I'm 5'2 350lbs and i could probably beat up vast majority of you (((fit))) faggots just by bull rushing you...

i'm 5'2 350lbs and i could probably beat up vast majority of you (((fit))) faggots just by bull rushing you, take you down and choke you until you pass out
hell i could even probably beat connor mcgregor too

how does this make you feel?

*bjj's you"

The guy in your pic is 6’1, so idk what you’re saying

If I find some stairs, will your mobility scooter be able to reach me?

Or do you have one of those grabbers to pull me down to your level.

you'd probably just get a palm to the nose and sidestep tripped

>like a bull
Just because you weigh as much as a bull and probably eat as much as a bull doesn't mean you're as strong and as fast as a bull.

>implying I'd fight you

I could just be on friendly terms with you and watch you die in a couple years due to complications from diabetes and heart disease because I secretly encourages your diet.

if a soccer player chopped at your ankles, could you stand up afterwards?

Ok, I'll bait to a clear bullshit thread:

I actually train Muay Thai, so no, you wouldn't be able to. A single low kick will TKO you, and this is not being a keyboard warrior, it's knowing the effects through experience of blunt sudden trauma by receiving a kick from a fighter

The trauma will destroy muscle fibers, internal hemorrhage begins and leg stops responding, no walking allowed, this means you are open to any other attack. By being a 5"2 350 lbs, your legs are already strained for the weight and any other sudden change by an impact and the destruction of muscle fibers will definitely make you collapse. Fat does give some layer of padding but it's meaningless when the kicker actually spends his/her time kicking a heavy bag regularly.

Ofc, after a while the trauma stops and you are able to walk again with a lot of pain but this happens several minutes later. After days pass a numerous color changes happen in the skin, red, purple, green, yellow, and also increases size and discomfort continues up until a month when it heals. Obviously a diabetic fatass will have a harder time healing.

The other choice is to simply wait until you try to body slam and since i'm fitter I can simple move to a side (and making you trip with my foot if I'm an asshole) which will result in you falling down because the momentum will be superior to your athletic performance so you won't be able to stop.

Pic related, it's what happens when there's a sudden change in the center of gravity in a fatass.

Besides any submission technique from a fatass requires said fatass to quickly move to get into position, and ofc that shit only happens in anime, by simply trying to body slam the spent energy will have the fatass gasping for air immediately and his muscles will be starving for ATP at once, not responding because of exhaustion.

But don't worry, no actual fighter would hit a manlet fatass because it would be unnecessary and no actual manlet fatass would start fight IRL

>how does this make you feel?
Makes me feel as if you are a typical dumbass American.

>being fan of Kaka


Is this a pasta?

I need to get rid off that fat, help me out with some work outs please...

>bull rushing you

ole faggot


can you imagine how satisfying a roundhouse to the quads would be on a fatty
would drop to the ground faster than building 7

omg kid read the fucking sticky

>5'2 350lbs
lmao yeah sure fatty

Didnt you make a fucking thread already fuck off read the sticky and this goes to all newfags here LURK FOR AT LEAST A MONTH BEFORE POSTING

6'3 @ 200lb with 3rd dan
I'd like to see you try, faggot

>bull rush
>implying you wouldnt be gassed before even reaching me

what do you even do if I just run away until you are out of breath ? not like you could ever catch me. I could literally kite you for days spitting at you until you break down in agony.

> 350lb
Kel, I think I could walk away calmly, pull out my pistol and shoot your kneecaps before you ever got close to me. Bullet beats fat every day of the week.
