Routine is ABCABCx
Is it okay to do Above the knee rackpulls on A and deadlifts on B, or is that too much for the traps to grow?

What supplements should a person lifting on a vegetarian diet take?
I'm guessing creatine, B vitamins, and some sort of omega-3 supplement.

Is there any particular reason my squats might be so weak, i'm 77kg and can squat 45kg for ten reps, been training for about six months.
All the strength measuring websites like symmetricstrength say that's a complete beginner level, which I take to mean a normal person who has never touched a weight in their life should be able to do it no problem.
Other lifts are okay for my weight.

I wouldn't want to be sore from anything deadlift-like when I actually do deads.

Now doing the assistance lift second, while sore, I can do. For example I often OHP with sore pecs from bench.

Reposting this from the other thread since it's misspelled and more people might read it here

okay, i'm about to switch to my first bulk ever. I've been obsessed with losing fat for literal years now and refused to ever bulk because I was worried I'd balloon up to my previous record high of 215. I'm starting to see the loosest definition of muscle and according to a caliper test I'm 14% BF, so I feel like it's time to start my leanbulk.


I want abs. I never, ever work abs. What do I need to do besides my basic routine (Phrak's GSLP + alt bicep, tricep, and forearms accessories). What do I need to bulk up my core before my cut so I can get them sweet sweet visible abs?

this is QTDDTOT, not "google shit for me"

I would imagine most people would be getting most of their vitamins from vegetables, wouldn't they? You can still get vitamin D from milk and Omega3 from eggs (unless you're one of those no-egg vegetarians)

If you have a deficiency just get a supplement. I don't see any reason to buy a bunch of shit you potentially might need.

Gonna need more information. Are you counting the bar? Are you bulking? What's your routine? Etc. etc etc

Honestly if you can't squat more than 100lbs with zero training there's something wrong, let alone six months of training. Make sure your diet is right, and then start at a weight where you can do 12 reps. Add 20lbs and go for ten, another 20 and go for eight, and so on until you've added 100lbs and try to get two reps. Once you get through every set without missing reps, add 20lbs to the starting weight to your next workout. If you fail early on a set, first don't be a bitch and actually go to failure, and just go on with the routine and try to get all the reps in the next set.

bad technique

I know I am genetically predisposed to poor metabolism of Vitamin D so I'm gonna stick with that supplement. Vitamin b deficiency is widespread in vegetarians so I think that's a good idea to supplement too, and creatine is cheap enough and lasts long enough that I might as well give it a go. Just wanted to make sure I had all of my bases covered.
The supplements I listed were ones that I found off of google on the topic, just wanted to make sure I had my bases covered.

what % of working set weigh should I use to warm up?

I go 3 reps each of 50%, 75%, and 90%.

Have you changed between high and low bar squats? Opinions on what is better (according to your goals of course so mention them), what do you prefer?


is default notation
sets x reps
reps x sets?

Don't fall for the bulk meme because you ain't seen them abs anytime soon. Eat at maintenance with a lot of protein. You're such a dyel that that would be enough to improve and you might see something different than your blobby belly.

>Don't fall for the bulk meme because you ain't seen them abs anytime soon.
I know. I know I'll have to cut.

>Eat at maintenance with a lot of protein.
I don't want to recomp, that's going to take forever.

sets x reps

Direct sunlight
Less sugar in diet

I'm gaining fat while losing muscle on a bulk, pls help

Look at your body, faggot. How the fuck do you know what's going to take long and what is not? Have you even lifted for a year?

If you want fucking abs why the fuck would you bulk to squat 3 plates and ohp 60 kilos? You will reach these things anyway in time.

Why so hositle? Jesus christ dude.

I've been lifting on-and-off for about 2 years, mostly doing stupid shit. This year I got my shit together and am finally making real progress. Still novice weights, but not DYEL levels.

Squat 205 3x5
Bench 140 3x5
DL 230 1x6
OHP 90 3x5
Chin ups 2x5

>If you want fucking abs why the fuck would you bulk to squat 3 plates and ohp 60 kilos?
I want abs in-addition to all my other muscles. All the fuck I'm asking is what ab exercises I can incorporate

Im 56kg and squat 65kg for reps. Been lifting for 2 months. Idk what my 1rm is. All i can say is i really focus on having a rigid body while doing squats. Versus just doing the motion to get it done with. Mobility was never an issue. Maybe its how you push the weight. But also enough nutrition and rest is key. I got a buddy 20lbs heavier who has been lifting 3 month, and he cant do as much weight or frequency as i can. Yet claims he hits legs hard. He “skips” meals and doesnt sleep enough when his body needs it. As i age, im learning more and more on how to to respect my body.

I am one of those guys who always had abs since age 7. If you get down to 11% youll see them more without doing jack shit.

Another note if you hit obliques hard you will regret the look. Normie girls will like it though.

none, that's my point. You don't need ab exercises at all - you just have to cut fat. And you have to cut more or less the same amount of fat whether you do ab exercises or not. You can do five fucking chin-ups and press what, 70 kilos? You're a dyel.

I'm so hostile because what everybody wants is muscles but what everybody does is some shitty powerlifting routine. And you know why? The fucking neckbeards that promote this shit are the ones on the fucking internet. I'm just projecting, man, because I was in the same situation. Keep squatting and deadlifting, stop worrying about gaining wait and strength and care about the way you look now, not after X-number of bulk and cut cycles. Good luck.

I want to stop cutting and start bulking, how to do it without bouncing?

have you tried eating protein or not eating 4k cal a day

That's what I've been trying to do that last 3 years. Just get down in bodyfat, right? It just...it doesn't really work for me.

Now look, I know CICO works, of course it does, I've lost nearly 60 lbs doing it, it's science. But I have an incredibly difficult time getting below 165, hell even getting there I have to eat strictly clean with 0 overages at all, and even then I tend to bounce around 167-170. The results aren't linear at this point and I'm sick of wasting my time to "just get down".

>You don't need ab exercises at all
you see I hear literally different sides of this all the fucking time, so I don't know who to believe.

>And you have to cut more or less the same amount of fat whether you do ab exercises or not
...I know. Are you not reading my posts? I fucking know I will have to cut.

>I'm so hostile because what everybody wants is muscles but what everybody does is some shitty powerlifting routine.
okay, I wasn't aware GSLP is a powerlifting routine

>stop worrying about gaining wait and strength and care about the way you look now,
I do care about the way I look now, and I hate the fact that I have a dumpy body that won't improve for a 10-month maintenance and I can barely cut anymore.

eat 2 weeks at maintenance.

>Direct sunlight
I wish that existed here
>Entire 10-day forecast is for either snow or overcast

How do you feel at your current weight? If you feel drained or tired consider eating more foods that give you energy. You can get lower and you know that its just that nutrition is the first step. Also you can do bw stuff to help burn calories and maintain some level of joint and muscle strength/health rightnow

should probably consider vitamin D

I feel ya. Try supplementing with a multi that contains D. Its ultra important to get enough D in your life. N-no homo.

I feel fine. I used to eat at an unsustainable diet (1450 a day) at a very active job. Unsurprisingly, I felt like shit during that period. Nowadays I've been eating at 1850 for cutting, 2350 for maintenance, and planning on 2600 for bulking.

>Also you can do bw stuff to help burn calories and maintain some level of joint and muscle strength/health rightnow
I already lift

you're just a bitch, mate, which is ironic as it makes you want abs and makes it impossible to have them

thanks for the great advice

Try getting nutrition in with more frequent meals.

DB Rows cause pain in the intercostals on the back side, around the middle of the back. Only on the right side.

Is it bad form?

How does meal timing help at all with what I'm trying to do?

Googl nutrition throughout the day

>Is it okay to do Above the knee rackpulls
No, that's never OK.

Nutrition timing doesn't matter.

Might be you being asymetrical and fucking your shit up slowly every time you lift heavy.
It only causes pain when you overextend during DB rows, because it's the only movement that causes that movement pattern.

Check your feet, hips and shoulder position during 90+% 1RM squats and deadlifts. If there's even a slight rotation on any level, it fucks you up.

>Don't fall for the bulk meme
your one of those faggots who believe that bulking at all means stuffing your fat fucking face, aren't you

My right hip is way tighter than the left one, that might be related, I suppose.

Fat as fuck dude here, doing cicadas ppl routine, and I've been doing it for about a month now. Everything has improved except dumbbell side lateral raises. Anything extra I should be doing to improve. I feel weak as fuck, 20lbs dumbbells on each side and finishing 3rd set is painful.

you're not going to be gaining muscle on a cut, just focus on your diet and continue exercising.

can cutting give you erectile dysfunction? should I stop I start to get it, I've been cutting for 10 weeks, and I'm not too lean, just have the outline of abs but still look doughy.

Will barbell bench press, incline dumbbell press and cable chest flies be enough for my chest? I'm just now starting to move on from Stronglifts.

Am I missing out on anything by using a trap bar for deadlifts?

It really does.

Prove it.

so i'm doing a PPLPPLx, I wanna replace db shrugs on my push day with something else, what should I do in their place?

I played tennis for 12 years before I started going to the gym so my right arm is much stronger than my left. When training arms should I do exercises that use both my left and right and let it even out over time or just do extra training for my left?

Do keto and eating clean go well together?

IMO start with the weak side, and match the strong side.

ie. if you can do 10 reps on weak side, then do NO MORE than 10 reps on strong side.

Continue until balanced, and then alternate sides as usual.


keto is a meme

Eat 3000 calories before you work out. There's your proof.

That has literally nothing at all to do with any of this conversation thread

Can I get by just doing dumbbell bench/DB incline bench for chest? Barbell benching gives me gnarly elbow pain.

elbow pain sounds like you've got your grip way too narrow. Narrow grip puts more pressure on tris and elbows while a normal grip shouldn't have much of any pressure on your elbow.

It's only in my left arm, I'm 99% sure it's ulnar nerve compression. I'll try adjusting my grip next time I'm at the gym.

Grip for bench should be just outside of your shoulders.

He's doing it for 10 tho.
Also guy
If you have no athletic background, and are only six months in, chances are you don't know how to exert power with your body well. This is especially true if your programming wants you doing high rep ranges as a beginner, one of the gems of low volume strength training for newbies is that they learn how to lift by only exerting the most force they can. Motor unit recruitment is really really low for beginners.

>This is especially true if your programming wants you doing high rep ranges as a beginner, one of the gems of low volume strength training for newbies is that they learn how to lift by only exerting the most force they can. Motor unit recruitment is really really low for beginners.

That is literally the most fucking retarded thing I've ever read.
The major problem actual coaches and people who train athletes, real people, and world champions is the very thing you tout as a good thing.

Switch to a chest supported row for a while, and add in anti rotational core stabilization to your routine. Pallof press IIRC, windshield wipers with pauses. One thing to note is that the erectors have little fingers that attack to all the vertebrae, and often times they radiate pain when strained and people mistake it for intercostal pain. Unless it is really far from the spine, assume it is more primary musculature. It is hard to sprain an intercostal unless you are going a high impact/combat sport

>The major problem actual coaches and people who train athletes, real people, and world champions is the very thing you tout as a good thing.
What? I don't understand this sentence.

I'll clarify my point for you since you seem confused. Many beginner programs have people doing a lot of lifts in either very high rep ranges, or are isolation in nature such that you can do the motion without really putting yourself under great mechanical stress. A curl will not be as stressful as a pullup, and a 10rm squat is not the same stress as a set of 3. I mean by working in low rep ranges, and forcing weight increments each workout is a good way to train people to push really really hard.


Does starting a lifting program necessitate a significant change in diet?
I'm at the upper range of healthy weight at 23 BMI, I don't want to overdo my lifestyle changes and end up going back to my old ways. I'd ultimately like to end up being cut, but for now I just want to build a little muscle without gaining weight. Eating at maintenance will result in a reduction in bodyfat with gradual muscle progression, right?

Deadlifts: 1x5 or 5x5?
In b4 3xsomething and such.

I would imagine if you're able to do 25 deadlifts you're weight is way too light.

thoughts on ben pollack's program?

Does anyone experience hip pain when squating? I started doing ss as a 6' 2'', 147 skelly and got my squat to 110 after a week, but the workout session that I hit this weight my left hip started hurting when going up. Did I fuck myself up or should I just wait it out? How can I prevent anything like this from happening?

Most likely bad form. Rest a few days, lower the weight, work on having good form for a while.

If you think your form is perfect, and the weight isn't a problem, you may simply have one leg longer than the other causing an imbalance, will need to visit a doctor for assesment (or orthopedist if you want it cheaper and faster)

How do I get rid of these? Will they disappear when I lose weight, or do I need to perform specific exercises as well?

bulk or cut? im getting a little chub around the gut
pls respond

Well, the fat will go away if you lose weight, but the skin may end up sagging depending on how fat you are. If you want to look good you should start lifting to develop some pecs.


Knee / leg raises in any of their million variants

Anyone know some good, serious books that elaborate and delve deeper into nutrition? I have a few biology books and I'm slowly going through it, but i was hoping to learn more about how different chemicals (magnesium, copper, etc.) act in our systems and how it all functions.

I don't have specifics, but my recommendation would be to look up nutritionist career classes from big universities and see if you can find the books they read there.

Maintain but eat clean and lose some fat while you’re at it brody

Is there any issue with wearing gloves when lifting?

Not really.

mmn, good idea. I'll have a look and see what i can find. Thanks mate.

only if you consider being a faggot an issue

Some say that the fact that your hands are so sensory rich means that using gloves will deprive your brain of sensory input, which may translate into less optimal movement and/or force output.

Theoretically it could be true, but I don't know of any research that has shown actually shown this to be the case with simply lifting weights. Besides even if it is true, the difference is probably going to be neglible.

Anyway, you'll look like a pussy. So there's that.

If we're talking about nutrition in the context of lifting weights, Eric Helm's Muscle and Strength Pyramid books are hard to beat.

im getting callusses when im deadlifting without gloves so i have to wear them

>im getting callusses
Oh, you are? So is everybody else, you moron.

Just nutrition in general. Ultimately it's for understanding how it effects health and fitness, so I'll look into his books as well then. Thanks mate.

What's the best way to keep track on how much water you've drank?

You don't really need to. Just watch your piss. As long as it's clear, you're well hydrated. If it's yellow you're not. If it's brown you're definitely not.

fucking LOL

Or you could wear gloves instead of being a callused moron

If it's brown you're probably dying, but you can still be decently hydrated

Then I'm dying every Saturday morning.


Do I need to warmup if I'm only lifting the bar