Do you have any genetic defects?

Do you have any genetic defects?


Yes, I have a tendency towards sebaceuous cysts.


Study is real though, they found a gay gene. You a little nervous there?

Yup, I've got Charot-Marie-Tooth disease. Pretty much makes squats impossible for me due to balance issues. Still lifting though. Also got a gf, what's your excuse?

The study was also demolished and shown to be so poor that the authour redacted it

Sounds like liberal tears in science and education to me.

They found a link.

God I hate prancy faggoty gays, 'straight' acting gays are fine though

why is controversial? Since I was a little child I liked girls. I thought faggots liked boys since child, too. It seems logical that sexual attraction is coded genetically and fags and other scum are just mutations.

No offense intended

I got cystic fibrosis.

i don't really don't care what you do with your dick as long as you aren't all faggy about it

I have two uvulas, and no earlobes. Not sure if defects though, seem like improvements to me.

God, I wish I had that

Why would libtards dislike a gay gene ? I thought the whole "born this way bby" shit would be confirmed that way.

Can you post fingers with timestamp? Please! CF is like a hobby of mine and I love finding CF's in the wild.

Because it supports the notion that biology and sexuality are actually related, meaning that their entire post-modernist and quasi-nihilistic world view would be disproven.

God, wasn't "animals are gay too, it's natural" an argument everyone used ? How did they manage to make such a absolute 180 ? If it's not biological Mike Pence's therapy wouldn't be a bad idea.

Yeah, but that argument is still retarded to begin with. If human beings were to take after animalistic behavior in the name of naturalism, we'd all be anarcho-primitivist loners running around in the woods trying to stay away from bears.

I respect a good male body but i'm no faggot

What the hell does faggotry have to do with nihilism?

I said quasi-nihilistic, because that's what I consider the entire post-modernist movement. To them, it doesn't actually matter that you were born with a vagen, since you can just self-identify as whatever you like and no one is allowed to say that you're wrong. If you can't smell the nihilism in this, I'm not really interested in arguing about it with some anonymous retard summarizing my earlier comment as "derp faggotry = nihilism ???"

That self explanatory. I'm just amazed they manage to fuck their own narrative kver so hard. So being gay is neither biological, nor lifestyle choice, nor illness.

I asked you a question, not shit on your fron lawn. Chill out, Christ.

Alright, fair enough, I'm sorry for snapping, I thought you were the average Veeky Forums troll not interested in discussion.

*Taps fedoris*

Yeah, no harm done.

I have a permanent bald fleck on one of my temples since birth and one of my teeth didn't want to grow out so I had to get braces. Other than that I seem to have skipped on the shitty bad eyesight genes we have so all is well.

Well, I'm a manlet, you tell me?

I'm 36 years old and a virgin. Still no wizard powers

You're just slamming words together that you don't understand.

When i was born my liver didn't work and i had to be placed in a bubble for 2 weeks so i didn't die

I have astigmatisms in both my eyes, but more so in my left

I have small cartalidge growths in certain spots on my left side, one in my knee almost caused me to stop walking when i was 13, got it taken out and now i just have a cool scar

Appendix burst when i was 6

Dunno if all that is genetic fuck up but I'm all fucked. Don't care though bout to hop on test and get swoley poley

makes me wonder if there's some kind of genetic advantage to being gay. I'm sure there's been an ancestor of ours who may have been in the closet.

Can't think of an advantage, can you?

I guess I could say that Gay people tend to be friendlier, cleaner, and more compassionate then their heterosexual counterparts.

Any female Veeky Forumsizens ever have sex with a gay man or I guy who you kind of questioned his sexuality? What was it like?

Why haven't you gone to a whore yet? I'm 23 and that's my plan if I don't have sex in the next year or two.

Its not a benefit for the individual but to the collective. Less breeders = population control and extra people to raise the surplus of young. It occurs in nature often when the environment is threatened, as well as with hermaphoridic occurances. I have slept with bi guys and "straight" guys who couldnt into >nohomo. Usually the sex is okay but you can tell they are beta by the way they have sex and usually crave penetration of some kind.

by far the weirdest thing i've ever read here

Yeah I've got autism

>ever person on the left is ultra pro(*re)gressive

How is the sex different? Beta how?

I do too user, hardest thing is to keep going mentally, everytime I go to the gym and make a big commitment I have to go in on IV's for 2 weeks, no lifting and I hate hospital food so I lose to weight too. Have been on Orkambi for the past 10 weeks though and feeling good, weights been increasing, only good thing is lots of the downsides with lifting such as nutrition doesn't really affect us that much.

Also asking to see fingers isn't that weird doctors look at them all the time, think it's something to do with the gap between how wide your joints are and how skinny the rest of your fingers are.

>i don't know these words
>i'm sure that guy doesn't either

I like imagining you explaining this to your relavites at thanksgiving as they look at you with mingled confusion and disappointment. You are talking like their ideology is a serious threat. It isn't, it's a fad.

You're right. There was a study that came out that looked for a genetic origin of homosexuality, and didn't find one. This made the "born that way" crowd vocally upset because it went against their beliefs.

I eat my own dandruff and semen regularly, does that count?

It's not a fad, because it's already made its way into actual legislation in Canada. It's now considered a hate crime if you DON'T use the words that any confused tranny slowfake comes up with. I live in Sweden, one of the countries in the world that are most aggressive when it comes to "gender studies", so I live with this shit every day. Every single fucking day in the media there's some gender study bullshit going on and everyone is expected to be outraged. They are ideologically POSSESSED. They've already taken over the universities, what makes you think that these people won't push their agenda further down peoples' throats? Sweden is extremely aggressive when it comes to #metoo, like ten times more than the U.S. You don't know the shit I see on a daily fucking basis. It's not a fad and you're an idiot for not taking it seriously.

>tfw those look exactly like my fingers

not as bad as some of the other stuff in this thread but my ribs are really prominent at the bottom of my rib cage and stick out even further than my chest does, even with good posture its still noticeable so im pretty insecure about it, hoping getting a stronger core will help pull them in

it opens up the possibility of gene therapy and curing the gayness which they obviously don't want because it destroys the fairy tale bullshit existence they've imprisoned themselves in

can't digest lactose :( (no milk/cream but i eat a lot of cheese)

It’s harder to explain why Darwinian pressure didn’t breed out the homo gene

My 2 last digits on my right hand aren't fully developped, half the size of normal fingers and atrophic.
This fucks up my deadlifts and pull ups as my grip is shit on the right hand.

my benis is fucked

why the fuck

not possible in my country

Every pro-gay person I've ever met has said gay people are born that way, what could they have meant other than genetics?

>benefit to the collective
How, exactly? Let's see the usual list of half-baked reasons that actually make no sense on closer examination come out.
>population control
Homosexuals account for maybe 3% of the population at most. Their not breeding is basically only relevant to them.
>more people to raise the surplus of young
Mathematically speaking if this was true, every gay man would be helping raise around 4 additional nieces/nephews to maturity. Which of course happens everywhere homosexuality happens. (I say 'nephews and nieces' because these are the most closely related people a homosexual could help raise - selection doesn't really operate on a genetic level for anyone who isn't at least this closely related to you. Also, they'd have to be doing a lot of helping - basically as much as if not more than the kids' own parents. Where, exactly, has this ever actually happened?)
>it occurs in nature often when the environment is threatened
So it basically in situations where creatures are under large, external stressors that might negatively modify their behaviour. Gotcha. Also bear in mind that homosexuality is almost universally unheard of among hunter gatherer groups, to the point that researchers on the topic have to explain it to them as an entirely novel concept.
>hermaphroditic occurances
Which in almost all vertebrate animals are aberrations that come about from mutations which have no chance of fixing themselves in a population.

This is the problem with the 'gay gene' idea in a nutshell. A mutation that more or less causes a 100% reduction in reproductive fitness is not a mutation that gets passed down reliably in a population - certainly not enough to be fixed reliably at c.a. 3% in multiple groups.


>Shart in mart detected

This post is the truth

faggot detected

Literally why? It sucks

I've seen some evidence that gayness is possible linked to exposure to some prenatal pathogen or a mother's immune response. Unlikely in the current political climate that this would receive research funding though.

I should note that this is even more unpalatable than genetics, because it reintroduces the idea of gayness as a disease.

Facts have a well-known liberal bias, eh?
It really is neat how if you speak for your opponent you can make them say whatever you want them to.

>Where, exactly, has this ever actually happened?
This is a good question. Has any country or civilization ever, in the history of mankind, lived in units that DIDN'T represent the God-fearing Reaganomics mom-and-pop-and-2.5-kids-and-a-dog nuclear family?
>So it basically in situations where creatures are under large, external stressors that might negatively modify their behaviour. Gotcha.
Right. When a population is under threat, they adapt as fast as they can in the direction of non-viabiliy. It's just like how your body goes into starvation mode if you don't eat enough calories.
>A mutation that causes a 100% reduction in reproductive fitness is not a mutation that gets passed down reliably in a population
Alright, I'll be serious with you now. This line is technically true, but it is inapplicable to a genetic component of homosexuality because, while the precise mechanics are not fully understood, most research so far indicates that sexual preference is not a strict dichotomy. By claiming that a gay gene necessarily causes anything close to a 100% drop in reproductive fitness, you demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding both in background of sex research and of how genes work in the first place.
There are such things as genetic diseases, but "having blue eyes" isn't called a disease. That's just semantics.

I had a small benign tumor near my eye when I was born, a hemangioma, but it sort of gradually became smaller and smaller until I was around 16. I had the rest of it removed in a quick operation. I don't know if that was genetic: nobody else in my family has ever had one, and the wikipedia article is inconclusive.

don't know if this is a genetic defect, but asthma and a lot of allergies
my cardiovascular endurance is worse than a DYEL one

I’m deaf in my left ear from an acoustic neuroma

Well, what is it then, my special friend ? Is it biological, a lifestyle choice, an illness ?

Well, nobody's sure. Science makes theories to explain observed phenomena, and so far this phenomena could be the result of genetic factors, prenatal conditions, early-environment factors, or a mix of a bunch of different things. Nobody's quite certain on anything, except that most efforts to change a person's orientation seem generally ineffective.