again

Lmao fuck off sub 100k salary western euro cucks

You look like a good chef mang

Are you?


Gotta throw those dirty plates in the dishwasher tho

is it weird that I am a single guy with family photos on his fridge?


American kitchens look so fucking trashy. Looks like some plastic shit someone glued together

I share a kitchen with 2 girls, but they're so fucking messy. They clean like a drunk dude and they always use my fucking flaxseed oil. But they're cute, so...

Funny, I bet my granite countertops cost more than your entire kitchen...stay mad

cozy as fuck bro. Super jealous

i know that feel bro. Living in college dorms and am the only non-freshman. Kids don't know how to function at all
>inb4 kids these days

>weirdest dick-measuring contest ever

i'm surprised all your cupboards don't fall open even though they're facing down, you use magnets bro? what if you only need one thing

nah bro. nice to have. Even if it is weird it's not that bad, if it makes you happy then go for it

So many cupboards too. I like a good open-plan kitchen

Those are basic bitch kitchens. 100k isnt even that much
>yfw you will never have a million dollar kitchen

Don’t care, disdain for plebs
They don’t face downwards, they open to the side


wow you really keep the garbage bin that close to where you handle food? disgusting

you sound so much like a cuck holy shit

as long as they're YOUR family pics nah... otherwise yeah that's some Sy shit

give over bro, don't let them away with shit just because they're cute. They don't deserve to be lazy just because they're better looking than others

OP, that looks eeriely similar to my father's kitchen in Montevideo, Uruguay. He had to move, I really miss his old house.

>muh overpaid granite countertopss

>drinks pleb drip coffee
>uses shitbullet
>all that $2 walmart tupperware
>that cheap cutlery
>and don't get me started with those paper plates

>”Lmao fuck off sub 100k salary western euro cucks”
>Too stupid to post a properly oriented image.

I love to cook.The fact that so many bodybuilders eat plain rice, broccoli and unseasoned chicken just revolts me. You can gain muscle without having everything taste like bland shit

I like the metal shelf, has something utilitarian / industrial to it

I would love to have a faucet like that

unless they walk around naked and suck your dick on command this is no excuse. Set them straight, just because they are cute they can't pawn off their work onto you.

I bet your food tastes better than mine because you paid more for your kitchen, well played

yup, right under the kitchen like most people I guess. Most of my prepping work happens right next to it so it is easy to just throw everything away quickly

I don't know how they make such a mess since they barely eat, they have about 1,500 calories per day of pasta, bread and sausage meat. I've given up cleaning to a large extent, I just do the bare minimum so I don't throw up the next time I walk in the kitchen. The area around the hobs on our oven is like a fucking tractor's sump.

I prepare as much food as all of them put together, in less time, and leave no mess at all.


That is a comfy fuckin kitchen desu

No reddit, we don't

you faggots are so easy to bait. it's like you're mentally retarded

>The area around the hobs on our oven is like a fucking tractor's sump.

Good imagery

tfw tiny as fuck kitchen

would be fine, if the white table would be higher

>first semester of college
>living with five other "men"
>three are actually really solid
>other two are massive slobs with no future
>one of them cooks oily shit all the time in shallow pans
>regularly spills whatever the fuck it is he's cooking
>end of semester
>draw straws on who cleans what
>end up with kitchen
Jesus it was disgusting.


it is hard to pinpoint why this is so trash
>Obviously mass produced trash since nothing really fits well
>no spot ofr 100s of shitty meme appliances
>oven sticks out a mile
>shitty floor clashes with obviously cheap stained chick board crap
>Counter is stale jizz colour while wall is toothpaste white
>Stupid massive fridge when all the cooking surfaces consumed by appliances, also does not fit
>oven extractor clashes in shape and style
>tacky af industrial light

I hate you user and hope you did not pay someone for this mess

If you had a bar style table that swung out from the wall it would be perfectly fine.

oh well since we're swamp germans, culturally alike, I guess our kitchens look the same too.

I know that feel, bro. I have fuck all for counter space and it makes cooking a goddamn nightmare.

>he doesn't have a self-filling bowl of gains am-bro-sia after climbing the Olympus and impressing the gods
Never going to make it.

For some reason thrift stores are full of other people's framed photos. Favorite that I have is from the '70s or '80s and it's a bunch of people posed around their horse at a racetrack

>Favorite that I have is from the '70s or '80s and it's a bunch of people posed around their horse at a racetrack
Post pic

My pantry is wider than your kitchen. I do not miss small apartment life. Excuse emptiness just moved in and unpacking.

LMAO the spice cart

>posts his mom and dad's kitchen
>proceeds to talk shit on a Korean kite enthusiast's board
never gonna make it

It would be bait if it weren't for 90% of men actually behaving like that.

tiny but well organized. I am loving that tiny trolley thing with the spices in it

swamp germans kek. Dutch people are some of the few Europeans that aren't utter shit... you know like Belgians!

post it!

>Million dollar kitchen

I'd watch that show

Oliver Babish has a kitchen just about that size ( although with a good island) and cooks fucking everything you can imagine

>mom and dad
>Orphan post communist country, moved to America 6 years ago
I’ve already made it user, the question is why haven’t you?

Didn’t pay anyone else except the sleezy chinks I bought them from


Food tastes the same no matter where you cook it, just about aesthetic and not living in a shithole
Not drip coffee, I don’t use the nutribullet but my gf does, Tupperware is Tupperware, not cheap cutlery lmao, what paper plates?
Lmao k bud have fun eating ramen off the floor


looks good, Russia or something east of Europe?

Aesthetics are subjective and not really tied to money spend. You can wear nothing but Armani and still look worse than a guy with jeans and a white tee.


90% is a bit high

stefan, tjenare

>tfw I am the guy who makes a mess in your kitchen and doesn't clean it :^)
fight me

damn thats nice you gay?

Känner du verkligen mig? Vad heter jag i efternamn?

I wish!

God hates the gays because he punished Eve with PMS+childbirth and he punished Adam that he had to put up with Eves bitching. The gays have literally found the loophole to male suffering...

tfw you aren't gay and will never snuggle up with your gymbro on the couch after mealprepping for the week :(

I like your kitchen dude

If you took cooking seriously, you'd have a gas stove faggot

Wow nice laminate floors and completely uninspiring cookiecutter cabinetry. Your kitchen is ugly senpai. Enjoy your shitty McMansion.