How many of you are shitting the correct way?
Bathroom Posture
[scientific source required]
>Western shit VS Indian poo
I actually have a tiny stool in my bathroom for this very reason.
>tiny stools
I'm sure you have, shitlet
fucking manlets lmao
I use a foot stool when I take a dump. Felt weird the first few times I used it. Definitely comes out easier that way though.
>Not using the designated shitting street because child stealing witches live in your toilet
all Apex predators have tiny shits. Only virgin plant eaters such as yourself have an anus build for BBC tier shits.
What if I just lean forward a bit and rest my elbows on my thighs? It makes about a 45 degree angle.
You are prone to straining in this position. Use a stool and the poop will slide out with ease.
I can't be the only one who shits like this
10/10 thread.
Can vouch for the stool method, makes life a lot easier.
Doing this right now
I do this since i dont have a squatty potty
Same here
>actually sitting
My ass hovers over the toilet. What now?
Finding this thread while here was extrenely ironic
I naturally always stand on my toes while taking a shit to give me a slight elevation while sitting.
I only do this if I have an erection since i can't fit my dick in the bowl otherwise.
if you have diarrhea and shit like that it's gonna run down your balls
every person in the whole world sits like this
Lets get this straight, the people that say they stand and wipe just lean and wipe exactly like the ones that say they sit down and wipe. Its my guess atleast. Like you cant just sit straight and wipe jsut as yo ucant stand up straight and wipe.
I just rock back and forth or cough while shitting. I have been thinking about getting those little things just to try it out.
do you guys just have a toddler in the house and can't be bothered to move the step out the way?
>not doing a 4pl8 pause squat the whole time
I swear I'm surrounded by dyels.
I keep getting an erection when I wait for too long and my poop is pushing on my prostate so usually I have to pee like this and then once I'm done I have to sit up with my knees up so I can shit. If i don't sit like this I'll either pee up and over the bowl on the floor or my dick will push really hard against the cold bowl and that's fucking disgusting.
I would say 25% of the time, I just let it fly in the shower.
I have a pretty high fiber diet (broc/cauli/spinach) and mixed nuts and sweet potato... so my excrement is pretty soft and loose.
I don't get "little brown baguettes" as I have seen in many an unflushed public commode.
Mine is more like smooth mud which easily washes away. Very little effort required to evacuate.
>mix in some Guinness, and blamm-o !
Only when im erect.
t. Dicklet
I have also found that this is the most efficient pose if you want to try to shoot yourself in the mouth while you shit. I tried it once just for fun but it's really nice to save the final push on a big shit for when you are just about to cum. The fucking energy you shoot your sperm out when you do this is insane and the prostate massage from the shit really makes a difference. Left leg up, left arm on the backrest and then slightly leaning to the right. Only bad thing is that I started associating the smell of shit with pleasure so I think I am getting into scat.
Pic related.
yeah low bar shits thats the way
How about you just try it yourself. No one is judging you in your bathroom except your low self esteem.
I bring my knees up to my chest to simulate this position, its pretty awkward
>Almost 2018
>Still using a toilet
This. Same thing without the stool.
do you have a babydick or are you just ok with your dick touching the inside of the toilet bowl
Just lean forwards when shitting
I bet the majority of ameriturds can't even squat that low.
Try not beying a manlet and you will do this anyway without the stool lol
it's unpractical because if you shit at work (like any well adjusted individual) you cant take some little chair with your for shitting.
>without the stool
So u poop but don't poop?
>not doing leg raises while shitting on your handle enhanced toilet
never gonna make it
>Indians shit squatting
>advocates squat shitting later
>Indians fast
>"Fucking pajeet haha doesn't have food to eat"
>Advocates fasting later
>Indians eat onions and stuff
>"Fucking pajeet eating onions"
>Advocates onions because muh test
The fall of the white man
Are you sure its not to reach the sink?
I can feel you user.
I timed it both ways, for science. Multiple trials. Takes about the same time on average in either position, so IDK if there's really much difference.
I have a squatty potty and it's a meme.
I begin on left, except on my toes, so my thighs are just above parallel to the ground. Then I rock my torso between ~90° and ~30°. The rocking motion helps stimulate the bowels, moving along any stool. It requires a dialed in diet, but I no longer have to "push" poop out.
Am I the only one that squats on the toiletseat?