You dont seriously dress like this do you
You dont seriously dress like this do you
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of course not
no, I dress like a fuccboi
Looks like they're at a high school camp
What's wrong with a t-shirt and jeans?
no I'm a nerd
What else will you niggers find to bitch about?
What does this shit have to do with Veeky Forums?
what's wrong with dressing like that?
bump because I don't see what's wrong with dressing like that
Educate me pls
It are totally average clothes with nothing wrong with them. Most young people dress like this. The post is made to make people feel uncomfortable about the way they dress even though there is nothing wrong with It.
1. If you wear average clothes, people will think you are an average guy;
2. It's all about aesthetics. Average, this case in example, clothes are not very aesthetic;
3. Beauty exists. If you know what is beauty, check out Roger Scrutton works (note: modern art, canned food, is not art; tshirt and jeans is not aesthetic);
4. Yeah, aesthetics.
If you're attractive, any clothing works. If you're not, no clothing will help you.
I dress like this
reddit tier
Veeky Forumsggots really are the most delusional retards on Veeky Forums
You're memeing right? The art of looking good is looking comfortable and natural in your clothes, not like some faggot who is obviously trying to be Veeky Forums.
something like this, usually what I'm dressed in
>not being Veeky Forums / effay masterrace
>gay pants
>faggot beard
>13 year olds hairstyle
>middle age lady running shoes
guy looks like a plug lmao
>Veeky Forums / effay
Clothes don't fit properly if you actually lift.
this. what the fuck. if anything looking "average" is what you should shoot for to increase appeal and attraction. men and women don't want unicorns or weirdos. they literally want normies
>he fell for the SS meme
if you want to look okay in clothes too you should keep the squat freq low. My quads are 26" and can still fit nicely into most pants. Bottom heavy build doesn't look good anyway.
Of course, when you are a 28"+ braphog you're gonna look weird
How does he get his "lower pecs" to be so tight ?
I have good upper pec thickness (especially when flexing), but very little shape below and outside my tiny nips.
Now,,,, is this because he is such low fat (and clearly not natty)... or does he do a lot of decline press ?
>need to know. t. fearing saggy man boobs
Wtf are with those feet. He is a manlet with size 9 feet, isn't he?
jesus christ get a grip of your life man
is is just the angle retard
You've gotta be sticc for clothes to look good. I'm unlucky in that my arse and legs are naturally big despite pissing off lower body work, so I think I look like shit.
I bet you dress even worse
>still going to the gym and working out
girls love big/strong butts and legs
Just be tall and not fat.
In fucking hate those sock, wear normal socks faggot I don't want to see your ankles.
Pic related is what a real mans socks look like.
Genetics. My lower pecs are full but my upper never fills, even with incline
I look like I have droopy tits, even though when I'm relaxed they're firm and when I flex they're rock hard
I'm slowly embracing sleasecore
This is true, if you can wear clothes from a store you're not squatting enough
it's not cuckcore when I'm 6'4" with a ripped/athletic physique
Post hair
Nah man I dress like this
absolutely not
>dress well
>"Oh wow user! What are you getting so dressed up for!"
>dress like shit
>"Wow user, what the hell are you wearing?"
This is why I just wear the average autismo clothing. Pretty much exactly what the guy on the right of OP picture wears. Its expected of me.
Are you of the homo sex?
>sports jacket/wool blazer
>jeans/other pants
>lace-up shoes/decent sneakers
>fitting watch
it's not that hard
Slim fit white tee and black jeans. The perfect casual clothing pair and nobody can tell me different.
What colour trainers do you couple with this?
I'm not gay, but I'd hit that. Or let him hit me. Doesn't matter. No homo.
what are those gay ass bracelets and what the fuck is in his pocket and where are his chest hair and socks
not to mention he's a complete twink look at those bony chicken legs jesus christ
2/10 tryhard homo