Who /nomusic/ here?

who /nomusic/ here?
Ive seen a thread in here a long time ago saying people without music get better gains because your brain cells dont distract you by listening to the song, instead, you concentrate on that weight.

so long story short, ive tried it. Guess what, my fucking gains went up the roof man, i was a skinnyfat soyboy faggot cucked beyong saving, i tried /nomusic/ and now i am better looking, i feel way more confident and ive had more success with girls

Other urls found in this thread:


I have listened to music like 2-3 times while working out. Headphones that is.

There's a much better mind-body connection when there's no disturbances, only the sounds of your grunts and all of your concentration on the muscle.

I prefer not working out with headphones in.. but my gym blasts the normiest shittiest music you can imagine on repeat playlists so I need to drone that shit out.

New gym soon hopefully the music is quieter or better there. I am so pissed off with my headphones falling out mid set or snagging on stuff and ive lost like 2 bluetooth headphones too.

put on some ear buds or grunt louder that makes the music in the gym more quieter

My gym doesn't even have music in the background after 9 pm, which is also when all the normies start to clear out. It's pretty great desu, just 3~4 rats in the free weights area rocking those multi pl8s stronglifts in dead silence.

I don't like working out with music but my gym blasts tons of garbage so headphones it is

I listen to music so that no one bothers me. It has so far worked.

i got buds but they keep falling out my ears, I'm using the biggest buds that came with it too. I need to get new ones that wrap around or something, but the cord still gets in the way during OHP and snags on shit.

tuck the cord into your t-shirt wtf

I need music where I workout. It's a commercial gym that blasts the most cancerous music. Can't concentrate when the worst EDM you've ever heard is going on during a set of heavy squats

I work out in silence at home.

Put the chord into your t shirt wrap the rest around your ear and slide the buds in

Phone falls out of my pocket when benching.

My gym has normie trash edm blasting 24/7. I have to wear headphones.

>gym has shitty music
Pretty much this
I concentrate better on form without my music one but my gyms music is so shitty

My gym plays normcore all day so I typically listen to either Fash the Nation or the Daily Shoah.

Bull fucking shit. Music has given me the energy to give that one last rep countless times. Stop jumping on meme trends you betas.

This isnt a meme this is a proven fact you cuck dont expect to get big if you listen to that gucci gang of yours

im no music everytime lifting, don't even think about.

during cardio music is prefered, especially long duration. but if none i just try to do some higher intensity intervals.

but i don't think music or not matters much - maybe music pumps you up, an adrenaline boost. If you are able to train the way you want to, whats the problem?

I have to involuntarily listen to some pop shit, but it has some upsides as well - I am constantly pissed off, when I hear that utter stream of shit. Another upside to this is the correlation. Which gyms play shitty music? The ones for corp-rats. Do they use free weights? No, they don't. Do the cardio bunnies wear tight leggins? Oh yes, they do. Now that I think of it, the music is the only downside to my gym.

to the people complaining about normie gym music
how is it not just white noise to you?
i know its there but it never really crosses my mind. I just think about lifting, or daydream, or looking at gymthots.
however i'm not a college kid anymore, i've grown past the caring about hating normie music stage.


i wear headphones because i don't feel like doing small talk with all the regulars there, also the gym music selection is SHIT

it's been two years and never listened to music. I hate gym music but yea lifting is a time to meditate, focus, and listen to your body. i'm afraid the music would distract me a lead to injury

I seem to be more focused when I am insulated from the overhead fan noise, the dude who slams his plates onto the leg press, basketball fans being loud, and the in-gym horrific "classic rock" same songs every day music.

>I lift alone, so I stand alone.

Same, I never listen to music in public. I want to pay attention to my surroundings.

When at the gym I always listen to gym music. It's turbonormie trash but I'm a pleb anyway so I like some of the songs.

>this thread

[citation needed]

>this board

[citation needed]

It's just my mind and the weights.

i use earphones for every lift except bench... i guess i subconsciously realise that the distraction might be detracting from my performance. gonna try squatting and deadlifting next week without earphones.

Are you me

It's entirely up the person and how music affects them, obviously.
Neural drive matters and when music makes you more hyped and more motivated, confident and aggressive to push yourself in a set then obviously it is a very good thing.
I personally get distracted by it. Which is a very welcome effect during cardio but not during heavy lifts.
So I have them on on the bike and off when working out.

Only correct answer

I hit all my prs with music as it gives me hype. Although attacking the bar itself without music and being angry works just as well

If its a normal workout I can go without

i don't wear headphones hoping someone will talk to me
but i am a hairy soaking sweaty bloatmaxxx hulk beast
so everyone only mires from afar.

It's scientifically proven that music (music that you like) increases strength and endurance

It's fuckin' epic science ftw man so you can't argue with that

my gym plays music loud as fuck so I can't do that

feels bad man

For all you guys talking about how crazy your mind muscle connection is without music, you should try smoking weed and lifting. I'm not even a dude weed lmao type of guy but lifting high is crazy in terms of how you can feel your muscles working. It's like you become the muscle

It also makes me able to go longer and less likely to puss out and skip a lift or something because I feel weak or tired.



Couldn't imagine swimming without my headphones desu

>smoke weed
>still make it to the gym
what kind of superhuman do you think i am?

Gotta smoke that wacky medical hybrid sativa shit dawg. Last time I had weed not only did it not make me tired, it actually made me forget I was tired on days when I didn't get much sleep.

Anyways you might be right you should probably already have the discipline in place to go to the gym regularly before you try to smoke weed and do it. I'm like a robot at this point I go even on days when I'm tired and feel like ass.

put the phone on the bench just behind your butt, so you arch over it while benching

Or get wireless headphones and then you can just put your phone on the floor

When you have a fucking speaker over the squat rack full volume, there is no way to get over it.

I believe you but unfortunately the music at my gym is so bad that I have to drown it out.

I need the music to drown out my insecurity about the fact that I'm smaller than all the other guys there

>source: my ass

I don't listen to music. When I do heavy squats I have some thoughts left about shit that annoys me during the first reps. By the end of my set, when I feel like I am knocking on the doors of Valhalla, listening to anything but my heartrate would be an insult to mountain king Odin.

"I don't listen to music. When I do heavy squats I have some thoughts left about shit that annoys me during the first reps. By the end of my set, when I feel like I am knocking on the doors of Valhalla, listening to anything but my heartrate would be an insult to mountain king Odin."
LMAO. Good line.

I don't want to block out the pain.
I want to sit back and enjoy it, I earned it.

The only reason I bring my music and headphones is so I dont have to listen to the torture chants that is modern radio stations and their songchoices. I think im gonna buy noise cancellation headphones and leave the music

and thus the sweatiest phone was born.

I listen to uptempo stuff when I'm running but I've never felt like I needed it while lifting.

uh huh....

what about the shitty pop music blaring through the gym speakers?

who /audiobook/ or /podcast/ here?

>music raises cortisol
>high level of cortisol causes your memory to degrade
>music makes you a brainlet

>tfw been listening to music for years and have problem remembering stuff


Buy a dedicated music player faggot.
Sansa Clips cost nothing and sound a hundred times better than your botnet toy.


This nigga knows

I think it depends on the person, i personally get more amped up from my music than just lifting in silence.


m-me too

Listening to music reduces your perceived pain (allowing you to lift more).


Don't listen to the /nomusic/ dyels

My big thing is, what the fuck would I listen with? At home I listen on my phone, but if I put it in my pocket the touch screen reacts

What the fuck type of phone do you have that can't lock

Here's the /thread

When I don't listen to music, my form is better and I'm able to finish faster.

Music reduces cortisol. Cortisol eats test.

Nomusic is bro cience

I think it's more the apps I use not working whilst closed

Cringe, autism, etc

>1/4 of this board cant bench 1pl8
>1/2 cant squat 2pl8
>nearly 1/4 dont deadlift or ohp at all
This explains so much

If it's YouTube on iOS you can play it while locked by starting the song, exiting the application, and playing it through control center

Of all the retarded memes here this must take the cake

Everything in that post is accurate.

I don't use Apple products personally

>wear headphones
>nobody ever talks to me
>don't wear headphones today
>suddenly 2 people start conversations with me

who would have thought. If I wasn't such a social retard I could have friends